The Arrival of Darkness & The Friend

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A typical day in the land. The new arrivals, a man named Captain Sparklez and a lass named Sonja, or Firefoxx. I grew fond of Firefoxx. She seemed a nice girl. I watched the friends, as they were, and I was building a pleasant home. Built in the mountains, in a hobbit hole, of course. Sorta like Tom. Then, I heard a voice. It seemed calm and quiet. It was eerie, and haunting. It sent a message.

"You think your gods can keep you safe at night. You think your gods can keep you safe from the Darkness. Not even Dianite, has control over such a thing. Your Lord Mianite gave you light; he gave you land. He even calls the creatures that roam, his own. But there is something, deep down, that is his reckoning. It is a being. It is a force. It is the destruction of old. Not even Mianite can withstand it. Do you wonder, why your gods are so scarce? Do you wonder, why there are so few? It is because I, caught up to them.. I am the Shadows. The Void is my domain. Where nothing can escape me. I am the reaper of souls. I am the bringer of death. Heed my warning. In due time, I will call upon one of you. I will offer my dark blessing. I can give you power, fortune, and so much more. I can make you into what those gods could never be. PAY. I am the Darkness that consumes."
{No copyright, I got this from the stream legit}
I whined, and ran out of the house, towards Dec's place. I cried to him, "Deeeccc?!" He peered out over his railing. "Yeah?" He asked, smiling kindly. I told him of the message. He froze, and replied it was what the others received as well. I shuddered, and started, but Tom's cry beat me to it. "Priest! What was that message!? The Shadows!? Who the hell found this message!?!?!" Declan gulped, looking quite pale. I looked at my own shadow. I was afraid it would turn into Death, and kill me off. I shuddered again. Dec had me sit down, and gave me a bottle of water. I could tell the others were spooked. It definitely scary. Dec then announced, "I have some grave news. It's true." I heard Tucker reply, "What is that? And what is true?" Then Tom piped up, "Mianite is a woman? Hahaha!" I chuckled, then cleared my throat, as Dec glared at me. He continued. "I heard stories from the Great Priests of Mianite about 'The Shadows'." I did, as well. Something my parents used to tell me as a scary story, not to fall into the void, the whole nine yards. "I fear for the worst my fellow Mianitee's..." Tucker piped in, "Well, thats not good." "The Shadow is real." Dec finished. He then walked off. I gulped. I thought they were stories? Tales! Something to keep you on your feet!

I returned to my home, and continued to build the enchanting room. I was on edge. I then realized I wasn't the only one in the room. I heard the whistle of an arrow whiz past my ear. I gasped, and turned to the dark corner. I should've made torches when I had the chance. Another arrow, and I was pinned to the wall, by my leather armor. I grunted, as another one pinned my cloak to the wall. The arrow merely grazed my arm, leaving a gash. I grunted and pulled at the arrows, but another one, a warning shot, landed inches from my nose. I turned, to see a figure walking about in the dark. I tried to see who it was. It definitely wasn't a skeleton. The figure emerged, a sword drawn. Dressed in all black, wearing a white mask, with a red slash across the bridge, started walking towards me. I glared, my eyes slightly glowing. How dare he intrude, and threaten me in my own home. It was the Purger from Tom and Tucker's little competition. Dec told me before I left to beware of him. That he was a messenger from far yonder, who is merely exploring for a mysterious force. I growled, "Dec told me about you. He said you were a messenger from far yonder. You were the lad who was in the Purge." He instantly pressed the sword against my throat. The metal felt warm, and was very sharp. It was an enchanted one. Fire Aspect and Sharpness, most definitely. "Oh, did he now?" He simply replied. I gulped, the warm metal warming my throat. I asked, my voice finding it difficult to speak, "What do you want from me? Who do you work for?" The guy chuckled. He pressed the sword a little deeper into my throat. "Its nothing, really. Just a little Enderchild wounded, is what he needs. And of me? I work for the darkness. He knows you exist, little one." I could feel the sword heat up rapidly as it pressed deeper into my throat, when I heard a few thwacks, and the Purger went limp. He fell, disappearing in a cloud of smoke. I gasped for air, and heard a voice say, "Hello? Is anyone here?"

I looked up, and saw Sparklez. Decked out in Diamond armor and holding an enchanted bow, he stepped forward, and I tried to back away. Sparklez, as gentle as he is, held out his hand. "Its okay, I'm here to help you. Are you hurt?" I gulped, my throat heavily bruised. I could feel the blood trickle from my gash and onto the floor. Sparklez noticed this, as well. "Its alright. Let me get you free, and help you heal up. Is that okay?" I gulped, and nodded. I knew he was a kind man, and was loyal to my goddess, who I haven't heard from in centuries. Enderpeople don't age as much as regular humans. Sparklez smiled, and gently pulled out the one near my face. Then snapped the one on my cloak off, and moved to the arrow that held my shoulder taught. I whimpered, and he frowned. "Oh, your wounded. Can you remove your armor?" I grabbed my sword, and gently cut along the sides, which let me go. I fell to the wooden floor, and breathed heavily. Now exposed to the air, my wound started to hurt worse. That must've had a Fire aspect, as well. I cried out, and Sparklez comforted me. He gently picked me up, and carried me down to the local river. He set me down, and filled bottles with water, gently pouring it over my wound. Even though my hood was up, and I was keeping myself calm for the ally, my eyes glowed from the harm that happened. I looked down, and cringed. A breeze picked up, and blew off my hood. I gulped, and Sparklez noticed the pink glow coming from my pink eyes. "Woah. Thats gnarbuckle. How do you do that?" He complimented. I blushed, and responded, carefully concealing my true identity, "Um, I'm an Enderchild; Blessed by Ianite, and born in the End." He smirked, and pulled out strips of cloth, which he gently applied to my cleansed wound. "Wait, you met Ianite?" I shook my head. "No... I said I was blessed my her. When I was a baby. I don't remember much." That was true. I was blessed by her when I was a baby, as many in my village had. Sparklez looked sad. "Oh. I thought you've met her. I'm also a follower of Ianite. I thought I was the only one, so I've been asking Dec about her, but then I learned..." He replied, and I looked at him curiously. "What about My Lady?" I asked. Sparklez sighed, and said, "Lady Ianite has been sick, for a while. She hasn't contacted me." I gulped. This was not good. I breathed deeply, and out. "You follow Ianite, as well?" I asked. He nodded. I conjured up courage to speak, until I heard someone crying Sparklez' name. I stood up, but he held me down. "Wait. I'll go check it out." I felt my wound quickly go away, and heal up. I pulled over my hood, and ran back up to my home, to grab my bow and arrows. I then heard clashing of swords, and a "Graaaahh!" From Sparklez. I peered out the window, after grabbing a new leather chestplate and a new hood. It was Tom. He was marching up my stairs, noticing my house disguised as a mineshaft. I pulled back an arrow, and let go. The boy jumped and ran off, as it landed feet before him. I sighed. Why do people want to hunt down Enderchildren? For fun? I finished setting up torches, and made a bed. I had some chicken, and a golden apple to heal myself back up.

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