꧁𝙢𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙙𝙖𝙮꧂

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𝙽𝚊𝚑𝚎𝚎 𝚙𝚘𝚟
𝙾𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟺𝚝𝚑 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟷
I said opening my door and running into the living room and then I set the camera down and then I opened the curtain and then I grab the camera and set it up in the kitchen and then i started to make coffee after I was done making coffee I grabbed my cup and then I blow and then I took a sip of my coffee and I rolled my eyes
Nahee:Stay I'm telling you this is some good sh*t
Then I continue to drink my coffee and then Chan came out of this room and then he walked to me and then kissed my cheek and then started to make his coffee and then more of the boys started to wake up then I put my coffee down
Nahee:so today is moving day and you probably asking why are we moving today well because this is the only time free time we have
Nahee:so first we will all go out for breakfast then we have practice for world is one and then we will come back pack and I also have a hair appointment today
Then I finished my coffee then I put it in the sink and then I grab my camera and then I walked to my room and then I set the camera down and then I went to my closet and picked out a outfit and then I turned the camera off and then I got changed into my outfit and then I went to my bathroom and started to brush my teeth after I brush my hair and then I looked in the mirror and seen a hickey on my neck and then I looked at the camera and then I signed and rolled my eyes and then I set my camera on the sink and then I grab my foundation and then I put it on my neck and then I put on my necklace that hyunjin gave me along with the ring and then I put on my cute glasses then I put back my makeup and then I turned the bathroom lights off and then I put my socks and shoes on then I grab my backpack and packed my stuff then I grabbed the camera then I left my room and then Lee know grab the keys and then we all head out of the dorm and then we went downstairs and then we went outside and then I waited for someone to open the door and then Felix opened my door because nobody opened my door and then Felix grab my hand and then I got in the car and then I thanked him and then he closed my door when everybody was in the car Lee know started to drive and then I crossed my arms
Lee know:Look you made her mad
Nahee:I'm not
Chan:Listen I'm not on that side No don't blame me
Nahee:Says the one who left hickey all over me
Chan:And who birthday's was yesterday
Chan:Love you
Nahee:Love you too changbin
Chan:Babe I said that
Nahee:Did you guys hear something
When we got to the diner I opened my door and then I grabbed the camera and walked inside the diner and then I waited for the boys to come inside then the waitress came back and showed us a table and then we sat down and then I talked to the camera and then we all ordered are drinks and then we all talked about stuff and I sat there on my phone and then Chan took my phone
Chan:Start listening to the conversation
And then I sat there and tried to listen to the conversation but it's was about stupid video games and boy stuff that was boring and then the waiter came back with are drinks then I took a slip of my ice tea and it was really good and then I act like I drop something so I got under the table and grab my phone and then I put it in my pocket and then i grab the trash and sat back in my seat and then I secretly went on my phone and then we all started to order are food and then i went on Snapchat and took a picture of my self and then I posted it on my Snapchat story and then i went on Gucci and see if they had anything new and then I felt someone call my name then I looked up from my phone and seen the boys looking at me with a annoyed face and i went back on my phone because I was not paying them no mind and then I found these cute jewelry and then i felt someone hand on my thigh and then my eyes widened and then I looked next to me and I see chan and Han switch seats and then I put my phone in my pocket and then I talked to the camera and then I turned it off and then I moved Chan's hand from my thigh and glare at him and then the lady came back with the food and then I grab my plate and then I started to eat my food and it was hot and delicious it was really good after we were done eating I was the first one to go to the car because the whole breakfast Chan was teasing me and I hate when he does that it just makes me made then i went back on my phone to try get me happy again and then I left someone open my door and I just ignore it
Chan:Get out
Then I felt Chan pick me and then I rolled my eyes then he put me down and I looked back at my phone then Chan closed the door and then opened it again so I got in the car and put my seat belt on when everybody was in the car Lee know drove back home when we got home I grab the camera and then i quickly went upstairs before Chan tries to tell me to get in the car then I unlocked the door and i went inside and grab some box's and started packing in my room then I felt it being to silent so I decided to play music then i went back to packing after I was done packing I put my boxes in the living room and then I left the house to get my hair done when I was in the car i started to drive to the hair salon when I got there I parked the car grabbed the camera got out of the car and then I locked the door and then walked inside and started to say hi and then my favorite person brought me back and then I sat the camera down and told her what I want to do which is dye my hair darker brown and then she started to dye my hair when I was done getting my hair I payed for my hair and then I thanked her and then I walked out of the salon and walked to my car and got in and drove back to the dorm when I was back I parked the car and I see the moving truck then I got out of the car locked the door and then I walked inside and see the boys and the moving people coming down the stairs and I said hi to them and I continue to walk upstairs and then I went to my room and see my bed is gone everything was gone damn I didn't know I was gone that long it felt like two minutes then I turned the camera off and started to clean up my bedroom after Chan told me that it's time to go to the new then I left my room and then we all walked out of the dorm and then I gave the key to the office lady and then we left the building and then I got in the car and started to drive to the house when we got here I got out of car and ran to the door and unlocked it and looked around and then I went to my bedroom and it was really big and then I went back downstairs and helped the boys unpack after we were done packing we all layed on my bedroom floor then I got up and went downstairs and grabbed water for everyone then i went back to my room and gave them water and then we all drink water and then we ended up not going to practice and requested to do it tomorrow because we are all tired and want to go to bed then I went in my dresser and grabbed my bra and underwear and head to my bathroom which was big ass hell I have a bath and a shower but I want to take a bath so I start to run the water and then I grab my led lights remote and change it to blue and then I left the bathroom and grab my speaker and then boys were looking at me weirdly and I just ignored it and started to play some calm music and then I stop the water and locked the door and then I put my hair in a bun and undressed and then I got in the bath and it left relaxing and then I changed the lights to red and then but on my sexual music because I feel a little freaky then I started singing to cum and get it by tink and I was relaxed and then I felt someone sit in front of me and then I opened my eyes and see the boys and then I closed my eyes again and continued to sing to the song and then I felt someone massage my shoulder and I just knew it was Felix and I felt much better because my body needs a massage and then drunk in love by Beyoncé and now I just feel really nice and relaxed and then I felt Felix go down my back and I hissed because it hurt really bad and then Felix kiss my back and then whispered in my ear
Felix:sorry baby I didn't mean to hurt you
And he said it in his deep voice and that send chills down my spine and I guess he knew because he chuckled in my ear and kissed my neck and I realized that the boys are using Felix for me to get horny then I opened my eyes and moved my body away from Felix and went on the other side of the tube and got annoyed
Chan:What's wrong you just realize are plan
And i rolled my eyes and closed my eyes and then slow motion started playing but the slowed version then i started singing and now I don't feel relaxed because Felix is not massaging my back and then I opened my eyes and sat there
Changbin:What's wrong are you not feeling relaxed no more
Nahee:Fuck off
Then I crossed my arms and then i went back to my original place and I tried to feel relaxed again but I couldn't so I looked at Felix with a sad look
Felix:What sunshine
Nahee:Can you massage my back again
Felix:use your manners
Nahee:Can you please give me a back massage please
Then I got excited and then Felix laughed and went to me and started to massage my back again and then I closed my eyes and just let Felix massage me and he did that for about two minutes because one of the boys told him to stop and I opened my eyes and glared at Chan and then Felix kiss my cheek and then they all left and that made me mad so i quickly got up drying off and put my underwear and bra on and drain the water out and then I turned the led lights off in the bathroom and turned on my bedroom lights on red and then I locked my bedroom door and then i went underneath my bed and grabbed my box and I grabbed my vibrater and then I took my underwear off and then I put down my towel on the bed and then I put the vibrater on my clit and I tried to be quiet but then I remember I have music on so I can moan but not to loud to we're the boys can here me then I rub the vibrater up and down my clit then I let out a moan and then I put my head back then I felt someone finger go in me fast and then the person covered my face and I rolled my eyes back and then I felt like I was about to cum but they pulled there fingers out of me and then I wimped and then they grabbed me and put me over there shoulder and they went downstairs to the living room and I knew that I fuck up from that moment because about to be punished
Felix:look at who broke the rules again
Han:The same rules too
Wait Han and Felix found me are you kidding me then i started to kick my feet and then I felt someone slapped my ass and then I stopped
Lee know:You just don't listen do you Nahee
Nahee:I don't care
The boys:we can tell
Changbin:That's why your going to learn your lesson
Nahee:You can suck my dick
Chan:What dick
Nahee:This dick bitch
Hyunjin:feisty I see
Nahee:You guys talk to long hurry up
Han:why you horny so bad
Nahee:shut up Han jisung
Han:It's the whole name for me
Nahee:It's the talking to much for me
Lee know:I hope you know the more smart comments the more your ass is going to be hurting
Then I rolled my eyes and I crossed my legs because it was cold as fuck down here and also I didn't want to leak on Felix shirt and then they find out that I wet as heck and tease me about it
Chan:you can put her down
Yes I get to be off of Felix shoulder and then Felix slowly put me down and this time I'm just going to run away then I pulled my shirt down so they cannot see my pussy and then I sat down on the couch and closed my legs and I looked on the floor because I know there looking at me mad
Lee know:Nahee look at me
Nahee:Nope *mumbling*
Lee know:Kim Nahee
Lee know:look at me when I'm talking to you
And then I looked at him slowly and was trying to make eye contact but my body was telling me not look at him so I listen to my body and look away from him and then I started to squeeze my thighs together because I feel really wet and then Lee know went up to me and grabbed my chin to make me look at him and I moved my eyes the other direction because i already feel wet and it's going to get worse if I make eye contact at him then I felt Lee know let go of my chin and I quietly got excited but then Lee know grabbed my leg which made me not cross my legs and then I tried to close my legs but Lee know grabbed both of my wrist and then Han threw something and i seen handcuffs and then Lee know handcuffed my wrist and then then I tried to get off the couch but changbin and Chan grabbed me and then i went to scream but Chan covered my mouth and at the point the only thing I can do is kick my leg which I did but did it work Nope because Han dumb ass grabs my feet UGH
Lee know:Nahee stop trying to kick us you do it all the time and does it work
The boys:No !
Nahee:It will work.... One day it will
Hyunjin:It's not
Then I kicked Han and then he fell on the ground and then he glared at me and I laughed at him falling and then hyunjin helped him up and I don't understand how I.n and seungmin do not hear these loud ass bitches shit someone call 911
Lee know:since you kick Han how about 3racha punish you
Lee know:Well next time don't kick Han
This can't get any better than Chan and changbin uncuffed me and then I sat there and Chan put his hand out like no I know what you guys are trying to do and then I crossed my legs and sat there because there is no way I'm letting Han,changbin and Chan punish me no way
Han:Get up
And I sat there and ignored Han because I'm not taking my fine ass up them steps no way so I sat there and then I got up pulled my shirt down and then I head upstairs  and then we went to Han room which is weird ass fuck then I sat on the floor and didn't move at all until Han grabbed my wrist pulling me up and then Chan and changbin left the room leaving me with Han then Han pulled me on his thigh and then he handcuffed my wrist and then Han slowly rubbed his finger back and forth up and down my thigh then he moved his hand to my clit and moved his fingers up and down making even more wet well this not going to be a good night for me at all
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚎𝚗𝚍
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