House Party

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(Thursday Morning)
Jasmine wakes up late for school so she decided to just stay. She gets up and brushes her teeth and goes to the kitchen to see Tori and Diaz.
Diaz: I thought you were at school, It was so peaceful *giggles*
Jasmine: Haha very funny I haven't even did anything yet.
Tori: she right! But why you ain't at school?
Jasmine: I woke up late..
Diaz: Well Tori could've just took you. You ain't that late.
Tori: yea.. but whatever don't drag me in when the school call rita for you being absent.
Jasmine: K i won't.
Diaz: Aw yea Me and Tori are going to a ball tomorrow.
Jasmine: soooo...?
Tori: Well you and Jacoby will have the house to yawl selfs from 8pm-4am.
Jasmine: *smirking* ok fine with me.
(They got interrupted when Jasmine heard her phone ringing. She went to her room and saw it was her bestfriend London on FaceTime.)
Jasmine: Bestfriend!! *smiling*
London: *straight face* Naw hoe.. why you ain't here?
Jasmine: Bruh i woke up late.
London: So you could've still came.
Jasmine: Well..
London: but anyways me and the gang decided to throw a party.
Jasmine: Gang!! *laughs* When & Where.
London: *smirks* about that we wanted to have it at yo house.
Jasmine: What!? How yawl gone plan a party at my house without me knowing!?
London: Girl! You know now Soo.. And yo mama on tour!! Plus you have the biggest house.
Jasmine: You right! And I am gone have the house to myself tomorrow.
London: Good what time?
Jasmine: 8 at night thought 4 in the Morning.
London: Aight we there!! And half of the school already know.
Jasmine: Whatever bet nun crazy happen.
London: Some is maybe... it's a party!
Jasmine: True..
London: Well I gotta go to Mr.benson big head ass class.
Jasmine: *laughing* Well bye
London: Bye
(End of conversation)
*Later that day*
Jacoby's P.O.V.
I'm in class and I feel slow cause I just noticed Jasmine ain't come to school. Anyways I'm sitting in my class and it's free time, im stuck on what Antonio told me about Polo coming for us.
Teacher: Um Jacoby this boy Trevor wants to see you.
Jacoby: Why..?
Trevor: you got my stuff *making a sarcastic face*
Jacoby: *gets up and walks out* Wassup?
Trevor: did you hear about the party at yo house tomorrow?
Jacoby: Party? At my house?
Trevor: yea Jasmine said you guys have the house to yawl self tomorrow night.
Jacoby: *Remembering what Diaz told him* Aww yea we do but I ain't no about the party.
Trevor: Well spread it to the cool kids *fist bumps him and leaves*
Jacoby: I got you.. *walks back in class*
Teacher: Did you give him his stuff?
Jacoby: Uh yea.
Rita's P.O.V.
I just got done performing my songs, I was nervous. Before I even got on stage I heard
Them shouting my name. It was a great performance now I'm all sweaty. Once I freshened up in my dressing room I stepped out and couldn't believe who I saw.... I tried to run back in but he caught me quick as hell.
Brian: Hey!! Rita. *holding her arm*
Me: hi brian.. *fake smiling*
Brian: Are you on tour?
Me: Obviously..
Brian: Oo Feisty.
Me: Yea why are you here again?
Brian: I found out you were touring in Vegas *smirking*
Me: Really! Are you following me?
Brian: Something like that.... I'm a big fan of you!
Me: What? *backing up*
Brian: Yea I'm crazy for you *moving up*
(She hurried into her dressing room and closed the door on his face. She started getting flashbacks from that drunk night between them two)
Jeff: is something wrong Rita?
Megan: Right, who you running from?
Rita: oh nobody.. *she opens the door a little and he was gone*
Jeff: aw well me and Megan saw that Brian dude earlier here.
Rita: Why didn't yawl tell me.
Megan: we didn't think it would be a big deal.
Rita: it is!! You guys... he following me.
Jeff: What the hell!!? Why?...
Rita: He said he was a big fan and crazy for me.
Megan: uh oh we have one of those creeps now.
Rita: I know.
She didn't tell them why it was even a bigger deal seeing Brian again. For the rest of that night she bewared her surroundings, she's starting to see the crazy in him.
Diaz & Tori been gone for about 20 minutes and guest already started arriving for the party. Once the house got full that's when things started to get crazy.
Jacoby: *see's Antonio* Aye man we gotta be on the look out.
Antonio: For what?
Jacoby: That nigga polo could pop up at anytime.
Antonio: he don't know we're you live nigga.
Jacoby: you right but still!
*with Jasmine & her friends*
Kenneth: This party bussin!
Jasmine: I know right!
Kara: *Runs over with London* ghee guess who here!
Jasmine: Who?
London: That hoe Christy.
Jasmine: I'm tired of her popping up. *walks over to her*
Christy: oh jas is this your party?
Jasmine: you know it is now gtfo of my house.
Christy: Wow feisty I just came to enjoy the party *flicks her chin*
Jasmine: Don't touch me *muffs her* and your not welcomed here.
Christy: Too bad! *flips her hair in Jasmine face*
London: ghee don't even start with her *holding her back*
Christy: naw let her go she weak anyway. * punches jasmine*
Jasmine: Hell nah (once she did that I lost control and started punching her and swinging her by her hair. She got loose and tackled me into the shelf, something broke but I didn't care I got back up and finished her until Jacoby & London broke it up.)
Christy: Get the fuck off me.
London: you got beat tf up *laughing*
Christy pulls London hair and London knees her in her head. After that Christy left. I finally looked to see what fell and broke and it was my mom first and only Grammy award! O.O uh oh!!
Jasmine: Look Jacoby!!! *pointing at it*
Jacoby: Fuck! That's mama Grammy!!
London: Damn she gone be pissed yawl.
Jacoby: Naw she gone beat Jasmine ass
5 minutes later all you hear is the police coming and I'm telling you EVERYBODY at that party cleared the house the only people that was left in there was Me(jas) Jacoby, London, Kara, Kenneth & Trevor. That bitch Christy called the police!! Scary ass.
Police: Ok kids hands behind your back.
Kenneth: Damn.
Police: Whose house is this?
Jacoby & Jasmine: Ours!
Police: How old are you kids?
London: Just know we older then 19 *smirking*
Police: Yea and I'm spongebob's grandma! Let's go! Watch your heads. *placing them in the truck*
Before they drove off Jacoby spotted polo across the street with some guys leaning on a car. He didn't notice they came to the party until after. Anyways they got to the station and immediately called rita.
Phone Conversation-
Rita: Um hello?
Jacoby: Hi mom.
Rita: Son? Who phone you calling from?
Jacoby: Funny story hold on... *hands the phone to the police*
Police: Yes is this Rita Ora?
Rita: Yes why?
Police: Well ma'am I have your son Jacoby and daughter Jasmine here in the police station.
Rita: Why are they there sir!!!?
Police: They threw a house party I guess and a big incident happened.
Rita: House party!! What are the charges?
Police: Well underage partying, drugs, and fighting.
Rita: what the hell can I speak to them BOTH?
Police: Sure *hands them the phone*
Jacoby: Hello...
Rita: Where Jasmine ass?
Jacoby: Right here! She can hear you through the phone.
Rita: She better cause when I get back home from tour I'm beating both off yaw asses! Who the hell yawl think yawl is throwing a party? Yawl ain't grown!!
Jasmine: W-we-we know *crying*
Rita: She crying now? Good cause once I get there yawl go be crying for days.
Jacoby: Ok...
Rita: Where is Tori and Diaz?
Jasmine: They at the ball.
Rita: imma call them to bail yawl out... just wait to I get back home!! *hangs up*
Jacoby: Woaah mama just scared the fuck outta me!
Jasmine: Me too.
Jacoby: I ain't never heard her that mad!
Jasmine: Right!
I guess you can say Jacoby and Jasmine in some big trouble but wait till she finds out that her Grammy is broke. Anyways Jacoby saw polo outside of the house once they got arrested, does that mean He's following him Now...? Aw yea and will Brian ever Leave rita Alone? Hope you Liked this chapter!! 😘👏💯😈

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