He Has To Go

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I'd given Paul his breakfast and then gone downstairs. I really wasn't in the mood for talking much, I had too much on my mind. What on earth was going to happen to Paul? I mean, we needed him to get taken into foster care. I don't know what else we were going to do with him. Why did my stupid heart not permit me from killing that kid.

I guess I was stood still for a good 5 minutes mulling over my good nature, so it's stands to reason that Carter had walked over to me.

"That kid has to go."

"What?" I looked up at him, breaking out of my thoughts.

"He has to go. He's messing you up. You'll start caring too much." Carter said, his voice was ice cold, steely.

"What?" I stuttered.

"Did I stutter, Ashton?" He spat.

"No! You just took me by surprise is all..." I tried to cover my shock at his sudden, cold hearted words.

"Nothing takes you by surprise, he's tearing you up! Pull yourself together and get rid of him, by tomorrow. Or I'll throw him out on the streets." Carter's words were like venom, hard, strong and poisoness. They threw me off guard. What right did he have to order me around like this? What right did he have to threaten to dump a kid out on the streets with no family, home or way of getting help?

"What the hell Carter! You can't say stuff like that!" I half shrieked at him.

"I just did. And you know to take me seriously by now," he said, his voice an icey whisper.

"You know, you're so much more of a jerk than what I took you for. I thought you actually had a heart, turns out that went missing a while ago," I spat, my voice low, seething.

"Whatever, remember. Tomorrow or it's the streets for him." His tone was final, no reasoning would move him. On his opinions he was as stubborn as a rock. I'd encountered that first hand.

Now the question that lingered in my mind was how to get Paul a home in less than a day. I knew that Carter would hold himself against his word and would probably toss the poor kid out at 1 past midnight. He'd been known to stretch boundaries like that. But all I could think about now was Paul. I didn't have the time to think about anything else. But even as this ran through my head, a was wondering when Carter became so cold hearted. I tried remembering if he had always been this way and I was just blind to it, or if it was a once off thing.

I settled on a once off thing, but if this continued, I knew my answer might change as quick as you can blow out a candle.

Later That Day

Obviously the only thing I could think about was Paul. My fingers were burning from typing so fast. I'd been researching all the local places that held kids for adoption. I had also looked at all the foster care, temporary child care places and even an orphanage. After looking over the orphanage, I decided it wasn't nearly as bad as all the movies depict. But it still didn't seem like the right type of place to send a child like Paul. I mean, I would probably need to give his new parents a whole list of the shit he's been through and explain why he's almost always a shivering mess. He'll probably grow up to be super shy and maybe depressed. Why would I dump that type of a burden on anyone?

I was stressing hard. I hadn't eaten anything all day since breakfast, nor had I been out of my room. My desk was littered with paper with handwritten scrawl on them. Phone numbers, names, addresses... everything I needed to contact people to organise a place for Paul to stay.

I was sure Paul also hadn't left his room all day and I heard Carter's BMW leave the street around about 2 hours ago and it still hadn't returned.

It was gone 5:00pm now and I fought to keep my eyes trained on the screen of my Apple Mac. My vision was blurred and I had a headache from looking at the computer for so long. I desperately needed something to eat and my body would remind me of that fact every few minutes when my stomach emitted a loud growl. Finally I decided I needed a break.

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