Why..? (Billy Lenz x Reader)

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okay so- i am not the best at angst- but imma try for a friend, and i Love billy so, win win?

Angst/No happy ending
Major Character Death
Sexual themes implied
Black Christmas (1974)
crude language


12:58 AM

       You where on the floor, where prior to that, Billy was next to you whispering and mumbling nonsense, but, you couldn't care less. In fact you didn't care at all. You knew what Billy went through so, as the great person you are, loved him for who he was.

     But some days he would get out of control. Yell at you. Say things about you.
Insecurities thrown at your face like you where some other girl he called in the attic on the phone. Everything was thrown at you when he was in a fit, but what really broke you was that he said that you where 'only his play thing' and that 'he doesn't love you, you are only here for pleasure '. Of course he didn't say it like that, he said it in the many odd ways he says things.

       That was the day you decided to snap at him... Tell him that you where going to leave.


9:30 AM

       You sat at the table waiting for Billy to come down and eat the food you had made. You made his favorite, so you didn't want it to be cold.

     "Billy! Sweets! Come down here I made breakfast!!" you yell towards the stairs knowing he was up in the attic. You waited a few minutes, but when you didn't get a reply or a scavenging Billy, you called him again. You wait, and wait.. and wait. You wait a long time knowing that the food is getting cold.

     So you decided to call him. You wait wile it rings. It rings, and rings... and rings.  You sigh knowing he's not going to pick up, so you hung up the receiver and walked up the stairs to the attic latter.
You took a deep breath and started to climb the ladder. Huh, funny that attic door was already open..

      When you got up in the cold a d gloomy attic you found Billy sitting in the corner looking at a rocking chair that had a stuffed animal you got for him on your fifth anniversary. You got him it knowing he likes to cuddle.

    "Billy, sweetheart, it's breakfast, it's done, it has been." you say walking slowly over to him. He was rocking back and forth muttering random things until he just screamed.

"FILTHY BILLY! I KNOW WHAT YOU DID BILLY!" he screamed as jumped to his feet. He looked over at you, then said "Piggy cunt.. Piggy whoree," lead by a series of odd moans and gurgles. Normally in a fit, Billy would tell you to go down stairs so he wouldn't hurt you with such words. But today, wasn't that day. But on that day, he also told you those horrible things

"Billy doesn't need piggy.. Billy only wants his fat cock in you.."

That was it, that was when you threatened to leave him.

So Thats how you ended up on the floor.

You don't even remember what happened after that but you where on the floor with Billy in the kitchen, his arm wrapped around you. Billy had calmed down and was giving you kisses on the cheek wile music played from the turntable in the living room. Besides Billy's kisses and the music all you can here was silence.

"Billy.. Billy is sorry, Billy no mean any of it, Billy sorry." he did his best to whisper in your ear as he nuzzled in your neck. He sat up and held you in his arms giggling to himself.

"You are so pretty, Piggy.." He said. But you didn't move a inch.

"Silly Piggy, silly piggy! no pretend, wake upp!!" he said giggling at your wide eyes. He kept giving you kisses wile giggling hoping to get that smile you gave him when he was giggling.

Seeing him happy made you happy, so he was trying to show it to you. But you still didn't move. He frowned at you.


When he noticed you where not breathing he started to panic.

"Piggy? Billy said sorry he didn't mean too!"

He moved your hair to the side revealing
your bruised neck. Then, he realized.

He hurt you. He hurt the only person that loved him. No. He Killed you. All because of one of his phone calls didn't work out the way he wanted to so he had a fit. The things he said to you too..

Here Billy was, crying next to you. Telling you to you have to wake up when he wakes up because he doesn't think its funny anymore.

"Why..? Why me.."

He kissed you before trying to sleep then whispered,

"Wake up.. Please.."


866 words, it was pretty short ik im sorry. But this genuinely sucked im sorry 😭. idk how to make it better.

a anywayyy

can i have requests plsss, from you!
it makes it so much easer, just look at the request page before anything, thank youu.

love ya all

Slasher Onshots x reader (requests: open)Where stories live. Discover now