The Deviser

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Its been a while, since I was last enjoying a hunt.

Its been a while since I've even had a solo adventure. It was back when I left for the Wizard village. That was a few months ago.

To calm myself from what I witnessed in the End, I decided to go on another hunting trip. Explore the land. See the sights. Well, hopefully. I also heard about a city, from Sonja. She called it Urulu, but with extra 'ulululu's. I decided there, was where I could probably find a place to relax, and just enjoy my life.

A vacation, if you will. I packed my purple backpack, made by Sonja, with a sleeping bag, food, a few water bottles, a few regeneration potions, a couple book and quills, loads of wool, for any wounds, my bow, and my arrows, which Tom made for me, and a hang glider. Ya never know when you want to fly from the top of a hill and not use the angel ring. I left during the morning, and went eastward. I think this was where Urulu was, by the way the heroes were chatting about.

It was a few nights and days, when I walked through a Desert, where I decided to use my ring to help me fly. Mostly glide above the ground a couple blocks, and I swiftly continued east, my cape billowing out behind me like I was an exotic bird. Night fell, and the mobs rose. I missed at least fifty skeleton shots, and, mysteriously, they ignored me. Weird. As I flew up a hill, I saw a sight of wonder-- hundreds of lights illuminated on a hill, like a glowstone mountain. The center was a giant statue, that was like a guardian.

I landed onto the ground, and began to sprint towards it. A new place! New things to explore! New awesome people! As I ran towards the entrance, through a field of wheat, the ground suddenly shook, and opened up. I immediately stopped, and skidded, my sandals kicking up sand and gravel alike. I fell, and looked up, to a horrific sight.

Sure, it was nighttime, but an enormous mass of shadow rose from the chasm, blocking my path. Only a pair of horrific red eyes glared at me, full of hunger and delight.

I scuffled back, as the mass formed into a sihloette of a hooded being. It held its hand out, as to reach for my face. I whimpered, and heard him whisper eerie chants. Suddenly, my eyes began to ache, as though they'd burst. The pain sent waves of twitching through my body, as the figure approached, his outstretched hand slowly reaching for my face.

Suddenly, a flash of light caused the pain to go away, and a echoey snarl. I opened my eyes, to see... A villager. But, it was an unusual villager. Instead of the usual brown robes, it had a white lab coat. It looked down at me, and said, "You all right miss?"

I nodded. He was rather intelligent. He could speak like you and me, instead of the usual 'hur' and 'hmm's of regular villagers. He then squinted at me, and said, in a bit of a tight, nasal tone, "Well, your a curious specimen. Follow me." I raised an eyebrow, and stood up, to follow him. He lead me to a small, curtained doorway in the side of a sand dune, by the irrigation system. "Why did you call me a specimen?" I asked. I had to duck, since I was a third of a block taller than normal players or villagers. Y'know. Enderchild stuff.

He pulled a lever, and said, "Because I never seen you before, therefore not knowing what your species is." I nodded, and said, "Touché." He nodded to the corner, where a block of water was. "Jump down there, please." He simply stated.

I did so, and landed in a huge, factory-ish area, that reminded me of the Inertia. I shivered. That was a baaad memory. He walked over to a control panel, that was attached to a huge white portal way. He then clicked a final button, and a portal appeared. "This leads to the Deviser's Complex. Stay close to me, and don't touch anything." He stated, proceeding through.

I looked around, worried. Deviser? Complex? Don't touch anything? Why does it sound like I'm about to be an experiment?

I stepped through as he wished. A moment later, after a blur of color washed around me, I stepped onto a platform. The villager was no where to be seen. I looked at the edge, which nearly gave me a heart attack.

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