Move In: Brian 'Head' Welch x Reader

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Anyways,,, here's a 'head' oneshot for u all !!

Recently, you moved in with Head. You two have had a long distance relationship, so you both were very happy and excited. You packed all your things up in a few luggages, you lived in a different state so this is a new experience for you. You packed all your stuff, you later drove to the airport.

Once you arrived, you got your luggages out. You walked to the gate and found a seat to wait in, you were texting Brian as you waited.

When your gate was called, you walked up to it. You could not wait to finally see Brian in person. You got in your seat (close to the window seat:)), and you waited for them to take off.

Once they did, you listened to [your fav band/song]. The flight was 10 hours long, so you had to make yourself comfy for the flight. You watched the night sky as you listened to "Here To Stay", you fell asleep later then. When you woke up, you finally arrived. You got your things, and left the plane. Now, you have to get your bags and meet up with Brian.

You waited for your luggage, and when you already got your things. You called Brian.

"Hey, babe!" You said to Brian over the phone
"Hey, Y/N!. You already arrived?"
"Yeah, you picking me up?"
"Of course"

You talked to Brian until finally, seeing him, you felt your stomach fill with butterflies and you were so happy to see him. You ran up to him, and hugged him tightly. "Y/N!" Brian said happily, he kissed you on the forehead. You two walked to Brian's car, you sat in the passenger seat as he was driving. You both held hands and talked for the entire drive.


When you arrived at his house, he already prepared a room for you. "Y/N, here's your room," Brian said as he guided you, "You prepared it too? You're so nice, Brian.." you said as you put your boxes and luggages down. "Heh, well I didn't want you to sleep on the floor!" He said, you chuckled at him. You always thought he was cute as hell.

After a day of living with him. You loved this new life, you finally lived with your boyfriend. You two watched MTV on the couch while eating some cookies you two made.

Finally, you were with your beloved boyfriend. In the same house.

-End of: Move In.-

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