Chapter 002

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   We left Sugar and Lily finally meeting and the beginning bonds of friendship. This friendship will lead them down a path they never knew they could travel. A mysterious device has been watching from afar. A camera feeding video to someone who finds this bond wonderful. A sign for things to move forward after so long.


Lily's POV

It's been a few days since Sugar has come in to our lives, and Dad came home to see the creature that he saw in many books. He rightfully freaked out and was fascinated by Sugar. Mom took some measurements while Dad took some pictures of Sugar. Then both disappeared into the lab for quite some time.

Sugar didn't understand why they were so fascinated with them. But they did get lots of sweet berries, so Sugar didn't mind all that much. Even though I'm quickless. I found so much more joy in day-to-day life when I got to go home and play with Sugar.

"Pika! Pikachu!" Sugar cries, getting my attention. I turn to see, they have a strange berry in their paws. It looks like a very small heart with two tones of pink. Sugar jumps on my desk and passes me the strange berry.

"What is this, Sugar?" I ask as Sugar mimics for me to eat it.

"Is it safe for humans to eat?" I ask as Sugar smiles, nodding their head. Okay, that's ....worst case scenario. I just get sick... I bite into the berry, which is amazing, sweet!! I had no idea a berry could be this sweet!!

"Yummy! Sugar, this is amazing! Do you want the rest of it? It's too good not to share!" I smile as Sugar takes me up on my offer. Munching is down on the sweet berry. It was the same type of strangeness as the other two berries Sugar had bought to me before... one looked like a blue strawberry, and the other one looked like a pear with spots on it. But.... what exactly is Sugar? Where did they come from? Are there more of Sugar's kind?

"Hey, Sugar? Are there more of you out there??" I ask as Sugar nods their head happily.

"There is? Can you....can you show them to me?" I ask as Sugar smiles with a happy squeal. Sugar jumps off the table heads for the backdoor and waits. I grab my hiking bag and left a note for my parents so I don't disturb their research. Upon opening the door, Sugar runs to the forest path that leads to the mountains. Here we go!! I follow Sugar into the forest, we start off on our adventure!!! Over logs, through trees tunnels, under natural bridges and hopping along river rocks was lots of fun... I've been to this forest many times before, but it seems the difference somehow.....more magical... Sugar jumps on top of a rock, looking tried as I breathe heavily next to them. Pulling out my water bottle, sharing it with them.

"Sugar? Do you think the other Pokemon will like me?" I ask as Sugar smiles, nodding. I smile back as Sugar jumps on top of my head with a sigh of relief as we continue walking through to the mountains.

After an hour, we reached the base of a mountain when Sugar decided to jump off my head, starting to run to a cave, which led into the mountain from my guess. I take out my flashlight, shining it into the cave. I sigh aloud as Sugar continues to lead the way into the cave as I light the way. Soon, colorful crystals line the walls, making a natural light. It was dazzling.....a dazzling cave. It's like the crystals make their own light....

"Pika!!" Sugar calls out as we reach a man-made door???

"What?" I question aloud as Sugar slips through a crack the door. I pull on some gloves to begin pulling the door more open so I can slip through, too. I shine my flashlight around the inside to see if it looks like some type of facility. Can you believe it's been abandoned for years, maybe decades, even? Suddenly, lights kick on, blinding me!

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