17 - The Piano

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None of the children slept more soundly than Zoë. Her fever still lingered and she was worn out. The excitement, intrigue and danger had taken their toll, not to mention the effect of memories long set aside. Each of these combined to push her deeper and deeper into the comforting recesses of dreamless sleep. This is why she missed the first clue.

It was Greta who woke at the sound of the piano. It seemed odd Tia would be playing this late and this loudly. "Zoë?" she whispered. Not a sound. Greta went over to her bed and shook her.

Zoë mumbled something in Chinese.

"Zoë, I think it's important." Greta whispered again. For some reason she was afraid to make any noise.

"Bi Zui!" Zoe grunted.

Greta could only assume what this meant. She began to panic. What was she supposed to do? The more awake she became the more she realized Tia would not be bothering them, especially after this whole ordeal, unless something was wrong. Maybe the ordeal wasn't over. This made her think again of the man's voice and how it had seemed both familiar and unsettling.

She remembered.

"The library." The words came on her exhaled breath and the memory rushed back. Peter had gone with the wrong man.

"Zoë, please," Greta pleaded, shaking her friend more vigorously.

"What's going on?" It was Dinora. She sat up in her bed and yawned loudly. "Is Tia playing the piano?"

"Yes. I think something's wrong. Help me wake her." Together the girls tried to bring Zoë to consciousness.

"It's the medicine," Dinora explained. "It's made her too sleepy."

"Please, Zoë," Greta began to cry, "please-"

"Fatal Hour," Zoë interrupted.

"What?" Dinora and Greta asked simultaneously.

"The piece she's playing." She still seemed more asleep than awake.

"It's what?" the girls asked urgently.

"Fatal Hour-by Purcell."

As if sensing she'd gained the clue, Tia transitioned into a new piece.

Zoë got it instantly. Her eyes shot open as the adrenaline won out over the medication. "Schubert's Marche Militaire. Oh no, oh no. We've got to get out of here. Something's happened."

Quickly the girls threw on clothes suitable for a nocturnal escape. Just as they were leaving, Tia began a new song.

"Wait," Zoe whispered, listening for the clue.

"It's Danny Boy," Dinora tried to contain her pride. "Does she want us to tell Daniel?"

"No," Zoe said decisively. "She wants us to take him with us. This must really be bad."

The girls climbed carefully up the stairs, thankful Tia's playing had continued. It masked the creaking steps of the old house. They followed the unlit hallway to the other end of the old manor. Zoë stopped before a closed door and listened. Silence.

"This is Daniel's room," she whispered. "You two wake him up, tell him what's happening. Then come quickly and quietly to the boys' room."

Greta and Dinora did as she said. Daniel woke more easily, and in minutes, they joined the others. They had just started down the back stairs when they heard a voice in the kitchen.

"-sign of him yet. Not to worry, sir. The boy will come here. It's the only place he knows.... Yes, sir.... Yes, sir."

The children hovered in silence, afraid to move.

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