what happened, happened.

376 8 24


kinda long

Future and, everyone is okay now and Hawkins is well and fixed<3



Y/n and Mike have been married for 3 years now. They got engaged at 18 and married at 19. At 20, Mike got y/n pregnant.

She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Who looked unfairly like mike, she took after him looks wise. Being born with thin, raven hair.

Molly, is her name. The little girl is 8 months old now and the more she grows, the more she takes after y/n a little bit.

"Molly come on." Y/n whined looking at the clueless baby in front of her. "You need to start crawling." She picked her up again and put her on her belly. In attempt to try to make her crawl again.

Only for the baby to roll over and go into a giggling fit. "No-" y/n dropped her head. She had been trying to get Molly to crawl for hours now, but she just wasn't budging.

"Y/n, she'll do it when she's ready." Mike came up behind her dropped his bag on the couch. "Welcome home." Y/n rolled her eyes and Mike chuckled.

As soon as Molly saw mike she started reaching for him becoming sadder at each second that he wasn't picking her up.

Mike smiled and picked the little copy and paste version of him up. "Did you miss me, hm?" Molly stared at him and put her little chubby hands on his face.

Y/n watched in awe has her husband laughed with Molly, their baby. "I know Molly, I admire his cheek bones too." Y/n joked as she stood up and sat on the couch next to Mike.

He gave her a playful glare and went back to playing with Molly. "You nervous for tomorrow?" Mike questions. They'd be going to visit Mikes parents, and y/n was going to meet the party. Except for at the wedding.

Mike doesn't live in Hawkins but his friends?  They still live in Hawkins, even after the huge Massacre. After everything El and Mike didn't work out.. so when Mike left for college he met Y/n. And Mike decided to try with her and boy was it the best choice of his life.

Mike finished college at 19, due to his iq and even won an award for it, he got a job as a construction critic and makes about 5 figures off of it.

Y/n is still in college but does most of her work at home, due to the fact that she has to take care of her child.

"Not really, your parents don't scare me anymore, but.." y/n stopped which made Mike turn his head and look at her. "But..?"

"I don't think a couple of your friends like me, Will and El was it? Yeah, them." Mike sighed and grabbed Molly's pacifier putting it in her mouth so she stops giggling.

"El and I used to date which you already know and.. will, I actually don't know. But Lucas, Max and Dustin adore you" Y/n smiled sadly and played with Mollys short raven hair.

"Hey." Mike brought his hand up to her chin and made her face him again. "They'll grow on you.. relax." He then placed a gentle kiss onto her lips and she returned the gesture.

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