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VALERIA WOKE UP THE NEXT MORNING MORE GIDDY THAN EVER, she'd gotten dressed, eaten her breakfast very quickly to the point her Septa scolded her, but she did not care. All she wanted to do was go down to the dragon pit and see her dragon friend again, she felt something pull her in Nightshade's direction, it was something she'd never felt before until now.

She'd went to the kitchens and stole some raw meat and stuffed into a little sack that dangled on her belt, she smiles at some of the maids and cooks before leaving. Valeria walked down the halls of the castle and made her way outside where she was met with one of her Uncles; Aemond.

Valeria took note that whenever she'd look at him, he always looked sad or hurt about something and she knew that it had something to do with Jacaerys and Aegon picking on him for not having a dragon. She'd seen the look he sent her yesterday when he'd heard Jace shout out about her bonding with her dragon on the first day. She sighs and watches him grab a training sword and play around with it in his hands, she walks over to him. "Aemond!"

The said boy looks up when he heard his name being called, he watched his niece rush over to him with a smile on her face. "Do you want to come with me to the dragon pit today? I think Nightshade would love to meet you!"

Aemond looked at her with a shy smile on his face and nodded, "sure. I would like to come," the girl smiles, and grabs his hand as he dropped the wooden sword and let her drag him along.

Valeria didn't know the reason why everyone picked on him, she knew Jace only did it because he wanted Aegon to like him, and Luke only did it because their brother did it. Though Valeria was younger than Jace she still knew better, Aemond was their Uncle wether they liked it or not and he was still apart of their family and you should always treat your family how you want to be treated.

Soon enough, they both showed up to the pit and she's grinned at one of the men who nodded towards her and speaking to another in valerian to get her dragon with him. The girl stood by Aemond who looked excited yet anxious to actually see her dragon, "you are going to love him!" She says practically jumping in her spot – forgetting that she was still holding onto his hand.

The two children heard a small roar that echoed off of the walls causing them to look down and watch as her dragon was brought up. Valeria smiles and side eyes Aemond who looked entranced as he stares at Nightshade. "He's beautiful," he mutters in wonder. His eyes were wide, they shined brightly as Nightshade drew closer to them.

The black and purple scaled dragon growled lowly at the people around him, he huffed in Valeria's direction, but glared at the boy next to her. His muzzle slipped up into a snarl making Aemond step back, though, Valeria still held tightly to his hand.

"Hi, Nightshade." She cooed rubbing her hand over his head, "I brought a friend, this is Aemond." She whispers, "he's not going to hurt you or me."

She lifted Aemond's hand and slowly placed it onto Nightshade's head, the dragon slowly got used to the other boy and chirped softly at him causing the Princess to grin. She watched as her Uncle patted his head and made some calming noises, Valeria loved making people happy and the fact she made Aemond's day – that was good for her.

Nightshade's eyes narrowed at the silver haired girl who took the chunks of meat out of the small pouch and then looked up meeting eyes with the dragon, "brought a few treats for my good boy." She mutters before flattening her hand letting the dragon take it from her gently, she then turns to Aemond and grabs his left hand and straightens out his hand and placing another cube onto it. She could see his eyes widening before standing stiffly; almost hesitant to do this. "Nice," she tells Nightshade who slowly took the meat from the boys hand. The dragon gave the two one last look before it was taken back down into the pit without a struggle.

Aemond turns to Valeria who had a proud look written all over her face, "that was amazing, thank you." He whispers wiping his hand on his tunic, watching as the dragon was taken away. "Nobody has ever done anything like this for me before, thank you." He thanks her again causing her to roll her eyes.

"Stop saying thank you, idiot." She laughs pushing him causing him to give a faked angry look, the two of them were silent until they both broke out into laughter. "Come on, let's head back."

Aemond smiles and walks beside her, listening to her voice as she explains random things she had learned from books and their histories behind them. "You know," she starts. "We could do this again, tomorrow, if you want?" She questions watching him snap his head her way.

"Really?" She nods, "then yes. I would like to come with you tomorrow." They both smile at each other once more before walking back into the red keep, "– and perhaps I could teach you how to fight."

Valeria grins and fists the air, "yes! Thank you, Uncle!" She yells into the air causing him to let out loud laughs causing everyone to stop and stare, she noticed her brothers staring at both of them along with a sobered looked Aegon. "Oh, and Aemond?" He hums while turning to her, "if my brothers do anything tell me, I will not hesitate to scold them in front of everyone in this courtyard." The older boy chuckles and nods his head.

"Okay," he says looking at her. "Whatever you say, dear Niece." He looks at her once more before picking up two wooden swords and handing her one, "do you know how to hold the sword properly?" Valeria shakes her head. "Alright, you hold it here and now you change your posture straight like this." He explains showing her everything she needs to do, "then you swing like this and aim for me."

The two had spent almost the entire day together, Aemond was showing her how to go for pressure points and where to swing while Valeria was enjoying herself and the looks on many mens faces, though her brothers were the most funniest.

thank you for 7k!
I very much appreciate all the
love and support from each one of you!
sorry I haven't been able to update this past week, I had college and other things to do, hopefully you enjoy this little chapter!

thanks for reading!

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