𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘴

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as the hero internships came to a close, rin was allowed back into the safe haven he called his bedroom, where he spent a full night catching up on everything he had missed on his favorite video games.

eventually, he became bored, and turned to learning new hobbies. in particular, he had been fond of games that required thinking, chess a specific favorite.

but now, perhaps, he found poker rather fun.

so, here he was, sitting in the classroom of 1-a, ten minutes before class started, asking aizawa to play him, a tired takami keigo observing in the corner.

"rin, didn't you literally start learning this yesterday? is it really a good idea to be betting money?" hawks sighed, stealing a cigarette from rin's pack.

"don't smoke in the classroom, hawks." aizawa reprimanded, eyes flitting between the cards in his hand and rin's face. "you're just as bad as rin. plus, it's fine. i'll never object to free money."

"heh. free money." rin giggled, kicking himself at the stupid irony of aizawa's words. "don't worry, keigo. i'm just too genius for aizawa."

the two snorted, as hawks watched them with half-lidded eyes, seeing how they were actually rather similar.

"any updates on touya?"

"don't say that name here." rin and aizawa hissed at the same time, tearing their eyes away from the cards to glare at hawks. "call him dabi."

aizawa had been informed on the whole todoroki family situation, and hawks had filled him in on their run-in with touya. after hearing such, aizawa proceeded to yell at rin for over an hour, speaking about how he was an idiot and needed to be more careful.

"but to answer your question, no." rin sighed, before putting more chips in the center pile, and saying, "raise."

aizawa looked at him, suspicious, unsure of how to act. he failed to get a reaction out of rin, who merely smirked lazily.

"don't worry, keigo. the cards are all laid out." rin giggled again, finding his joke highly amusing.

the door slid open as the bell rang, students beginning to file in one by one.

"nakaya! feet off the table!" iida yelled, rushing into the classroom, and pointing at rin's feet, which were on the teacher's desk that him and aizawa were playing on. "and aizawa-sensei! you're a teacher, you should not encourage gambling on u.a. grounds!"

"god, this kid's got a stick up his ass." keigo's smooth tone floated through the air. this caused many heads to swivel his way, before he pulled the cigarette out of his mouth. "ah. i don't go here."

"IS THAT- IS THAT HAWKS??" the class screamed, eyes looking back and forth between hawks and the two males at the front of the classroom.

"get out, hawks. school's starting." aizawa droned, as rin waved his hand towards the window, shooing the bird man out.

"god, you guys are so mean!" the hero whined, handing rin the remnants of his cigarette. "whatever. i'll text you later, rin."

"mm." rin hummed, as he raised even more money. he paid no mind to hawks, or the people gawking at him, as he left the room via window, red wings spreading wide and flying away.

bakugo stomped over to rin, peering over his shoulder to look at his cards. "nice."

"fold." aizawa immediately said, no longer wanting to play, with confirmation from bakugo that rin's deck was definitely good.

"hah!" rin cheered victoriously, flicking his cards down, and collecting the pile of chips he had won.

"what-" aizawa gaped at the table. "rin, these are awful! you only had an ace, what were you thinking? and bakugo- that's not even good?!"

"mind manipulation, eraser." the two said simultaneously, as rin grinned at the ash blond, offering a fist bump, causing the latter to click his tongue and slam his fist against rin's.

"i hate you. i'm unplugging the wifi when i get home."



"who do you think is going to win?" jirou questioned, looking at the big monitors. on the ground, rin was stretching, back popping as he leaned backwards, cracking all of his joints.

"it's gotta be iida, right?" kaminari nodded aggressively. "i mean, dude is literally all about speed!"

"no." todoroki and bakugo said. "it'll be rin." the two looked at each other, before aggressively facing the other way.

"okay..." jirou said, twirling an earphone around her finger. "duly noted."


"yo, mido-kun!" rin greeted the greenette with enthusiasm. "good luck! use those new moves you've been working on!"

"h-how do you know about my moves?" the freckled boy asked, confused. before rin could attempt to answer, the horn blew, and everyone rocketed forwards.

"man... everyone's so fast." rin sighed, reaching into his utility belt, and plopping down onto the floor. "too tiring..."

"HUH?!" bakugo screamed, jabbing his finger at the monitor. "WHATS HE DOING?!"

"should've seen this coming, bakubro." kirishima sighed, clapping his hand onto the blonde's shoulder. "that's just what rin is."

"no." todoroki said, pointing at rin's tiny dot on the screen. "he's lighting a cigarette."

"should i fly?" rin questioned, watching wisps rise from the rolled herbs. "or maybe... ooh! i do kind of have to work on that!"

focusing, rin imagined his body slowly disappearing and re-materializing into a different spot. deciding to send his mouth first, he began to materialize next to all might.

"don't freak out, man."

"AHHHH!" all might shrieked, blood spurting out of his mouth.

"that's exactly what i told you not to do." rin groaned, almost fully materialized. however, blood and spit had landed on where his right arm should be, causing it to form with holes where the humidity was. "look what you've done now."

"YOU'VE LOST AN ARM, YOUNG NAKAYA!" all might shouted in alarm, reaching out to try to fix the issue.

"don't touch me, hero scum." rin spat, stepping back. "it'll form in a little. give me the damn sash."

"ah..." all might sweatdropped. "yes, of course. listen, nakaya-"

"oh, man!" sero said, landing on the ground in front of them. "nakaya got here first! whoa, man, what happened to your arm?"

"all might thought i was a villain, and spat on me." rin explained, feigning hurt.

"whoa." sero said, crossing his arms as rin walked next to him. "totally not cool, sensei."

"no, i didn't-"

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