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"Alright the existence of Honkai come from the from this negative energy that was enforce by the Will of Honkai itself" Morning come by and students were either in class studying or in the gymnasium for training

But now Noa is teaching the class on subject of an Honkai existence.

"Honkai does change the historical of human but it either in what speculation that human take it. Does it turn out bad or good...." Noa walk around the class until he reach a certain white head who have her face flat on the table, snoring very loudly

"It depends on human mindset. Some may use it for the good of themselves while others try to improve the world by taking advantage of said cause and some certain people just sleep and didn't take the class that important" Noa tap on Kiana shoulder slightly before she groan as she rub her eye, setting to the light

"Ughh wha-" She look up to the person who stand beside her and she frozed instantly, feeling absolutely fresh all of a sudden

"A-ah" Kiana couldn't utter a word. Right infront of her is her Papa who have his eye close with a smile on his face. She swear she could saw a black aura around him

His hand reach to her while she stay frozen. Finally his hand land on her head and petting her gently. She staggered by the touch

"Please pay attention in class or you might drop in rank. You didn't want that don't you? since you just raised in rank" Kiana nodded furiously. Suddenly she became this obedient child all of sudden

Then Noa continue with his lesson as the class end soon after. Surprisingly Kiana remain frozen for the whole lesson even when it was Himeko's period. She gave her full attention to the class that Himeko have a doubt that Kiana was replaced by a spy or something

Her class end as well as it is finally recess. Himeko was still processing about what just happened but then she remember before her class was Noa class that got her sprinting to the Teacher's Office

Arriving she was met with Noa who was on his computer writing about tomorrow lesson. She slowly sit down beside him before ask him out

"Hey Noa uhh have you done something on your class today?" Noa look at her with his passive expression. He quirk a brow and gave her a look

"What do you mean Himeko-sensei?" Himeko was a bit nervous to ask and she even didn't know why?

"Well it is about Kiana..... She is very weird today like she did not slept in my class at all" Noa gave her a questionable look

"Isn't it great if she didn't sleep during a lesson?"

"Yes indeed it is but it was ummm..... Kiana just now is very out of character and your class are before mine so I thought you have done something to her plus to that you are her father, Noa" Noa keeping his silent a minute before turning to his table and pick up the tea and by the look of it Himeko is sure those tea is expensive as hell

"Very well if that is your suspicion. I will voice my answer, Yes I have done something to her and that is just slightly tap her on the shoulder and ask her to not sleep during a class that is all" Himeko still have her doubt and her expression said so. He sigh for once

"And I did this....." Himeko froze the same as Kiana did. Now she knew why Kiana have changed so suddenly. This man let out an aura that have everyone frozen but with no fear. She would never have thought Noa who is she classified as a gentleman could have this kind of power within him

But still she couldn't blame him since he is 1 in 1000. By Theresa's order Noa have been gone on a test before. It was a test to see how strong his resistance against Honkai radiation and the result were that Noa have high- no absolute resistance against Honkai radiation that she have never would thought exist in her life. There is many that have high resistance but absolute, there is none note even in both gender until he arrives

HONKAI IMPACT 3RD: A FATHERWhere stories live. Discover now