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Jasmines P.O.V.
Monday morning again!!? Uhh I don't want to go to school. I just came out of the hospital and I feel very well but I still don't want anybody bothering me. I get out of bed and do my hygiene and put on my black ripped shorts with my white Miami heats shirt and some black uggs. I head down stairs to see my mom & the others in the kitchen.
Diaz:'Oh GoodMorning Jasmine.
Me: Morning *yawning*
Rita: You looking rough today.
Tori: *laughs* yea you kinda do.
Me: so I know.
Jacoby: Well you should get going now.
Me: How come he aint going to a school yet.
Rita: He starts Wednesday! He's going to your school.
Jacoby: Yea yea yea!!
Me: Huh!!
Jasmine had to remember that her school was Half middle school and half high school.
Me: Oh never mind! Whatever bye.
Tori: Bye.
(Jasmine meets London at the corner of her house to walk to school.)
London: bout time damn!
Jasmine: shut up! I got news.
London: Ok what's tea!? *smirking*
Jasmine: well Jacoby is starting at our school Wednesday!
London: omg my soon to be bae.
Jasmine: girl he is 16 and ugly.
London: Nah you mad.
Jasmine: Nope ew.
*They make it to school and goes to the cafeteria for breakfast. London notice how Jasmine switched tables and sat by her self with her head down.*
Trevor: *walks over* what's wrong with you man?
Jasmine: what you mean *looking up*
Trevor: Why you ain't sitting with us today.
Jasmine: Maybe cause ion want to... today...
Kenneth: *interrupts* problem?
Jasmine: uhhh all I tried to do was lay my head down.
Kenneth: Damn ok that's all you had to say.
Trevor: Right what you tweaking on.
Jasmine: *ignores them* .....
(The first bell rings for class and Jasmine gets up with all her friends and leaves. London and DJ got first period with Jasmine but she still isn't talking that much to neither of them.)
Dj: What's been up with you.
Jasmine: Why..
London: Maybe she don't wanna talk Tf.
Dj: who asked yo ass something *laughs*
London: Shut up..
Dj: Naw but I was just asking jas.
Jasmine: ... yawl are a bad influence on my life.
London: Bish whet..?
Jasmine: Bish yes.
Dj: Why you say that? Is it because that asthma shit?
Jasmine: Yes.. ever since I turned 14 yawl been leading me in the wrong directions.
London: Including me...
Jasmine: Naw... well... sometimes I guess.
Dj: *shaking his head* aw well my bad.
Jasmine: uh huh.
(For the rest of the school day Jasmine only talked to her bestfriend London, No shade to the others thoe. She's not in the mood for anyone really.)
* In 5th period*
Teacher: Ok class turn to page 112.
Kenneth: Jasmine wake up *whispering*
Jasmine: Nigga don't touch me cause I'm not sleep..
Kenneth: Ite damn.
(Office calls in)
Office: Um do you have a student Jasmine Alsina in there now?
Teacher: Yes why?
Office: You can send her to the office she has an early dismissal.
Jasmine: Yes!!!
Teacher: Ok I'll send her down. Jasmine go on.
Kenneth: Bye jas you coming outside later?
Jasmine: Maybe... Maybe not. *closing the door*
Rita: There she is *pointing at jas*
Jasmine: Why yawl come get me early?
Rita: Aw We got to make a few runs.
Jasmine: Uhhhhhh...
Rita: oh hush up! Come on, & why you look mad?
Jasmine: I'm not! Today is just an irritating day for me.
Rita: How?
Jasmine: Everybody but no biggie.
Rita: *rolls her eyes* don't start just come on then.
(They walked out the school)
Jacoby P.O.V.
while my mom and tori went to go get Jasmine a early dismissal I told Diaz I was going over Antonio's house (lie) I'm really going to Aaliyah house to check up on her. It's so much to hear about, I'm sure my mom and them will be back late so no worries.
Me: Aye Diaz I'm going over my bro Antonio house.
Diaz: Who..? Never mind but shouldn't he be in school.
Me: Um I don't know, I'll be back quick doe.
Diaz: Alrighty then.
*he walks out and heads over to Aaliyah house*
Jacoby: *Knocks on door*
Aaliyah: Oh hey!
Jacoby: Was sup.
Aaliyah: Well come in.
Jacoby: *Walks in* so did you tell anyone you were pregnant yet?
Aaliyah: Nope just you.
Jacoby: When are you going to go to the doctor?
Aaliyah: a Whenever I tell my mom! I'm so scared...
Jacoby: I'm scared to tell mine too.
Aaliyah: We should tell our moms together.
Jacoby: I guess I like that idea.
Aaliyah: yea... all this happened so fast.
Jacoby: I'm saying.
(They sat down and chatted for a while about all this that's going on. Meanwhile rita, Tori, and Jasmine were leaving from one of Rita's meetings and she bumped into Brian AGAIN.
Brian: Rita...hey!!
Rita: Oh hey where are you coming from now!!?
Brian: ah I was just coming from the mall and I saw you.
(Rita's thought- I swear I have a feeling that he be following me around O.o)
Rita: Oh that's nice.
Brian: Yea were are you heading now?
Rita: I have to make some runs.
Brian: Ok... you don't want me to come with you? *laughs & smirk*
Jasmine: *interrupts* No thanks we have enough people.
Brian: o...k...
Rita: She's always in my business. But see you around.
Brian: Ok bye *hugs her*
(Jasmine Thought- shaking my head, who he think he is trying to be smooth with my mama. She has a boyfriend and soon to be husband whenever he gets out. My mom was blushing her while they was talking, maybe it was nothing.... Maybe.
August P.O.V.
I found out that I'm getting some good news today because ricky told me. I have to meet with one of the officers, Whatever this is it better be important and excited at the same time.
Officer: Ok august come on in.
August: Yea soo...
Officer: Um sit down get comfortable.
August: now was sup.
Officer: You know your one of my favorites A, no matter how many times you fight.
August: And why is that.
Officer: I see when your here your all protective and big and buff.
August: I'm suppose to..
Officer: Right but whenever your family is here... I see a side of you that is just great.
August: Yea I really do miss them.
Officer: I know so great news.
August: Yea?
Officer: We decided to set you free Next Month!!
August: *jumps up* for real!!??....
Officer: Yes but you can't keep coming back jail.
August: ok I won't
He runs out the office excited and goes to make a call.
Rita: Hello
August: I got great news!!
Rita: Really..what?
August: I get out of here next Month!!!!!
Rita: Omg! Baby!! I can't wait.
Jasmine: *in the background* what happened.
Rita: Your dad gets out next month.
Jasmine: Yawl for real?
August: Yea we dead ass! *shouts through the phone*
Rita: I'm kind of speechless.. I'm just so excited.
August: Me too. once I get out imma settle down.
Rita: Great I Love you!!
August: I Love you too bae!
(Later that day Jacoby finally makes it home after his mom. He walks in late but know one seems to care because they're all in the kitchen having a celebration XD!
Jacoby: Um what happened!? What did I just miss.
Rita: We got good news.
Jacoby: What!
Jasmine: Daddy getting out of jail!
Jacoby: When!?
Rita: Next month.
Tori: I'm so happy for yawl to be back as a family.
Diaz: Yea I am too. Cheers!!
* They all cheered. Jacoby feels a little shock, it was so unexpected and he still haven't told anyone that he's going to be a dad. Now he might have to share the news and see how august and the others are going to react. I Hope this chapter was good. 😘😏👏

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