Warren x Reader

417 6 22

|this request is from RandomThingsOfMine |



You stood at the coffee machine at the OK, STOP! Organizations meeting room. You were planning too just get some coffee and move on with your life, but a certain annoying co-worker of yours was super persistent and clingy. No matter how many times you told them how you weren't interested.

Anwyays, enough about him. You were back too filling your coffee, finishing up pouring the hot liquid into the mug you were holding.

"Heyyyy.. what's up y/n?"

Said an annoying familiar voice as you let out an overdramatic groan.
You turned sround slowly, meeting eyes to eye with none other then warren. Your co-worker..

"Can you not bother me please."

You said, not even bothering too sound polite like you usually do.

"Well I'm SORRY that I don't meet up too your standards of best friend material."

He responded sarcastically, obviously trying too butter you up.

"We're not best friends, warren."

You retorted tiredly, causing the guy next too you too flinch. You rolled your eyes, taking a sip from your coffee cup and swallowing the hot liquid down your throat.

You were just planning too ignore him. You were just about to have a meeting with the boss of the organization too. You really didnt need him too put you in a bad mood.

Untill another annoyance appeared.

"Hey, n/nn~!"

Shouted a sickly familiar voice as too coy arms wrapped around you from behind, envoloping you in an unwanted hug, causing your coffee too sway as you struggled too hold it still.

Warren glared at Tracey as she spun you around in her arms, kissingbyour cheek and putting you down.

"What do you want Tracey."

You murmured, wiping off the sloppy kiss with your sleeve out of disgust.

"Oh nothing! I just have a present from your BEST freind too you!"

She said cheekily, giving warren a daring side glance. He simply looked away, a small frown present on his face. He was definently jealous.

Even though you and Tracey were enemies..

"Tracey. Last time you told be you had a present you tried to fucking murder my cat."

You grumbled angrily, becoming further irritated when she rolled her eyes as if it were no big deal.

"That was years ago."

She cooed, attempting too hug you again, you pushing her face away from you.

"It was two weeks ago."


"Well..this is an actual surprise I PROMISE. If I promise to leave you alone for a while after that, will you at least follow me?.."

She demanded innocently, giving you big doe eyes.
She was deifnenetly convincing. Some alone and quiet time is just what you needed.

You didnt notice her eyes shift out of your view and stare into warrens, him giving her a quick nod.

"Okey dokie! Follow me bestie!!"

She said ecstatically, putting her arms up and staring at the celing. God you hated her. But you followed, hoping she would at least stick too the promise she had previously made too you.

"So where is this 'present' then?"

You asked, Tracey suddenly stopping in front of the supply closet, sticking a hand in her pocket and taking out a ring of keys, spinning them around her finger.

"In the closet, I think I left it on the shelf so no one would steal it while I was out."

She said, mostly too herself.

You snatched the keys out of her hand, not trusting her too keep them. Somewhat of a smart move on your end.

You STILL didn't notice warren standing behind you.

You opened the closet, looking into the dark depths of it, noticing nothing except wet mops and water buckets were in sight.

You finally realized Tracey had been lying the whole time, but it was too late. She pushed you form behind and you fell on your ass and into the closet.

You scrambled too get up, not before warren bolted at you and Tracey slammed the door shut from behind you both.

You fought with Warren, pushing your leg into his chest and slamming your body against his side, cuasing him too stubble and grasp the wall for balance. At the momentary distraction you got up and attempted to open the door, shocked too realize it was unfortunately locked.

You grunted, finally giving up and sitting down. Hearing a small laugh from beside you.

"What's so funny?.."

You hesitated too ask.

"Nothing, just we are stuck here together now, since I have the key."

He said, scooching close too you on the ground and throwing his skinny ass arms around you.

"Just send me to hell already."

You mumbled, him overhearing.

"Come on, it's not so bad."

He tried to sound convincing.

"What could be worse?"

You snapped back, causing him too unwrap his arms and give you an unexpected glare.

"If we were alone together and kissed each other."

He responded flirtatiously.

You put your head in your arms, letting out a sound that was relatively close too what a dieing bird sounds like.


You said back, causing him too start getting excited and wrapping his arms around you again, bobbing you back and forth with him.


He said, sounding a little too excited.

"Oh boy."

[Sorry another trash story. But I tried and I hope you like it ]

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