A Normal Day?

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it was a normal day the birds were chirping, the flowers blooming, it was a perfect day until Mabel was woken up by her little sister Angel, who was acting like she had way too much sugar for the morning Mabel woke up like she just had a bad dream as well shocked, Mabel had white hair with a purple that faded to black streak in her hair her eyes were two different colors amber brown and ocean blue

"Angel!" Mabel yelled out shocked being woken up so rudely, then smiled as she picked up Angel tossing her gently in the air causing Angel to Giggle as Mabel used her powers to hold Angel upside down, causing Angel to giggle a lot as Mabel smiled softly then Maxie their puppy a dalmatian who was 5 months old entered and started to wine being hungry Mabel held Angel as she walked down the stairs to the kitchen and starts their morning routine with Maxie, getting food ready for the puppy, checking on the baby kittens, making breakfast for Angel and for herself, soon all the morning chores were done

"Man that was a lot" Mabel said wiping sweat off her forehead, she had the most trouble with keeping up with her sister all morning, but all the chores were done and she put the dishes away then she saw Angel teaching Maxie to sit, then a large golden retriever entered the kitchen slowly, Mabel smiled softly to the large dog carrying a toy stick tail wagging, then Maxie started to play with the large dog causing a chuckle to escape from Mabel's lips and a joyful laugh from Angel, then as night fell Angel's energy didn't stop rising and it only increased when Mabel and Angel's Dad and Pops came back from town, 

"Papa! Daddy!" Angel said hugging the two surprising them seeing Angel wasn't asleep at 9:00pm like normal, the two looked to Mabel who sighed

"She had a nightmare today, so she's refusing to go back to sleep" Mabel said sighing softly, hearing this Goldie gently takes Angel to her room causing the two men and Mabel to smile softly at the sight,

"Okay now what you want to watch before bed?" Mabel already knew the answer to her question, but decided to humor her sister smiling softly,

"Lego Monkie Kid!" Angel said showing a drawing of a baby monkey with chocolate white fur with black tips on its tail and golden eyes, smiling happily Mabel smiled at her sister, as she got the playlist set up while Angel started to talk about who the monkey was in her drawing, Mabel smiled as she gives her sister a cup of warm milk to calm down,

"And then The Monkie Kid made this GIANT monkey mech to defeat the Demon Bull King!" Angel said telling her sister about the episode, smiling as Goldie picks up a Monkey King plush that Mabel made for Angel on her birthday, as Goldie got into her bed laying on a large pillow as Angel put a blanket on her as well finishing off the story, before Mabel turns off the overhead light Angel gently tugs on her sisters sleeve she had gotten out of bed to hug her sister,

"Sis will The Monkie Kid gang like me? even if i'm weird?" Angel asked as Mabel's look softened at her sister as she got on eye level of the young child, as she gently cupped her scarred hand to Angel's cheek,

"Of course little sister! and who told you that you were weird?" Mabel asked to Angel, who looked away from her sister's gaze,

"Tommy from school did....he said a girl shouldn't like boy things" Angel said as Mabel picked her up hugging her sister,

"Remember Sis, never let those bullies get you down, now if that Tommy boy says anything else just say "My Big Sis can beat up your big sibling!" okay?" Mabel asked to her sister who nods smiling, and gets back into bed as Mabel put on "Lego Monkie Kid: a hero is born" for her sister, and tucks her in wishing her good night, Angel wished her the same as Mabel left she sat down at the dinner table and started to write a letter to her mother, telling her she was well and that her dad Michael, as well as Angel were well except that Angel was getting bullied for liking a boy show called "Lego Monkie Kid" and that she was losing confidence in herself, after signing off with her name she put it an envelope then put a stamp on it and headed outside putting the letter in her mailbox, and headed inside where she heads to bed herself, meanwhile with Angel she was looking out her window and saw a shooting star reacting quickly she made a wish, and a loud thud was heard behind her when she turned around there was no one else besides The Monkie Kid gang, and The Monkey king himself, Sun Wukong, but under her bed was her favorite Character besides the heros, and that was the Six Eared Macaque, then the son of The Demon Bull King and Angel's favorite demon Red Son, spoke up 

"Alright little mortal girl where are we?" Red Son asked picking her up by the back of her pajama shirt causing her to be shocked to be now at eye level with the demon, as a girl with black hair with green accents put a pair of glasses on the girl they were a rose pink with cherry blossom flowers,

"Red Boy! put her down!" The girl whisper yelled before Angel could get a word in Goldie started to bark loudly something she never does alerting Mabel Her Pops, Jake, burst into Angels room, bows and quiver out as well as a butcher knife being held by Jake,

"LET MY SISTER GO!" Mabel said bow pulled back holding the people in the room at arrow point

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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