Part 1.

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My life is utterly brilliant. I live in a wonderful world, where waking up to birds singing a sweet melody is a daily occurrence. The trees are a vibrant green that dance when the wind whistles.

Every day I get to enjoy complete solitude in my pod, never having to converse with any grimy old soul that's been banished to live on the streets. Trust me, I've had many knock on my door, begging me to take them in, which of course I would never in my wildest dreams comply to. Why would I endanger my life for a complete stranger?

Now to be frank, I've never actually been outside of my pod. There are rumours that doing so will leave you like those shabby, gaunt faced people, so pale that you would be sure they had seen a ghost.

I've never understood this rule, from my window the world looks like a fairy tale. I can practically feel myself running through a field of dandelions with the warm spring sun lighting up my face leaving me with rosy sunburnt cheeks. Just imagining it gives me a warm feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Yet there always seems to be something missing. Like there's a whole somewhere in my heart and I'm not quite sure how to fill it.

Now, today isn't just like every other day, its "water day", where I receive our world precious commodity.

I skilfully pull on my pristine white jumpsuit, smoothing out the upturned collar before reaching to comb my feathery, tangled locks into a quiff I deem suitable.

I give my reflection a subtle smile before I stride into the kitchen of my spotless pod, peering into the cupboard to grab my premade breakfast of dried kale. I wince at the bitter taste, to me it is barely palatable, but swiftly, I brush off the feeling.

I scold myself, disappointed in how unappreciative I appear. My life is utterly brilliant, I tell myself, repeating my mantra a couple more times, just to reassure myself. 

A/n : Hi All, so this is just the intro, but it gets better when H comes along. xx

Love Makes You Complete // L.S (short story)Where stories live. Discover now