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Hello since im so eager to make this book, I make one. Hope you enjoy

▪︎The timeline is a few days when the Jamal family is leaving.

All of them were doing their work loke Ryoma is doing his mission, the twin is busy with the laundry shop, The Jamal family is on their way to home, while the other are doing their job/work.

Suddenly, a potal appear under them all as they got teleport to the same place and that is a..

Reaction room...

"Wahhhhhhh- ouch" our protagonist have arrive as soon as he get up, he look around and saw that he have been teleport to a different room that he has no idea where is it. He then saw a few more portal open up and you could clearly see there is a lot of people falling from there.

"Oh no!" Ryoma then used his power to catch them and put them down slowly.
He put them to their seat where he notice that the seat have all of their name.

After all of them wake up..

"Wher- wait Ryoma?!!!!" Hughes shout when he see Ryoma." Hey hughes" Ryoma said as he just scratch the bach of his head. "Wait where are we Ryoma?!" Eliaria said " For that question, I really sorry, I dont know where we are lady Eliaria" Ryoma said and and apologized to Eliaria. "Ohhh"

Then there's a new voice coming..

"Hello There" a misterious voice said to them as they all got alarmed and immedietly started to protect the children.

"Who are you and what do you want from us huh!!!" Reinhart said as he protect the children

"Wow, you guys dont have to worry because Im not gonna harm anyone" She said to everyone so that they could relaxed. "My name is Azalea and you can call me either Lea/Azalea/Zalea" as Azalea introduced herself to everyone.

"Well Azalea do you have a reason why you brought us here?" Reinbach said to her as he really curious why did she brought them here. "Well the reason I brought you guys here is because, you guys are going to react to something or rather someone that in this room" Azalea said as the other started to question themself 'who are we going to react' "May I ask who are we going to react to?" Elise said as Azalea nod "well the perzon who you guys are going to react is none other than Ryoma of course" Azalea said as everyone started to look at Ryoma.

"M-me?!" "Yes you child" "why would we react to me?" "Well that's a secret" Azalea said to the child.

"Well since everyone is already here, how about we get to the reaction" Azalea said as she was about to started but someone asked her a question.

"Wait.. what about our shop there would be a lot of people questioning where are we right now" Carla asked and Ryoma started to panic.

"Well about that you dont have to worry, because I already stop the time at your world, so you guys can relaxed and of course you too Ryoma" as Ryoma started to calm down a little.

"Well that settle, lets get to the reaction" Azalea said

To be Countinued

By The Grace Of The God React To Ryoma (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now