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His name repeated itself in my mind. Heat pooled in my stomach at the mere thought of the daredevil. The way he fights, the way he talks, him. It makes my breath speed up in anticipation for something that will never happen, despite all my fantasies.

I don't think he realizes what he does to me. God it's unbearable.

"Hey [Y/n,] you good there?"

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"Hey 'Tavio. Yeah, I'm fine. Just gonna head home and rest for a bit, that fine with ya?"

"Go ahead." He waved his hand as he ran out. "Catch ya later!"

The next couple of minutes were a blur. I barely registered the door shutting behind me, or the trip to my bedroom.


His name flowed from my lips like molasses.I rubbed my hands up and down my sides, wishing they were his hands instead.


First the shirt. Then the pants. I could feel myself getting wetter as the heat became worse, traveling just a little further downwards. Everything had to go.


How long has it been since I last touched myself? Clearly far too long with the amount of pleasure that hits me when I make contact with my soaked cunt. A small whimper escaped me.

"Please Octavio~"

I let my mind run wild. Imagining his hand replacing mine, his body hovering over me, his breath on my lips. The way he would look at me, touch me, wreck me. A louder moan escaped my lips. My hand speeding up in circling my clit.

"Fuck please~" Slowly, my mind went blank, my body almost going numb. Time had no meaning to me. Sounds didn't register. Though if they did, maybe I would have spared myself the humiliation of being caught by the exact person that made me do this.


Touch me, take me, make me yours~


"Y/n?" His voice echoed in my mind. The sound fulfilled my imagination , bringing me back to my state of positioning.

My eyes flew open. I almost stopped and sat up, if it wasn't for the feeling of fingers joining mine and another hand pushing me down. I gazed up into his goggled eyes.

"Now why didn't you tell me you wanted me this badly~" Octane. Octavio. Above me. Is it just another fantasy? The hand massaging my breasts says otherwise.


"Oh no hermosa," He said with amusement in his voice. "What was that you called me before, hm?" I mustered up a faint smirk.

"Master~" I made my voice as sweet and innocent as possible, considering the situation. He growled slowly.

"You might want to watch your pretty little tongue there before I bite it off."

"To do that-" I let out a high pitched moan. "To do that you would h-have to take off that mask of yours." The challenge was obvious, but I didn't expect him to actually do it.

Awe made its way onto my face, and everything seemed to stop when I caught sight of his perfect jawline. Shadows fell perfectly over his face. He is perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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