10. Little White Lies

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If this room was burning, 

I wouldn't even notice, 

cause you've been taking up my mind with your 

Little White Lies.


"Are you sure I should go? Now that they have seen me with him, I go to this show, I'll probably get so much hate, Lucy!" I tell her in panic, looking at myself in the downstairs bathroom mirror for the last time.

"Hope, you're going. We are going right fucking now. So, woman the fuck up and move out." She pushes me out of the door, locking it behind her, and my nervousness touches its peak as I seize one last peek at Harry's house.

I know how their fans can be. I am one of them. They can be incredibly supportive of this or can throw endless hate on any of the boys' partners once it comes to light and I am not strong enough to handle it. That article shows Harry is maintaining a low profile with this mystery woman and it's just a matter of time before they get my name, my identity, where I live and then, ultimately, hate me.

Of course, I'm excited to go see them live and meet all the band backstage, but there are people, people who may recognize me from the article, and then... The brief run from the gym to his car was barely for about fifteen seconds! I should've known better, but I never thought it would turn out like this.

"Nobody's gonna recognize you," Lucy speaks as I join her in the passenger seat and she backs away on the road.

"But they'll recognize you!"

"So what? That article is false, we know that, and it happens all the time." I know that. The media needed a new story, and they got it. "As Harry said, they write whatever they want to, so no worries. And I already ship you guys together, so that's that." She mutters under her breath, excitedly.

I cough, hard, at her words. "No!—You can't do that, Lucy!"

"Of course, I can." She hits the steering wheel in zeal. "Just imagine, your kids would be so adorable. " She blurts.

What? I wasn't even thinking about him... like that! That dream is not my mistake, it was all my subconscious doing the tricks. Even now, my skin heats up with tingles at the memory of the gym corridor. I definitely don't want any of whatever she's saying, nononono, nor that it would happen anyway...

It would be a massive thing if we'll still get along like we used to, years ago, once I tell him everything today.

"Okay, okay, okay. I'm going to stop your train right there, Lucille." I trace a small cross on my thigh with my finger, which means whatever we're thinking is entirely off-limits. "Harry dates literal bitch-ass-kicking, hot mess, ooh, look at my lovely hair types looking, models... and pop stars. He's got such high standards and I don't even come near them, so if—" She cuts me off.

"But just imagine! You and Harry! You guys have already got a head-start as best friends and why not now to lovers, which also just happens to be my favorite trope as well!" She winks, having a humourous tone in her voice.

Heat scorches my face at the imagination and I'm on my way to let this train go on further until I consciously trace another cross on my thigh. I shake my head instantly to get rid of those thoughts. "Whatever you're thinking can and will never happen," I say with such confidence, even the most confident person would shy away.

"Hopeeee, all I'm saying is, anything can happen. It's a world of possibilities, an ocean of opportunities, and a great person once said," She clears her throat, going all philosophical on me again for the hundredth time. "Where there is hope..." She points at me at the word and I cannot help but smack my head. "Let's start again... Where there is Hope, there's faith, and where there is faith, miracles happen, baby." 

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