sick day (Patrick Bateman x reader

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y/n will be used
i will try my best with gn reader

sorry if this is wayy ooc

and sorry im late on this i had no ideas for him 😭 nor am i the best at writing him but i try, this is also why it might be short

this may be bad, just a warning

and fluff is hard for me to write with him because, well, because its just Patrick.

this is not proof read so some mistakes may vary

okay lets get into thiss

Who knew that when you finally get a chance to go out with your boyfriend you get the worst cold. And the fact is that he finally got a reservation at that fancy new restaurant he's been dying to go to. What was it again? something with a D I think. Dorsia? (genuinely i forgot how to spell it so pardon me) And apparently everyone at work is talking about it so he really wants to go, and i mean what he wants he usually gets. Whether it's a new pair of shoes or a new suit, he will manage to get it, then when thats out of style he throws it away and gets what ever is new.

But today was so-pose to be special. A day that rarely comes, especially for Patrick, it was an anniversary. Something you thought you'd never miss, Patrick maybe, but you? you where looking forward to this. But here you are laying in bed, with the worst headache and cough ever. You look like a train wreck.

     You told him to go on his own. But Patrick knew better then this. The fact that he didn't even go because he insisted he stay with you. The fact that he left a opportunity to go to a restaurant he had reserved months prior.
A opportunity he most likely wont get again.

    But the thing is, Patrick cared for you. He may not show it most of the time but he really does. Thats why he did it, if it where anyone else, he would still go.

    You sat up wile your boyfriend walked in with a tray of soup, thanking him when he gave it to you.  He took his time to sit next to you, probably not wanting to get sick as well.

"you know, you can go still, bring a person from work or something," you said, you try avoiding the word 'friend' because most of the time he gives you a long talk about how he doesn't need friends and that he's got you.

"Like i said, it was so-pose to be a anniversary gift," he explained "besides it's not a big of deal, the anniversary of course." you scoffed at his words.

He just smiled and leaned against you.
"I was joking," he said wile giving you a quick peck on the cheek.

"carful," you warned "you might be catching a cold, except your symptoms are being affectionate." you joke. It was his turn to scoff. You placed the tray of food on the night stand and laid down.
He moved closer to you, wrapping his arms around you carefully stroking your hair in a calming motion.

"I love you," he said, you fake gasped.

"Patrick Bateman said 'I love you' it's a gift," you joked. he scoffed. "i love you too." you say rolling over to face him and give him a kiss on the lips. you pulled away.

"now your just trying to infect me," he said jokingly kissing you again.

"good night Patrick, love you." you say drifting off to sleep.

"Goodnight, Y/N... I love you." he whispered the last words, but you heard them, and you are grateful for them. so you smiled as you went to sleep.

not proof read

634 words! 
this was bad 💀
sorry its so short and sorry he is so ooc 😭 im not the best at fluff with Patrick like at all.

but still hoped you liked it!!


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