Bad choices

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(Continuing after school)
Jasmine: So who all coming to this hotel party?
London: you forgot already!!
Jasmine: Obviously.. -_-
London: it's me,you,kenneth,kara,madison,trevor,dj,and my cousin shay.
Jasmine: Ok cause my mama kept asking if we was gone be with an adult :/.
London: well shay 21 but she cool as hell.
Jasmine: I know.
London's cousin shay came to pick all the kids up from school so they can head straight to the hotel. It took a while for them to make it there.. it was a fancy hotel, anyways they made it there.
Shay: ok so all they boys in the other room.. I ain't that cool now.
Trevor: No problem with me.
Dj: Long as we getting food I'm ite.
London: Fat ass *Laughing*
*Meanwhile with August*
I missed rita so I decided to call her up for a minute.
Phone Conversation-
Rita: Hello
August: Hey bae I Miss you!
Rita: Baby!! I miss you more *pouting*
August: *Laughs* what you doing doe?
Rita: I'm on my way to my interview.
August: Aw well good luck!
Rita: Thanks!
August: What are you doing tomorrow, yawl should come see me.
Rita: Wish we could but I got 2 shows tomorrow and jasmine's at a hotel party.
August: Aw damn! Where's Jacoby?
Rita: He's over his friend Antonio house.
August: Aww well call me later when your done with everything today.
Rita: Ok bye I Love You.
August: I Love You Too Bye. (Hangs up)
*Back at Antonio house with jacoby*
Jacoby: *giggles* Slow down nigga yo ass go be gone.
Antonio: Yea you right here *passes him the blunt*
Jacoby: *hits it* this some strong shit.
After they got through smoking they started playing the game. They both were still high. Aaliyah called Jacoby with some news...
Phone Conversation-
Jacoby: Was sup *smiling*
Aaliyah: Heyy what you doing.
Jacoby: cooling with Antonio.
Aaliyah: oh I got some to tell you.
Jacoby: ite was sup?
Aaliyah: I-I'm pr-pr-pregnant.
Jacoby: *Drops the controller* What!!!??? How do you know for sure?
Aaliyah: I kept having headaches and shit & I took the test.
Jacoby: Ghee my mama gone kill me!! My daddy too.
Aaliyah: Man you not even the one carrying the baby so you kinda good. they ain't gone notice nun with you.
Jacoby: Well what we gone do?
(Wooahh somebody getting too grown! Anyways remember that guy rita used to know.. Brian Green? Well he saw her leaving from an interview and caught up with her)
Brian: Hey rita!!
Rita: Oh hey Brian! What are you doing around here?
Brian: Aw my cousin own's a bar down the street.
Rita: Really! That's nice.
Brian: Yea you should stop by it tonight.
Rita: I'll try to.
Brian: well all drinks are free this day.
Rita: ok then I'll come.
Brian: Tonight at 7 *smirking*
Rita: um.. sure
Brian: Great *hugs her* bye!
Rita: Bye!!
*Back at the hotel*
Shay: Yawl ready to go down to the pool?
Dj: I am
Jasmine: Me too
London: We all is so just come on!
They got down to the pool.
Shay: don't be splashing water on my hair *laughing*
Kenneth: Too late.
Trevor: *pulls Jasmine* you going on the deep side!
Jasmine: Wait No!! I'm to short & I can't swim *laughs*
London: You gone drown my bestfriend!!!
Dj: *Pulls London* Nah you gone drown too!
London: I know how to swim nigga.
Jasmine: *giggles* yawl playing to much.
All of them started dunking each other and splashing the water.
Shay: My Hair!!! You childish kids play all day *laughs*
They all double teamed her since she was talking crazy.
(Anyways at the bar with rita and Brian)
Brian: 2 More shots bro!
Bar tender: Sure thang.
Rita: you got me drunk up here. *giggles*
Brian: nah you got yourself drunk hahaha!
Rita: now how imma drive home?
Brian: don't worry I got you *smirking*
Rita tries to get up and already stumbles and falls on her knee, she's too drunk to even walk so now she's laughing that she fell XD she missed about 3 calls from august. Later when Brian took her to his nice condo he put on some nice romantic slow music. Rita sat on the bed in the room smiling at the wall cause she's drunk. Brian comes in and walks over to her slowly.. He started to kiss her soft lips and take off her top. She went along with him and unstrapped her bra. He moved down to her neck and started sucking on it. She let out a light Moan. Brian stood up and took off his clothes while rita bites on her lip impatiently. He teased her by kissing and licking her thighs while she rubbed his head and arched her back. Rita got on top of him and started riding him. He was pulling her hair while things got wild. she started riding him faster and harder... All you could hear in that room was Moaning and skin clapping ;p XD!!!
*The next morning rita woke up with all her clothes on not remembering that much... she went downstairs and saw Brian watching football.
Rita: What.... happened..?!
Brian: You were drunk so I just let you stay here.
Rita:'um ok well thanks I'll just leave now.
Brian: what why!?
Rita: I have 2 shows to perform soo... yea bye *rushing out the condo*
Brian: Right!!. Well bye..
Rita: Bye.
(Later on that day)
Jasmine: Dang it's already 2 in the afternoon.
Shay: Yep.
Kenneth: well what we on today?
London: I don't know...
Shay: boy!.. I'm high as hell yawl *laughing*
Jasmine: We see now.
Trevor: aye i dare you to let us hit it..
Madison: Shay you so immature *giggles*
Jasmine: I know right and I got asthma nigga.
Kenneth: so I do too and I still be smoking.
London: right! & now look at you.
Kenneth: Forget you.
Shay: here all yawl can take turns don't tell nobody I did this -___-
Jasmine: *smokes it and coughs* damn!!
Trevor: *smokes it* now that's strong asl.
They all smoked it more then once and Jasmine felt a strange sting in her body....
Shay: Jas you aight?
Jasmine: .... *looking lost* i- i..
Dj: You what?
*Back at Rita's show*
Rita: Ok yawl ready to party and bullshit!!? *laughs*
Crowd: Yea!! *clapping*
Before rita could start the song her manager pulled her aside and handed her the phone.
Rita: Hello???
London: Rita you need to come to louis hospital Now!
Rita: What why!! Whats wrong, where's jasmine.
London: here with us we just need you to come NOW!!
Rita:'ok here I come!!
She had to cancel the rest of the show. Hope everything is calm for now. who knows what happened to jas! O.o Hope this chapter was okay.

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