Chapter 3

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Chapter 3, art class just got a little more interesting.

(3rd pov)
As y/n sat down at their table and took out their art project a group of boys walked in right as the bell rang. Y/n didn't think anything of it, they didn't bother to socialize with the people of Des Moines high...

After sitting in class and looking at their phone for the good first ten minutes, a guy walked over and sat down at their table(mind you y/n sits alone).
Y/n looks up at him, he looks weird. He has a buzz cut but he also has a ponytail? And it's dyed a bright reddish pink. A big smile plastered on his face showing his different colored teeth(he's got those gold thing goin on idk). His blue eyes never looking away, making y/n a little uncomfortable.
Y/n just looked at him confused. They didn't want to talk so, they said nothing they just looked over at the teacher then back at the guy.

"Hey." He said, y/n was trying to figure out why he was talking to them. Then he heard the guys two friends talking- or more like one of them...

"I'm Sidney Wilson, but you can call me Sid!" He said, somewhat load, his smile somehow still getting bigger. Some of the other kids looking over at us whispering to their friends.

Y/n didn't say anything, they just looked at the other kids. Y/n could fell a panic attack about to happen when all of a sudden.

(Y/n's pov)
I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack...
All of a sudden a guy comes over and puts a piece of paper in front of me. It read, "Hey, I'm Craig. Sorry for Sid, you can just tell him to fuck off if you don't want him to bother you." In a neat hand writing. I looked up at the guy who put it there, it then just clicked in my head.
These are the guys Joey was talking about... Sid... Craig...which means the other guy- who was currently walking over to us, must be Paulie...

"Hey, sorry for them... they can be a bit annoying." He said, he's a more heavy set guy, but he seems cool, he's got a few piercings in his ears, and he's wearing a dress shirt and tie? That's a little weird ngl...

I just look at them confused.

"I'm Paul by the way-"

"Piggy shush. I'm trying to talk to the pretty person!" The one named Sid interrupted, earning a angry glance from Paul, and zero reaction from Craig.

"...hi?" I finally responded, "why are you over here?" I ask, and tbh a little scared for their answers.

"Cuz ur ho-"

"Your always sitting alone, so we thought you'd like some friends." Paul answered after slapping Sid in the back of the head.

Craig still didn't say anything, he just looked at me...


Finally the end of class, I think to myself. I get out of the classroom as soon as the bell rings, heading to my next class.

I walk into my next class, math, yayyyyyyyy... and there's the usual. The Corey kid is trying to start a fight with an under class men... funnn.
The teacher isn't in the classroom yet and they're right at my desk yelling at each other. Other classmates cheering on the fight, while I just stand by the door not wanting to get involved. Then a tall well built guy with long black hair walks in, I think his name was like Nick or something idk. He throws his bag down at his desk and walks over to the Corey guy, grabs him by the arm and pulled him over to where I'm standing.

"Corey say sorry, you kept them standing because of your bull shit." He says in a very stern tone, ngl he's really scary... Corey then looks at me and I think he cursed under his breath.

"I'm sorry..." he says quietly, I just nod and walk to my desk.


As pur-usual math was boring as fuck. As I'm packing up the bell rings, fuck...
The guy from earlier walks over to me.

"Hey, I'm sorry about Corey, I don't think he realizes how annoying it is when he chooses to get into fights." He says looking down at me while I'm still putting my stuff away.
I stand up and just look at him.

"It's okay..." I say quickly and quietly, walking away and leaving for lunch.


Cliffhanger bc this character was only supposed to be about art class...I got caught up in writing that I didn't realize I wrote more than I wanted for this chapter...but it's fine if it was just the art stuff then it be to short.

Written: 10/23/22
Words: 817

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