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𝙽𝚊𝚑𝚎𝚎 𝚙𝚘𝚟
𝙹𝚊𝚗𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝟾𝚝𝚑 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟸
It's January eighth and I'm pregnant ass fuck and today the boys are performing at golden disco Awards and ofc I'm not performing but I'm doing the red carpet though which is something I can do but anyways I get up out of my bed and then i went to the closet and grabbed my outfit put on my dress
𝚁𝚎𝚍 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚙𝚎𝚝 𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚏𝚒𝚝

and then I sat in my makeup chair and then I turned my music on and then I plugged my curling iron and started to do my makeup when I finished my makeup I took my hair down and then I brushed my hair and then i started to curl my hair and then I h...

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and then I sat in my makeup chair and then I turned my music on and then I plugged my curling iron and started to do my makeup when I finished my makeup I took my hair down and then I brushed my hair and then i started to curl my hair and then I heard a knock on the door and then I looked up and see the boys come in and i said good morning to them then I put the my curls iron down and then Felix gave me my food and then I thanked him and then i started to eat my pancakes
Hyunjin:So how are you feeling
Nahee:Good so far
And then we kept talking while I was eating after I was done I went back to curling my hair after I was done curling my hair I unplugged it and then I drinked some of my smoothie and then I got up and used the bathroom and then i flushed the toilet and then I washed my hands left the bathroom and sat down on my chair
Nahee:I'm tired
Changbin:But you just got up
Nahee:I know
Then I got up and turned my speaker off and then went on my phone and then I took some pictures and posted them on bubble and then I got up and then I grabbed my cup and then we all went downstairs and then I sat down on the steps
Nahee:Bro I don't understand how i went up and down theses stairs
Lee know:You we're complaining about the stairs when you weren't pregnant
Then I got up and finished going down the stairs then I took a sip of my smoothie and then I grabbed my blanket and my backpack and put my phone charger,snacks and AirPods and then I headed out the door walked to the car and then hyunjin opened the door for me and then I got in the car and then I closed the door when everyone was in that bitch Lee know drove to the place when we we're here we got out of the car and went inside when we found are dressing room i opened the door went inside and sat on the chair and then I talked to the stylist and then I grabbed my smoothie and finished the rest of it and then I grabbed my vlog camera and then I talked to the camera after a few minutes I turned the camera off and then I got up off the chair and then me and changbin held my hand and then we all walked to the red carpet and then we ofc took different poses and then I said bye and then we walked out of the room and then I walked to the dressing room and then I used the bathroom and then I washed my hands walked out of the bathroom and then I sat down on the couch and watched a movie on my phone when it was the boys turn I told them good luck and then I sat on the makeup chair and then I watched the boys

And it was a really good performance and I loved it so much when they came back and they looked tired and then Chan layed his head on my Shoulder then the other hugged me
Nahee:First get off of me
The boy:Why
Nahee:Your sweating and your going to ruin my dress
Then I tried to push them off of me then I felt a kick in my stomach and then Han held his arm
Nahee:I think she said move
Then I laughed at him and then I rubbed my stomach and then I got up and grab a snack from my backpack and then I opened my snack and then I took a bite and then we watched other groups go and then we packed up and then I got in the car and I felt really sleepy so I took a nap and I get woken up when someone opened the door and then I opened my eyes and then I grab my stuff and then I got out of the car and walked inside the house and then I went to my room and went back to sleep and I didn't wake up until three in the morning because I'm hungry so I got out of my bed and then I walked to the door and opened it and seen the tv was on downstairs then I walked downstairs and seen the boys sleeping on the couch and they we're watching football and then I went to the kitchen while laughing and then I opened the fridge and grab my tea and poured some in a cup and then I put that back and went to the pantry and grab some chips and then I went into the living room and then I moved the table and bit and then I put my snack and chips on the table and then I grabbed the remote sat on the floor and grabbed the extra blanket and then i turned on some drama while eating my snack and when I was on episode six I heard someone moving behind me and I ignored it because they were probably moving to get more comfortable on the couch and then I took a sip of my tea and then I got up and then threw the chip bag away and then I used the bathroom and then sat back down on the floor and put a different show on because it the drama was over
Nahee:Yes Chan
Chan:What are you doing up
And then I pick out a movie called norbit I love this movie so much and then I felt someone sit next to me and I looked next to me and I seen Chan and then I layed my head on his shoulders and then me and Chan watched the movie together and then my favorite part came on and then me and Chan laughed and then at the end of the movie I got up and used the bathroom again and then I sat down back on the floor
Chan:Baby you should try and go back to sleep
And then I grabbed my blanket and layed on my side and then I couple minutes later someone shakes my arm slowly and then I open my eyes
Changbin:Nahee baby please get off the floor
Then I sat up and then I rubbed my eyes and then changbin helped me up and then I layed on the couch and then closed my eyes again
Changbin:Nahee not on the couch
Nahee:Leave me alone
And then i went back to sleep and didn't wake up until nine in the morning and then i wake up and then I rubbed my eyes and then I sat up and then I got up and wrapped myself up in my blanket and then walked to the kitchen and then I hugged changbin waist and then I kissed his cheek and then he said hi and then i went to the dining room and then I sat down and then closed my eyes again and then I get woken up by plate getting put on the table and then I opened my eyes and then looked up at hyunjin
Hyunjin:Sorry babe
And then I got up and then I went to the bathroom and used it then I washed my hands and then went back to the dining room and sat down and ate my food after I was done with my food I got up and put my plate in the sink and then I went upstairs in my room and then I started my shower when the water was warm I got in and then i started to shave my arm and then I tried to shave down there but I can't see
And then I heard someone opened the bathroom door and then I opened the shower door
Nahee:Can you help me shave please
And I'm going to give you details after he was done i thanked him and when I finished showering I got out dry off and got dressed and then I rubbed lotion on my belly and then I got into something comfy then I layed in my bed and went on my phone and watched YouTube after a little while i started to fall asleep and i didn't even hear the boys calling my name then I heard my door slam open then I opened my eyes and looked at them with a sleepy eyes
Chan:Nahee baby you scared us
Nahee:We have cameras
Hyunjin:I forgot that we had cameras
Felix:Go back to sleep
Then I laughed at them and then I layed my head down on my pillow and then I closed my eyes and went back to sleep and I got up at six so I got up out of my bed and went to my bathroom and used it then I washed my hands and then i went to my door opened it and went down the stairs and then I went to the kitchen and grab some apple juice and then I went to the living room and sat on the couch and then I watched love and hip hop Atlanta later Chan,changbin and Han came back from the gym and then I said hi to them while continuing to watch my show
Chan:Hey baby
Then I put my juices on the table and then changbin layed on the couch next to me and then changbin sat up and then kissed my cheeks and then I moved my face and wiped the kiss
Changbin:Why you wip my kiss
Nahee:Binnie you got sweat on me
Nahee:Go shower
Then I pushed him and then he laughed at me and then he went upstairs to take a shower and then I got up and grabbed some snacks and sat back down on the couch and snacked on some chips and later the door bell rung and then Chan came downstairs and opened the door to door the pizza man and then he thanked them pay and then closed the door sat the pizza on the counter and then he looked at me up and down
Chan:Babe put the snacks back and come eat
Then I stop eating the chips and then I closed the bag and grabbed the other snacks and put them back in the pantry and then I grabbed a plate and put two pieces of pizza on it and then I went in the living room sat my plate on the table and then i went back in the kitchen and grab more apple juice then I walked down on the couch and ate my pizza and then the other boys came down and got pizza and chilled in the living room with me then I picked up my pizza and took a bite out of it when I finished my pizza I put the plate in the trash and drank some of my juice and then changbin layed his head softly on my belly and then I played with his hair and I'm surprised that babygirl didn't kick I guess she loves him a little bit later we all went upstairs and then I went in babygirls room and I just see boxes and then I looked at the boys and then I laughed
Nahee:i don't remember me getting all this
Han:You still have more coming
Nahee:Opps I wish I can help you but I can't
Chan:Just go relax we got this right
Seungmin:Umm I'm tired
I.n:Me too
Lee know:Seungmin and I.n your not sleepy
Seungmin:do I have to
I.n:I think I want to hangout with Nahee
Nahee:Just let him hang out with me
Lee know:Fine
Then I grabbed I.n hand and then we went downstairs and I grabbed the keys and then we left the house to go to the grocery store when we were there I parked the car got out of the car and we walked inside the store and then I.n grabbed the shopping cart and then I opened my phone and looked at my notes and then we walked around the store and got some groceries and some snacks because I ate a lot of the snacks and then we went to the front and I.n payed for the groceries and I thanked him and then we went outside and then I grabbed the not heavy bags and put them inside the truck and then I.n told me that he got it then I got in the car and when I.n finished he put the cart back and got in the car and then I drove back and then I went inside and then I called seungmin down to help I.n and then I put the groceries in it's place after I went upstairs to check on the boys and then I went in my room and started to clean up and then I grabbed my dirty laundry and then I put my stuff in the washer and then I looked in the boys room if they have any dirty clothes but they didn't then I washed my clothes after I washed my clothes I went to downstairs in the garage and took out the trash and then i went inside and then I looked inside the car for my chapstick and then I grabbed it and put it on my lips and then i went inside the house and then I grabbed the boys some water and went upstairs and gave them it and then I talked to them while they we're building the crib then i went to my room and then I grabbed all her baby clothes and then i started to hang them up in the room and then I left the boys to do there thing and i went to my room and went on my laptop and went online shopping for some birthday gifts for Jisoo and jennie because there birthday is soon which I'm excited for and I have not told them the gender so I'm going to have a little get together on Jisoo birthday but after I was done I ordered there stuff and then I edited my video that I still have to post and when I was done I uploaded it to YouTube and I remember that stay doesn't know either then I got out of bed went next door
Nahee:Wait did we tell stay what I'm having
Chan:No I thought you told them
Nahee:I didn't but I feel like we should keep it a secret until I give birth
Then i went to my room and then i went on YouTube and watched some videos after a couple hours the boys were finished with the room and then I got up and looked at the room and I thanked them and then i heard a doorbell ring then i went downstairs and see the stroller and the bassinet that will go in my room and then I turned around see the boys anoyyed
Nahee:Love you
Nahee:Can you help me move this
Then Chan and changbin grab the boxes and put them inside the house and then i went in the kitchen grab the box cutter and then cut the tape and then Chan took out the stroller and took it out of the box and then I put it together which was easy and then moved it to the side and then I opened the box of the bassinet and then I put it together and then I told the boys can the grab the stuff from the car and then i went upstairs with the bassinet and but it next to my bed and then i went downstairs and seen Chan with a box and then I sat on the floor and opened the box
Chan:What did you get now
Nahee:Sit down
Then they sat down on the floor and I moved the box to the side so when I grabbed the clothes they can see then I grabbed a shirt which had the stray kids logo on it and I took out some matching clothes that the boys had in there closet
Felix:Wait you bought matching clothes
Nahee:Yes I went through your closet and got matching ones so you can match her
Then I showed them more clothes and then I got up and put the clothes in her closet and then I grabbed a snack because I was hungry and then i went to my room turned the humidifier and then I changed into my pjs and then I got in my bed watched a drama and then i went to sleep
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚎𝚗𝚍
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