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The day was all normal when you suddenly got a notification on your phone.

" Hey, so I ordered these things online and I wanna test em out. Come by my house at 10 pm." It was Octavio messaging you, or more direct, ordering you. " Ah! and make sure to bring no bra nor panties to make things better. ;) "

You stared at the text, looking at it. You knew what he wanted but didn't know what he wanted exactly. You are his sex partner after all, so you agreed to the meet.

You panted your breath with the delight of seeing his dick again, unfortunately you haven't had his sweet dick in your mouth for some time now, since the Apex legends center refused to let the both of you to be in the same team, since the both of you combined are overpowered or some crap. And after the game you two had some Legend work info to fill out after the game, it takes forever to finish.

While the image of his dick still being in your mind you head yourself over to the shower to get ready for sexy time. Your pussy was wet by the memories of him putting his fingers inside it, you gladly memorize that one time where he shoved a stim up there as he used it like a dildo while he messed around with your clit.

You rapidly shake the thoughts off as you take your clothes off to hop in the shower. You finished up and did more responsible things for preparation. You checked if you've had your birth control this morning and you did. He prefers raw and so do you, better experience yet still a risk on getting a child within the belly.

Waiting for the time to arrive you wasted the time by sleeping. You set your alarm and went straight to sleep; you felt your sleep feel short when you suddenly heard banging at the front door. You got up, wondering who was disturbing your sleep. You opened the door, the door quickly got pried open before you could fully open it.

You felt yourself get picked quickly and the door shut close. You were in alert on what happened, you tried getting off whoever just picked you up, but they wouldn't let you down. Suddenly another door got busted open and you where forcedly thrown on the bed.

You bounced in motion and looked at whoever just had thrown you, it was him.

"Right, so someone was late to our little meeting." he starts taking his shirt off then starts to undress you from the bottom. Well, I guess these handcuffs will be good for a little making me wait punishment don't you think hermosa?

You steamed up to the thought of being not only being punished but to also cuffed during the process. He grabs both of your hands with one hand and pins down onto the bed. " Heh, my dick is throbbing from excitement.

You look down from your position. You see a huge bulge of a boner within his shorts. You gulp at the taste of it. While you were thinking about his dick, you felt something cold wrap around one of your wrists, then get dragged to the tip of the bed and wrap around your other wrist.

He let out a chuckle before letting go of your hands. You tried to hold his face but couldn't be due to the fact that you were hand cuffed to the bed. You were shocked, scared, yet excited." fuck" he mumbles under his breath." I can't keep this no longer in my pants." He takes his dick out, He lifts one of your legs up, revealing your panties, " Didn't I say you can't wear panties? Hmm, I can see you've wet them already. " He chuckles. " You really want this dick inside huh?" he lowers himself near your pussy, He licks the outer cloth of your panties, teasing you.

You arch your back and squeak to such action. A feeling of breathing was felt near your thighs, you feel a small bite be put in your outer thigh. Once the bite was made, he licks you along with a kiss at the end. " I need to taste you, tu sabor me hace mas y mas caliente." He gets a hold of your panties with his mouth, slowly and teasingly he takes it off with his mouth as his finger fidgets with the outside of your pussy.

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