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THE NEXT DAY, VALERIA STOOD IN BETWEEN AEGON AND AEMOND as they were stood behind Jacaerys in the dragon pit; watching on as his dragon – Vermax was brought up to them for the boy to train. The girl held her youngest brother in front of her as they all watched in anticipation, she knew Aemond watched on in jealousy, but she knew that one day, he too would have a dragon.

"Hold!" The elder man shouts for the two men to stop walking, they looked at each other as they both stood there holding the chains tightly. "Let him come!" He commands the men for the dragon to walk up upon them, Aegon yawns making Valeria nudge him causing his hands to go up in defence.

Jacaerys slowly descends towards his dragon slowly as the dragon was unleashed from it's chains. "Call Vermax to heel, Prince Jacaerys," the woman told him.

"Serve!" Jacaerys says out loud in their mother tongue, "halt!" He commands as the dragon jumped at him, but as soon as he told it to halt it soon went into a sitting position.

"Well done." The man mutters nodding his head towards the boy, "soon you will be as good as your sister."

Jacaerys looked back at Valeria and smiled proudly as she gave him a nod back with a grin upon her face. There was soon a goat led out of the pit and chained up to the wall, the dragon almost ran to it, but her brother was faster. "Vermax! Vermax!"

"Halt!" The man who trained their dragons shouted causing the dragon to soon be stopped by the men.

"You must hold mastery over your dragon, my young Prince." The woman spoke giving a small yet stern smile, "as Prince Aegon has with Sunfyre and Princess Valeria with Nightshade." She translates, "once they're fully bound to you, they will refuse to take instructions from any other."

Jace smiles at the woman before looking at the dragon and turned his eyes to the man, "can I say it?" He gets a nod from the man, he looks at his sister and his Uncles, he gets a reaction from Aegon who holds up his bandaged hand in a fist with a grin. "Dracarys, Vermax!"

The dragon walks closer to his prey and suddenly shoots fire at it causing the poor thing to screech out, Aegon leaned closely to Aemond who watched on with jealousy. "Aemond," he whispers making the boy turn to him, "Jace, Luke and I have a surprise for you."

"What is it?" He questions, he and Valeria shoot looks to each other before Lucerys opened his mouth causing them all to look at him.

"Something very special." He says laughing, "just for you, Aemond," and with that he runs off to get whatever they had for their Uncle.

Valeria narrows her eyes when she noticed Jacaerys smirking, but his eyes also seemed to be narrowed as if he'd now just realised something while looking at the three of them. "You are the only one of us without a dragon."

Aemond frowns wondering what he meant, "indeed."

"And we felt badly about it, so we found one for you." Valeria gasps feeling excited for Aemond, she smiled up at Aegon with a thank you, but once he looked at her his smile vanished, his face turned into a now guilty one.

"A dragon? How?" He question, disbelief now written on his face.

Aegon guiltily mutters, "the god provide."

Suddenly, Lucerys came running out with a pig with wings attached to it. Valeria looked at Jacaerys who was chuckling to himself, and then to Aegon who now picked at his nails, she didn't dare look at Aemond. "Behold, the pink dread!" Her brothers shout while laughing.

"Jacaerys! Lucerys!" She shouts angrily causing them both to look at her, "apologise to Aemond right now!"

"Oh, come on, Valeria." Jace shakes his head, "t'is only a joke!"

"A joke that is not funny but instead bullying! How would you feel if it was turned around; one of you without a dragon and someone giving you a pig, hm?" She says glaring at them sharply, "I'm waiting?"

"Horrible." Lucerys mutters now looking down, "sorry Aemond. It wasn't our faults though, Aegon came up with it!" The boys says starting to point fingers, Jacaerys now pointing as well causing the girl to grab her brothers by their arms and dragging them away sending Aemond an apologetic look.


After giving the boys their scoldings, they walked back in silence, Valeria refusing to talk to them. She was ready to walk in a different direction to tell their Mother about this but was stopped by her elder brother who held her arm, "what happened to your hand?" He asks.

"I hurt myself picking up a vase that I dropped." She lies, she looks to see his spirals going off within his head, Lucerys had bound closer too.

"Then why did Aegon and Aemond have bandages on the same hand as yours?" He questions further, he wanted to know, he wanted to be in on whatever they were doing.

She pulls her arm away, "I do not know, Jace. They probably got hurt training, now if you'll excuse me."

Valeria walks away from them and down a hall, two guards following behind her, she walked down to her Mother's chambers and knocked, the guard called out her name before she entered. Her Mother turned around to her with Joffrey in her arms, "Valeria, my sweetling." She mutters quietly, "what is the matter?"

"Jace and Luke have been bullying Aemond, and constantly blames Aegon for it." She says going around to sit on her Mother's bed, "I always try and tell them to stop, but they think Aemond not having a dragon is something to be ashamed for and pick on him for it."

Her Mother sighs and sits next to her, "t'is boys being boys."

"No, it's a form of bullying and making someone feel like the black sheep." She says before her Mother continued to defend her precious boys, "please, Mother, please speak to them."

The woman sighs and nods, "alright, I will." She says wrapping her arm around her daughter who smiled down at her little brother who was planted tightly to their Mother's chest.

She stayed and chatted with her Mother, she even went far to telling her Mother that she didn't want to be betrothed to anyone, that she wanted to be a knight, the woman knew that she couldn't argue with her, but she had seen her half-siblings hands along with her daughters, she knew something went between them and tried to think about how she could find it out.

my favourite part finally comes very soon!
how to make you the king's favourite: step inside fire and survive. Lol! (that's all I'm giving you!)

appreciate all the comments! I'm not deleting
the book, I meant that I had deleted it and was editing it because I didn't feel like I did best with it! but again, thank you!

thanks for reading! x

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