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Both Octane and bloodhound are in my squad. Took like a whole 10 minutes to clear out the fragment landers, such a pain in the ass that was. We were near the verry hot drop building, the one that looks like it's under construction.

" Oye hound!" Octane spoke. Hound turns in his direction. " Can you go around to check the perimeter? "

" Okay. " Hound responds with determination.

Hound goes out to check, something felt off though. Asking for our teammate to separate from us is such a terrible idea.

Suddenly Octane turns around to face me, slowly he approaches me as he puts his R-99 away. I knew what was up in his mind including, his pants. " Lista nena?" He takes a hold of my waist; he lifts me up.

I wrap my legs around him, accidentally rubbing against it as I adjusted myself properly.

He'd carried me all the way inside the construction building. As soon as we enter, he takes me to a corner, he slams me against the wall.

" Your horny ass can't wait till it's over huh?" I speak.

" Of course not, not with you walking around with that body of yours that i love. " He takes his mask off along with his goggles, he begins to nibble on me at the neck.

I enjoy the little turn on he's giving, little tickles and licking I receive. Once he stopped, he looked at me in the eyes, he was really horny to the point it's really noticeable within them.

He leans in towards my mouth, but I stop him. "Woah! Chill down junkie. . . What if we get caught?"

" Heh, well they'll be the pervs if they watch." He goes in and starts kissing me. I join the tension of lust that's traveling from him to me.

I suddenly stop the kiss, " did you bring condoms?" I ask.

" Shit. . . Forgot them. "

I roll my eyes. " Well I guess I shall please your dick some other way now."

He grabs my chin; lifts my face up to look at him. Smoothly he touches my lips with his finger. " I need to see what this mouth of yours can do."

I open my mouth; I sexually lick the finger he'd rubbed my lips with to try and taunt him. Suddenly he grabs my tongue with his fingers. he chuckles, " This tongue of yours better make me cum." He takes his fingers off my tongue and kisses me with his. He separates our tongues pleasure, " Then it will be my turn~" he rubs his fingers where my pussy is located. I twitched to the feeling.

" F-fine." I studder.

He chuckles " Good girl~."

He puts me down. Submissively I get down on my knees, I sigh, making him cum is the hardest, especially with my mouth.

I look up at him. " You better finish quick before hound comes looking for us. "

" Don't worry, they won't see a thing."

I look at his pants, there was a boner within em, I saw the bulge it's creating within his shorts.

My mouth starts to water as I lower his shorts revealing his hot tension dick. It was straight up in a boner.

I touch it, it was soft and squishy, yet hard. I play with it, feeling what I'm about to put in my mouth. Nervously I open my mouth, trying to savor the view of his dick withought sucking on it yet.

I go in, I put my tongue on the tip, I swirl it around in circular motion. Slowly I start to lick the sides, it didn't taste like anything at all, probably did but with all the heat my body was creating I couldn't really taste it.

I then proceed to level it up a bit. I put the tip inside my mouth, I suck on it as my tongue plays and twirls in his ejaculation hole.

Slowly and calmly, i enter his dick inside my mouth deeper, i looked up at him, he was enjoying it.

He was covering his mouth with one hand while the other was on my head. I smile at the sight of his pleasurable face.

I start pacing up, i start to suck and thrust his dick inside my mouth, faster and faster as i move my tongue around. I stop sucking, I look at him and smirk at him. I lift up my shirt, revealing my tits to him.

I grab his dick and adjust it near my tits, rubbing action I give with them on his dick. Massaging him on his dick, giving him a boob job. He quietly moans, I giggle to the sound.

While rubbing my tits on his dick i decided to give him some mouth action. But before i could do so we heard footsteps nearby.

Without a second thought we moved quickly. He stared to put his short back up along with putting his mask and goggles on. While i put adjusted my shirt back on properly.

We heard an enemy team come to our building. I took out my CAR ready to attack. I tried to peek out of our little corner, i saw 2 enemies, no third.

They took the Zipline up unaware of us being there, i slowly approached the Zipline. Suddenly a hand was placed on my mouth. It was Octavio.

" A donde crees que vas?" He asks. " You're not finished yet. "

" There are enemies nearby!!" I mumble under his hand.

" Shh. Or they'll find us. " He shushes me, I do as told.

Something was about to happen, but the sound of a revive ship came from above. " Mierda " he causes. He takes out his R-99. " You just got lucky beautiful. We'll finish this later." He smiles.

I turn red. "Y-yeah sure whatever. " I nudge him


Just a little writing for the book. Hope you enjoyed. This book is severely restricted for readers above the age of 18. If you are 16 sure whatever. This book will be all over the place with the love of Octavio Silva thank you very much.

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