Chapter 003

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We left off Lily and her parents finally meeting Professor Rosewood via Rotom phone call. Professor Rosewood asks an important task of Lily and her parents.

To help set the Pokemon in the sanctuaries free with the other professors, but Lily must capture the four little troublemakers who snuck away. Five if you count Sugar, but she was already captured.

Bulbasaur, Cyndaquil, Rockruff, and Greavard. Must be found before any trouble starts up, but knowing Pokemon, they always love starting trouble at the worst of times.


Lily's POV

The teasing at school for being quirkless isn't bothering me as much anymore. Which is nice, but I think my bullies are annoyed. Oh! Well! I laugh to myself as I leave through the front gates heading back home but to meet up with Sugar just around the corner.

"Sugar!" I yell as she jumps into my arms for snuggles. When the Rotom phone bounces in front of me from my bag with an incoming call from the professor.

"Hello, Lily! I've located the first Pokemon escape artist." Professor Rosewood explains as I rush on to a woodsy tail so no prying eyes or ears see Sugar.

"So who's first, Professor?" I ask as the Rotom phone pulls up a picture of the Pokemon.

I take out my orange and red Pokedex for it to read the information to me.


The Puppy Pokemon.

A Rock Type 🪨

This Pokémon has lived with people since times long ago. It can sense when its Trainer is in the dumps and will stick close by its Trainer's side." I read as I look at the cute Pokemon.

"It's so cute." I comment as Professor Rosewood chuckles.

"Rockruff is adorable and very loyal to humans. So, catching it shouldn't be too hard. But if Rockruff tries to run. Use Sugar's shock wave to paralyze Rockruff for a short time, then capture." Professor Rosewood comments as I nod my head as we reach the park.

"The thermal on my drone has spotted Rockruff in this area. Plus, it seems to be an area where very young children like to play, so Rockruff probably plays with them. With some not knowing any better because rockruff does resemble a normal puppy." Professor comments as Sugar jumps out of my arms to sniff around.

"When was Rockruff last seen, Professor??" I ask when something jumps from the bushes startling Sugar and I.

"Rockruff?!" I yell as the puppy starts barking at us.

"Last seen was just now." Professor chuckle as I sigh in annoyance.

"Sugar! I chose you!" I yell as Sugar jumps at Rockruff, making it jump back.

"Pika!" Sugar cries as Rockruff barks.

"Ruff! Grrrr!"

"Sugar! Use Quick Attack!" I call as Sugar runs at Rockruff, knocking it back. Then Rockruff bit Sugar!

"Rockruff is using a bite! Sugar has to break free quickly!" Professor Rosewood says as Rockruff throws Sugar growling as it neck starts glowing. "Oh no! Rockruff is about to use a rock move. You need to get Sugar to use shock waves immediately!"

"Sugar! SHOCK WAVE!!" I yell as electric waves appear from Sugar stunning Rockruff interrupting the move!

"Yes! Now the Pokeball! Throw it!" Professor Rosewood yells as I do just so Rockruff breaks free, knocking the Pokeball back at my face......

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