my thoughts on midnights

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no one asked for this and this is just gonna be a brain dump but who cares

okay so my favorite from "midnights" is probably anti-hero

personally, i like the 3 am songs better but that's just because they're more my style

my current top 5:
1. would've could've should've
2. anti-hero
3. sweet nothing
4. you're on your own, kid
5. the great war + mastermind + labyrinth ( tie lol )
honorable mentions: paris, bigger than the whole sky, vigilante shit
( 4 and 5 may swap idk this was hard ngl )

the "mastermind" bridge absolutely murdered me
"No one wanted to play with me as a little kid / So I've been scheming like a criminal ever since / To make them love me and make it seem effortless / This is the first time I've felt the need to confess / And I swear / I'm only cryptic and Machiavellian / 'Cause I care"
miss swift really came for my neurodivergent ass with that one

final thoughts: personally, this isn't my favorite of her albums, i'm more of a folklore/evermore girlie but i still thought it was really good !!
idk if anyone wants to know BUT my personal history with taylor is: i started listening to her around fearless and then stopped around 1989 because my music taste changed and so did her style ( which is great !! ) so i haven't listened to much lover or reputation. then i picked up with her again after folklore and have been listening ever since
from what i have listened to, midnight reminds me more of reputation and lover.
i still think it's a super good album, and i love the underlying anti-hero / morally gray theme
i think it would be number 5 in the lineup of my favorite ts albums ( if anyone is curious: folklore, evermore, fearless ( tv ), speak now, midnights )

my overall rating: midnights: 8/10; midnights 3 a.m. version: 9/10

i've only listened to it all the way through once so there's potential for this to change but a lot of these songs will def be added to my playlists

i wanna here y'all's thoughts so lmk !!

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