Chapter One

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Ink was monitoring the AUs in his Doodle Sphere, when, of course, Nightmare and his gang got up to no good, terrorizing AUs. Ink teleported to the AU, where Dream and Blue were waiting.

"Took ya long enough-" Dream spat, rolling his eyelights, "Now, let's end this, Nightmare."

The goopy skeleton cackled, "Oh Dream..~" He shook his head, smiling to himself, "So naive..You really think you can beat us?"

Tentacles shot for the seemingly "positive" skeleton, who dodged them and shot a few arrows in return.

Dust aimed his bones at Blue, his eye glowing, while Killer lunged at Blue, just barely missing.

Blue readied his own bones and shot them down on both Dust and Killer, who maneuvered around the bones, going in with close combat attacks.

Meanwhile, Ink shot paint at Error's strings, knocking them away from him. He shot more paint and hit Error.

Error began to glitch out, and shot more strings at Ink, who wasn't able to move in time, and caught him.

He laughed, "N0t sO co0l noW, Ar3 y4 Squ1d?"

Ink glared at Error, struggling and restraining against the strings, but alas, it was no use.

Nightmare squeezed Dream with his tentacles.

"B-Brother. S-Set me down." Dream squirmed around, trying to free himself from Nightmare's grip.

"Come on, Dream~ Just give up already. Surrender and I'll set your friends free."

Dream shook his head, "N-No." He growled firmly, spitting blood, which was also running from his mouth, "W-We WILL beat you...You....YOU FUCKING BASTARD-"

"Bad decision, Dream..~" (If you get this reference I will love you forever) Nightmare grinned creepily and threw Dream into a patch of grass.

"Dream!" Blue tried to get up, but Dust pushed him back down with his foot.

"Let him go, Dust." Nightmare looked over, "We got one."

He pointed in Error's direction, who had a portal open, Horror, who was carrying a knocked out, limbs-bound, Ink, about to walk through.

Dust kicked Blue in the side and walked toward the others, Killer following behind him.

Blue tried to get up again, and managed this time, to stand up. He ran over to Dream, who lay on his back, not moving.

"D-Dream..!" He panted, out of breath.

Dream, looked up to the sky, dazed. "B-Blue..? W-Where's Ink..?"


Dream sat up, confused, and saw Horror walking in the portal, carrying Ink, following Killer and Dust.

"INK!" He rubbed the back of his skull, hissing.

"W-We'll save him, Dream. W-We have to make sure you're not hurt!"

"But Ink-"

By this time, Error and Nightmare were gone, and the portal had disappeared.

"A- Fine...L-Let's get back to the base, Blue.."

Other than a few scratches, and a couple cracks, maybe one or two fractures, Dream was fine. And so was Blue.

"We need to find a way to save Ink, Blue."

"Yeah! We can't fight them without him, and he must be hurt! He's probably so miserable! We have to save him!"

"But how..."

While the two were brainstorming, Ink was just waking up.

He woke up, locked in a cold, damp and dismal cell, it took him a minute to process where he was, or even, what was happening.

"S-So c-cold.." He shivered, huddling into fetal position.

"Ah, I see you're awake." Nightmare smiled, he got up from a chair in the corner of the room surrounding the cell, and walked over to Ink's cell and the only cell in the room.

Standing in front of it, he looked in to see a trembling Ink, scared and cold.

"L-Let me out.."


Nightmare sighed, "I'll make an offer. You accept it, and I'll let you go. The longer you resist, the longer you'll stay here. At least, unless or until I get bored with you..."

" it."

"I want you to _________________."

706 words

Whew, finally. After forever, this first part's finally up! I'm pretty proud of myself. I hope you enjoy it more than that other cringe book lol, have a good day/afternoon/night, and be sure to eat, and drink water. Because I carez about you. <33 I also updated this during school, lol.

Also, p.s.
The "second" chapter is a joke between my friend and I we thought was funny. It got very, oddly, sexual, but funny. Just sexual references though. If you don't like that stuff, skip the nect chapter to the: Chapter Two(Real) chapter. :)

~Licooooooooo :3

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