𝐕𝐈. is always the deepest

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❝ And in this moment she felt nothing but regret for trusting someone as pretty as an angel, but as ruthless as the devil. ❞

𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗲𝗽𝗲𝘀𝘁

VALENTINA WOKE UP WITH THE SUN, the sun bled through Patrick's shades and directly on Valentina's eyes. She rubbed her eyes, eventually opening them. She felt a cold space instead of a warm one, Patrick was gone. She sat up covering herself with his comforter. She finally got out of bed, feeling exposed. She walked into the living room, looking for her clothes.

She looked everywhere in the living room, but nothing was found. She made her way over to Patrick's kitchen, assuming he could've thrown them in there. Instead she found a note.

stay put angel, I'll be back soon.

She felt calm knowing he would be coming back soon. Valentina knew she probably wouldn't find her clothes, so she made her way over to Patrick's closet. He fingers fell on a lot of Patrick's designer brands, but nothing felt comfortable to her, until her fingers fell onto a soft comfortable sweater that looked like it never had been worn.

She looked around for her bag, her shoes, anything that belonged to her, but she couldn't find a thing. Her gut told her something was off. She walked over to the front door, trying to pull it open. but it wouldn't budge. She saw that one of the locks was turned the wrong way, and Valentina felt stupid for feeling trapped.

She turned the lock and made sure everything was the right way before trying again, but the door still wouldn't budge. Panic set in. She couldn't get out, the only way out was the high up balcony that she would die if she jumped. She sat down on the couch trying to calm herself. "Maybe there's a special trick to opening the door." She mumbled to herself.

She twirled he hair, before she could calm herself, Valentina heard the locks of the door start to unlock. She heard Patrick's voice echo through the apartment, she immediately felt calm. "I'm back!" He shouted in a sing-song tone. Patrick held three bags of groceries, "Good you're awake." He smiled.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked as he took the food out of the bag. "Good, You?" Valentina responded as she got up and walked closer to Patrick. His smile slightly dropped recalling the memory from hours ago. He pulled out one of the bar stools for her at his counter top. "It was good." He responded as he walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, Do you know where my purse is?" She asked, looking around the room. "Don't worry about it." He smiled. She furrowed her brows. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Don't worry about it." He repeated. "What about my dress, or my other clothes?" She questioned. "Don't worry about it." He repeated again.

The panicked feeling of being trapped was back. She walked back over to the front door, trying to open the door, it still wouldn't budge. "Patrick what's going on?" She questioned. "What do you want for breakfast." He asked, dismissing her question. "Patrick?"

"Go sit on the couch." His voice was quiet and low. She walked over to the couch, and sat down she felt as if she was sitting in the principal's office, about to get in trouble for something. She watched him walk over to something she couldn't see.

All she knew was that he was walking towards her with a knife. Her heart was racing, Valentina didn't know what he was gonna go to her. Patrick was walking towards her while twirling the knife against his finger.

He sat down on the coffee table in front of her, and moved the knife, pushing it through the sweater, and made it so it was just poking her in the stomach. "So here's the thing." Patrick laughed. "My plan was to seduce you and kill you," He started "But that didn't work out. So now you're gonna stay with me."

"Forever." He added. "W-what about my family?" Valentina stammered out. "We'll figure that out." Patrick was gonna say more, but he got cut off by a knock at the door. "Stay quiet, I would hate to pierce that pretty skin of yours." He told her, leaving the knife on the coffee table.

She heard the two men muttering about something she could quite make out. How could she get out of this, without getting hurt. She could convince him if he wanted to. Patrick walked into his bedroom, and came back out dully dressed in a suit. "I'll be back, put away the groceries, I'm going to work." He kissed her forehead, "Oh and you look nice in my clothes." He told her before slamming the door

Valentina felt calm now that he was gone. She walked over to the kitchen, putting away the food. Looking around the kitchen trying to find the right places for everything, that was until she came across a large metal cabinet. She opened the cabinet assuming it was a pantry of some sort.

But she was wrong, dead wrong

She saw an ax, rope, chainsaw, duck tape, a camera, and some other things. Tears filled her eyes, scared of the situation she was in. "Oh god." She slumped against the counter, regretting everything leading up to this moment.

hello my lovelies,

i'm on an updating spree rn.
but u and i both know that wont last
very long. anyways urm nothing is going
on like legit my life is very boring rn.

anyways i very much hope u have a
wonderful day night week, and weekend
the next update should be sometime around
next weekend (or before idk). dont forget to
comment and vote ily! much love


𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐍 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 , 𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗯𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗻Where stories live. Discover now