Epilogue (taster)

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Deyne was an indulged child, some might say. Others said spoilt. Her mother pleaded her to be stubborn, her father would simply avoid the topic. Deyne pursued whatever she wanted, her parents let her; as long as it was within reason, but that would depend on your opinion. She spent money as she pleased, with no regard for finances or anything of the sort. She got whatever she wanted, from anyone she wanted. A flutter of her long, beautiful lashes, and it was hers. Deyne had many friends, but few whom she actually trusted. The rest she perceived as political counterpieces for her to play with in order to get what she wanted. Then there was Trint.

He was her closest friend, ever since they were just little toddlers running around the summer manner - with fine disregard for decency or how they were seen, i might add. They were just children, who could blame them?

Her caretakers did. For he was a mere servant, and she was of a much higher status. It was improper for them to be playing together, doing as they pleased. Instead, they were separated ; no longer able to see each other anymore. Except that they did. Each night, Trint would climb down outside of her window and throw dirt at the glass until she shouted down in annoyance, exclaiming that she had been asleep and he had woken her. But secretly she enjoyed those nights.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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