Little Brother.

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We see inside a small cozy house, in a living room with a couch, a TV, and a lot of books, inside said house we can see a woman with 4 pairs of arms, and long white hair, with a noticeable baby bump, this is the superheroine Sea Lady, or Akira Shoji, and her husband a very capable and gentle doctor name Toshio Shoji, along with a kinda big bundle of baby blankets that have been appeared to be sewn together in a hasty manner.

Akira: Hey Love, we need to buy clothes for the baby, he is a very big boy, I know a store where they sell clothes for people with mutation type quirks, that is where my mom use to buy clothes for me, we can go there now.

Toshio: Yes Honey, let me take my wallet, and we will go. (He says as he goes up the stairs, and enter his and his wifes room.)

(Akira suddenly feels a notable thumping pain in her stomach.)

Akira: Love, hurry up come down here.

Toshio: What happened Honey! (He comes rushing down to the living room.)

Akira: I think the baby is about to be born.

Toshio: Oh god, let me prepare the baby bag, and Izuku and we will go to the hospital.

Akiro: Honey, please hurry up.

-Timeskip- After 3 long hour of labor, and crushing the hand of her husband during labor, Akira gave birth, to a small boy a tuft of grayish white hair, and six pudgy arms.

Akira: Honey, how we will call him?

Toshio: How about Mezo.

Akira: That is a very beatiful name.

Toshio: Now you two, just have to wait 2 days and, you can come home with Izuku and me, we will stay with you until the visit time ends, and we will return tomorrow to be with you two.

-Timeskip- After 2 days, Akira, was released from the hospital with their new baby.

We follow to a new scene in which we can see two babies in a very large cradle, they both look quite strange, one has a normal human body up to their waist, where it ends into a pair of brown bull legs with hoofs, and the other one looks like a normal baby, if they didn't had 3 pairs of arms, that appear to shift arounds into other appendages without much success.

Akira: We need to buy more clothes for our boys, since their Grandmas, and Grandpas are coming to the dinner today.

Toshio: Yes, I forgot our parents, are coming for dinner, since we told them about Mezo, but we forgot to tell them about Izuku, so they will be very surprised and happy, well let me open the dual stroller, and lets go to the baby clothes shop.

We can see the happy family, in a clothes shop, that is specially done for people that have mutant type quirks, they go to the tailor, that is a friend of the mom of Akira, and somehow a sort of grandma for Akira, an old kind lady, with a quirk that makes her have spider features, smiles to the happy family, and starts to chat with them.

Granny Kumo (Tailor): Hello little Aki, how have you and your husband been?

Akira: Very well, Granma, very well and you?

Granny Kumo: Equally very good, the business has been booming since there are rumors that the hero Sea Lady, was a previous client of this shop. (She says in a joking manner.)

Akira: Grandma!!!!!

Granny Kumo: Don't worry sweety they are "just rumors". (She says making quotation marks with her fingers.)

Granny Kumo: Akira, Toshio, who are these little bundles of joy? (She says signaling to the 2 "small" kids in the stroller.)

Toshio: They are our kids, Izuku (He says while signaling their green haired kid.), and Mezo, (Signalling the gray haired kid.).

Granny Kumo: How lovely, but a small question why is he so different to both of you?

Akira: Granny!!

Granny Kumo: Calm down Aki, I didn't meant it that way, I am just asking, why is he so different to the both of you.

Toshio: Well Miss Kumo, he was adopted a few days prior that Mezo was born.

Granny Kumo: You were on the way of having a kid and you adopted another one? (She says doubtedly).

Akira: Well he was brought by a small furry friend you might remember.

Granny Kumo: Are you meaning that small rat, Nezu, how has he been?

Akira: Still scared of you, since you threatened to eat him, when I was a student, if he treated me wrong.

Granny Kumo: Tell that old coward that it was a joke I never touched a hair of him. (She says laughing off the matter.)

Akira: Yes, I will tell him that. <IN HER MIND: No I won't he is still terrified of her.>

Akira: Well Granny, sorry to interrupt you, but could you make some fancy coltes for our boys, for a dinner we have with our parent, today in the evening.

Granny Kumo: Of course I can do it, everything for one of my grandaughters, and her happy family, let me take their measurements, and you will receive them maximum at six. (She says as she uses her multiple arms to take measurement of both babies.)

Akira: Thanks Granny, we will leave to it, really thanks a lot.

Granny Kumo: Don't worry, I will do everything for my Grandaughters family, and my new Great-Grandsons.

-Timeskip- At 7 pm, a door rings at the Shoji residence, and when the door is opened by Toshio, we can see 2 older couples one that is composed of a woman with very long arms, and a male with four arms, and a couple of normal looking people that look like they work in a hospital since they are still wearing their medical labcoats, and uniform.

Toshio: Mom, Dad, how have you been? (He says hugging the couple in medical garnments.)

Akira: Papa, Mama, was your trip ok? (She says hugging the other couple.)

Akira & Toshio: We have a very big surprise for you all.

Toshio's mom: Is that we have a new Grandson, we already knew that sillies.

Akira & Toshio: That is not the surprise, the real one is that you have two. (She says raising two fingers in one of her right hands.)

Couples: WHAAAAT!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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