the gathering part 2

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When our young heroes traveled all this way to the forest hoping to find out the secrets that were hidden within it, they didn't expect to run into any small towns or places within this forest for none had dared entered it sense the lost kingdom's fall. For  it was often said that the ghosts of all it's people haunted the forest and it hide great horror from the people of the world, but it seems like often man makes things up out of fear, or worse. As the heroes found this small town just ten miles into the forest and you could see people interacting and working while children ran about without a care in the world.

But before we get to them a young girl known as Fileesha had just found a strange small green man staring at nothing like he was mad about something. Wondering why someone was out here in this forest other then her she went up to the small man and spoke, "enjoying staring at the log of that tree their?"

The small man jumped like a cartoon character from the early 2000s  from his own skin and right back in before breathing metaphorically speaking about the skin part, although she didn't know where that thought came from for it was not her own. the small man looked up at her before turning back to the tree, "No... I just been dragged into doing something I didn't want to because I own someone a favor for helping them and apparently now I need to follow some people like a stalker which is so 'fun'."

"heh well, isn't someone who should be spying on some people or for that matter should do it in secret. Being actually spying on them right now and not telling some random stranger they just met?" Fileesha comments on how he is already failing big time on so many levels on how to do just one basic job.

"Well if one I can tell you are not the type to care for random strangers, two you don't know who I am looking for, three I already know were they are headed and I can easily get their before them, but I need some me time and before you ask since I can tell, the name is Ace Johns and you lady?" The small green man explain without a care.

Fileesha smirks at this, if what he said is true then their is a chance he may know where her newest target she was hire to kill is, because all she knows it's someone within the jungle that is a tiefling of red skin and is a girl of battle apparently and was said to being stalked by someone of the last name johns almost as if someone was planning all this. She will need to be on her toes, " Well Ace, if you are so sure about who you need to track and where they are heading. I doubt such a small and fail boy like you could do much."

"follow me all you want lady of sarcasm all you want I don't care, just don't get us caught and what's your name?" Ace speaks before she could finish her sarcastic remark.

She smirks as she begins to follow him as he stands and starts to walk, "Fileesha, that's all you need to know."

Now back with the main group. Yacria, Pekpuc and Sophia were all tired after five days of traveling with fails on getting food, water and basic needs as this forest seemed to be trying to kill them left and right.  The ones they met before known as Meriel, Dag, Sammy and Kus all seemed to get lost and have not been seen sense, although the group really didn't care sense they never got a chance to get to know them. Although (F/Y/N) and (M/Y/N) seemed to be mad someone was not using their middle names because they were easier to say.

As they walked into town wondering how are their people here once people started seeming them all got quiet. This worried all three of them as they walked into town for it seemed like things were about to go bad and they didn't know how bad it was going to get. Dag who was already in the town was singing in the inn and well everyone inside just stared at him, but he didn't care. He was having fun in this town as he sang his songs although he does hear from time to time the voice of that rude lady that tried to stop him from singing. Then when the doors to the inn opened he saw the three people he met before and he calls out with joy, "AH! It's you good champs! How are all of you! Isn't this town so interesting!? So many wonders and questions with the children playing or were and having such good fun." 

"Well you followed us for no reason then got chased by that weird music hating person and now you are here in this strange town were everyone is staring at us not saying a word... And your not worried at ALL?!" (M/Y/N) questioning Dag like he was a lune.

The people within the inn just all stared, not in a that they were weirded out way or anything like that. It was a stare of nothingness, that it made them feel that their was no living being in this town other than them and they hear some voices out then. They all look between each other before they look outside the window to see the girl known as Meriel screaming outside town like a mad woman at the inn and they could only make out these words. Danger, Run, Not Safe, and Fake.

Then just as they feared all the people started turning into zombies, skeletons, ghouls, and undead monsters created by liches all around them. Knowing what was about to happen before they hear screaming coming from outside and they look out to see that off in the other side of town it seemed like two people were running for their lives.

Sammy and Kus have been getting to know one another for a while now when Sammy said that he memories here in the forest and wanted to know why Kus thinking and not knowing anything about this deathtrap agree and took him into it only to get lost, get chased three times by all types of monsters and then they came to this town and they welcome them with open arms well mainly Sammy. They talked to him, gave him food no charge and well did all around just nice things to him for no reason. It was a trap and Kus knew, but Sammy wouldn't believe it. It was only until she saved him from drinking poison that the truth came out and now they were running with like cats to a dog when the dog was trained to chase cats out. Only although the chance of death was real, it was only until they saw that their were some actual people in town which seemed to start fighting off the zombies decided get to them and hopefully be saved.

Ace and Fileesha where watching from the roof of one of the buildings in secret and were seeming all this madness unfold as the people below fought. Ace grabbed his bag and pull out something to snack on while they waited, "chips?"

"Well I am guess you are so the hero type." Fileesha said to Ace. As Ace rolls his eyes and starts watching the show below.

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