1-He is My Papa

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(the middle name En was inspired by project N)


A place fill devour by fire a man shine as bright as ever be even the hellish fire put to shame compared to him

His light gaze upon others... upon a small girl

Their eyes locked and even though she couldn't see his face cause of those bright light shining him she could feel that he is smiling

"From now on your name would be Kiana En my lovely daughter"he spoke claiming as daughter of his

"Daughter?"she ask curiosity paint on her face

"Indeed you are as I am now your father or you could call me Papa"

"Pa... pa"she spoke

"Yes Papa a father a place where you could play, eat, laugh and most important a place where you are safe just exclusively for you, what do you say.Do you want to become my daughter? Kiana..."

Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring

"Ughh could you shut up!"one strike completely broke her clock in pieces

"Kiana.... that's the 3rd time this week stop smashing your clock"voice come from the lower level knew that she broke the clock by the sound of it since it happen regularly

"Ngghhhh I was having a great dream about Papa and that clock ruin it"A messy girl with white hair and those ocean blue eyes scratching her head grumbling frustrated that her good dream was interrupted


Clack Clack Clack

Coming down from the stairs Kiana arrive toward to the dining table fully well dress in her uniform sit down on the chair and pull her plate toward only for a purple maiden to place down scramble egg and bacon on her plate

"Thanks Mei-senpai for the breakfast"

"Your welcome now eat we might get late.Exam is in a week we can't lay down and be lazy Kiana..."Mei let her eyes focus mainly on Kiana while shivered by the sight

"H-hey Mei-senpai don't look at me like that hehe"Mei let her finger roam to her forehead shaking her head in disapproval

"According to Bronya speculation chance of Idiotka will study and train would be 5% and chance of scoring the test is 0"An ashnette, Bronya spoke irritating Kiana

"Hey!"Kiana unbutton the top part of her uniform and pull out a pendant that tied to her neck revealing a silver necklace with a red crystal in a shape of a bow

"Heh say all you want but as long as I have my lucky charm that Papa gave me nothing could stop me neither the world itself"Kiana smug while Mei gave up and decided to continue with her work


The last class has passed instead of going straight back to her dorm Kiana left sitting on a bench under the tree shade upon her wind blew a cool breeze.It is comfortable and peaceful

She gaze upon the pendant.Memory by memory flash through her mind so sweet that she didn't notice that she's been smiling all along

".........na..........ana.................Kiana...........Hey Kiana!"she jolted look back it was Mei calling for her while Bronya is beside Mei completely focus on her video game

"Kiana you are spacing out did you hear what I said?"

"A-ah yeah what are you saying just now I didn't hear it?"

"Alas..."Mei look at Kiana then her pendant

"Did it glow?"Mei ask

"No... not even once"Kiana answered her.Smile never left her face but Mei knew that she is hurting.Kiana her father once make a promise to comeback and left those pendant to her Kiana said that that pendant will glow when his father is close but never once in those 6 years it glow not even once maybe if it was others they would give up and go on with their life but not Kiana she didn't gave up her trust to her father would never fall apart.After all her father once said

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