8-Empty Void

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"Haa..... Ha.... I must be stronger" No matter how tired she is right now she keeps on punching the punch bag repeatedly, running a thousand of miles, practicing her aims but even that was just a play

The play of a void

"Fufufu go on Kiana..... and forget the reality" The Queen of Void, Queen of Herrschers, Herrscher of Void

She turn to her side as a man rise from a shadow and the look he gave broke down her blissful thought

"Your having fun...." She pay no care to the man even if he have a face of a person she hate the most, Otto

Though he is a bit different. His attire change into more noble like clothes with a touch of black and design that fill with glooming darkness even darker than the void itself. His hair is blood red with a gold pin attached on the side of his bang

"Hm?" The man quirk a brow it was a bit surprised for him that anyone ever ignore him since he is the definition of chaos.

"Your ignoring me, for what reason? Don't you want to start your revolution against human? The way of the void that you speak of" The man just smile at her, very unpleasant smile

"What do you want?" Finally The tiger shows it tooth

"Now we are talking..... My request is simple, Fight Noa" The Herrscher slam her fist on the void manifestation of a table


"Correction young lady, not a man. A God" Index finger sway side to side. His laugh dancing around the void

"You know that than why?"

"Oh that? For a whole grand meeting? Since he have a daughter of his own, I would to have a one of mine" His hand reach out to her and she just stare at his palm, unbelieving

"But why?" The man isn't irritated by her question. After all he knew deep inside it was just a little girl, clueless about the world and fun thing about that. A child is far easier to be manipulated

"Here's an answer. You will get a physical form of your own. Let us piece it together, You took hold over his daughter, but make sure you let her struggle in against gaining consciousness. It will make her plead than you fully possessed her and since Noa is well a God separate you with her will be much easier" Her expression is still full of confusion

"What do you gain from this?" She ask

"Hm? Me? Nothing but a grand entrance for myself but do not worry Noa won't kill you since you are a clueless child to him. He will try to save you instead, trying to bring you back to the light" She keep her silent but as more as he said the more it make sense and more it took her interest

"But one thing he doesn't knew. That you are the same as me..... A clone with a purpose to replace" A facade covering half of his face showing her his truth. It was the face of Noa but different. Those black with red marks feature shows as if Noa took a dark path

"You and me is oddly the same Herrscher of Void. Our purpose was to replace what was left behind, walking behind a shadow of truth. How bitter it is but do not worry I am here as I have changed my purpose" She look up to his eye and admiration is the one she saw

"The purpose to dominate and destroy. He live for the creation and peace while I will be his Destruction and Despair to prove that I am not an inferior copy of his" His focus return to her before stretching out his hand to her

"Will you join me my sweet void" Hesitation remain but still she hold her hand out to him

"Great choice. Here a gift for you" She look at hwr palm and found a crystal gem

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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