Backstory 2 bc i got more ideas

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"[name] sweetie why are you  here?" Mama (ei) asked, looking up I saw a woman with Long purple hair looking down.
"Mama?" I questioned. Moving my hand to try and touch her hand. But no matter how long and how fast I try to run at her. I couldn't catch up. That was when I relized.
"The world is aginst me." I muttered. Looking back, i tried looking for my brother.
"BROTHER?!! BROTHER?!"i looked around.he always loved me. He could share the burden too, right? Right?! I fell to my knees and hands. My four limbs barely able to support me as tears streamed down from my face and dropped to the grassy ground.after a minute or so. My limbs failed me and I dropped to the ground.
After laying for a hour. I picked the nearest lamp grasses and set off. Looking around, I relized I was at a big ass mountain. Looking behind, I saw green grass.  Looking at the mountain. I thought it could lead me to mother. Setting off, around midnight. It soon started to hail. Making you loose almost every lampgrass exept one. Which mysteriously shone yellow like geo and blue like your cardigan. Walking around in a mountain with no source of heat and only a light dress and one large cardigan. Seeing a tiny bright light source you tried to run to it. But your legs failed and you dropped to the ground and fainted. (Like that one xiao animation where he fainted in snow). The lampgrass was still shining.

Albedo pov

I returned to my camp at day after spending the night in my house in mondstat,till I spotted a figure.cautiously, I walked there, seeing the figure to be laying down in the snow I mind you. I rushed there, and started studying the body, seeing how cold she was, I figured they were there all night. Picking her up in a bridal position, I ran to my camp and placed her on a "bed". Re-lighting the fire's making sure she would be warm. I returned back to my table to make a healing potion. Looking back at her, I notticed a glowing lamp grass that held two colours. I swiftly took it out of her hand and found a pot to keep it in,
"Fascinating," I muttered. Looking back at the girl, I took my potion and was about to pour it in her mouth but she suddenly woke up.
"AHHHHHHH" she yelled, startiling me as I placed the medicine back. She looked at her clothes which were cold and soaking wet and threw a blanket over herself.
"WHO THE FUXK ARE YOU?!" She screamed, pointing her pointer finger at me.
"Albedo kerdeprinz.(or however you spell it) chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonious." I bowed.
"..." she looked at me with a "hmm" face and let go of her hands and stood.
"[name] [last name], pleasure to meet you." She looked back up at me after her bow. We stood and studied eachother's features.

His pov at you.

She had beautiful [eye colour] eyes, glistening at me like bright snow shining in the sun, her [coloured] hair flew in the wind. A long length that reached her legs. She had fluffy see through bangs, her soft looking, light, white,long dress went right to left a bit. Her corset was damp as her anemo vision glowed, her cardigan was light blue, snow was stuck on it as she didn't bother. She had long lashes that curved perfectly.

Ur pov at him
His ashy chalk-y blond, short hair was tied a bit, he had a long, decorative coat and thick shorts with long socks underneath and long boots. He had a blue and black shirt as he had black and red gloves. His blueish aquatic eyes looked back at me  with curiosity.

"I would like to study you, [name]." He asked for your approval, receiving a nod.
"Your not human. Right.?" He asked.
"Yes, my mother was a god. Baal. She abandoned me and my brother. I lost him." He nodded.
"I see," he stated, "we'll start tomorrow. Please rest" I later back down, soon falling asleep.

May I, have this kiss.Albedo XF!readerWhere stories live. Discover now