A Monster

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A very small figure in a cloak, walks through a road to get to UA, he is walking fast to get out of the rain, but he stops to a halt, becuase he hears faint crying in a dark alley to the left of him, he goes to the end of the alley where he finds the source of the noise a very big cardboard box, inside of it a normal what looked like a normal child althought a little on the bigger side, but the darknes of the alley was deceiving him, he carried the bos with the infant inside up to the nearest source of light, and that is where he saw why was he different, he had horns on a normal looking face with a green tuft of hair, and green eyes, with freckeles on a diamond shaped pattern, but after his waist he looked very strange he had very hairy leg that looked like the ones a calf would have, along with big hooves, he also found a note in a box, that said.

"If you find this child try to get it away from you as fast as you can, he is a MONSTER safe yourselve, this freak, will bring nothing but strife and hatred to your life".

-signed: The person that was cursed to have him.

#######: What kind of cruel and twisted person would say this of his own child, come little one (funny since he is almost half the size the small "man"), lets get you to a safe place, I hope she can help me with a favour. (Starts calling a number in his phone titled: Sea Lady.

Sea Lady/Mrs Shoji: Oh hello Nezu, what happened, that you called me so late in the night?

Nezu: Can I come to your house, I have a small issue?

Sea Lady/Mrs Shoji: No problem Nezu, come here the doors opened.

(After some time the now named Nezu, arrives to a home pulling the box in a little cart he found in the alley.)


Sea Lady/Mrs Shoji: It is open, come in Nezu.

Nezu: You forgot something right?

Sea Lady/Mrs Shoji: Oh yeah I forgot, you size. (She said sheepishly, while se opened the door, revealing a slightly pregnant lady, with white hair, and 8 arms, that have suction cups underneath).

Sea Lady/Mrs Shoji: Nezu why is there a child in the box come here inside quickly don't let the kid get colder than he already is !!!!(She said very quickly, while she carried the box, and ushered Nezu inside, while he was taking his cloak off.)

Mr. Shoji: Love who is that? (Said a very tall man, with salt & pepper hair, coming quickly to see his wife and visitor.) Ohh Nezu, why do we have the honor to have you here, if you permit me?

Nezu: First, thank you both for receiving me in such short notice, but the reason why I am here, the child that was in the box. (Which at the moment was being carried my Miss Shoji, in a fluffy blanket while he was sleeping.)

Nezu: I found this infant in box in an alley, while I was walking to UA, to finish grading some paper, and you two were my first two options, This may sound very egotistical, but I would like that you both would adopt this child, since when I found him, I also find a very disgusting note of his mother, and this little child deserves happiness and love.

Mrs Shoji: Nezu, sorry for this answer we would love to receive this infant, but we need to deny since, we are going to have a child and we can't support both economically.

Nezu: If money is the problem, I can give you a quantity of money that affords the little one, that isn't an issue for me.

Mr. & Mrs Shoji: Then if you can help us a little with that, we can't deny further, we will give the love this little one deserves.

Nezu: (Bowing to them.) Thank you both Mr & and Mrs Shoji, I owe you both a favor.

Mrs Shoji: There is no need Nezu, nothing I won't do for the person that turned me into the hero I am now.

Nezu: Thank you both again, have a very good night, Shoji family.

Mr & Mrs Shoji: Welcome to this family of weirdos, little one.

The Horned Hero: Asterius (Under Rework/Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now