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When we arrived back at our apartment, I'd just finished my 6th smoke. I was stressed to the maximum. The worries clouding my mind were Paul. What the hell was I going to do with a kid? Not to mention that Carter was none too impressed with my descision in keeping him. 

Carter still hadn't talked to me and the silence had been eating me alive on the trip back. 

Paul hadn't talked the entire way home, but by the time we arrived, he was sound asleep in the back seat. I took in the adorable sight for a few moments before dropping my cigarette to the ground and grinding it with the toe of my heels. I scooped the kid up bridal style and carried him into the apartment block. I got a few weird stares but this was just our temporary place while our penthouse was being renovated. Unfortunatly, our usual apartment block was completely full with residents so we had to go somewhere a little out-of-the-way to live for a month. 

To say I missed the old place was the understatment of the century. I heaved Paul up 4 flights of stairs to our door which Carter had left open. Our rooms were a mess. Junk, rubbish and clothes were littered everywhere around the room. Sighing, I placed Paul down gently on the couch before walking to the kitchen. I took my heels off and dumped them beside the entrance to the kitchen. Carter walked around the corner holding a towel.

"I'm gonna take a shower. I call you when I'm done," he mumbled. He looked exhausted. I didn't blame him.

"Sure. I'll make pancakes for dinner. Again," I said wearily. Sure, we had an unhealthy diet but to stay fit we both went to the gym together a few times a week.

Today was Tuesday and we still hadn't been to the gym. I looked at the clock. It was 6:45pm. Groaning I realised we were going to miss gym. If Carter was getting in the shower now it meant he wasn't going to gym otherwise he wouldn't bother washing.

I grabbed pancake mix and a frying pan.

I heard the bathroom door open and suddenly I felt Carter's arms around my waist and his lips were at my neck.

"Mmm... Carter. Carter! I'm going to burn your pancakes," I said teasingly.

"Whatever," He mumbled into my neck. 

Laughing, I pushed him off. We often did this type of thing, playing, teasing, flirting. It was all in our daily schedule.

"We missed gym tonight," he said softly.

"Yeah, I know. Maybe we could make up for it was a 2 hour sesh on Thursday?" I questioned.

"Yeah, that sounds good," he replied. 

Silence engulfed us. "Um, do you mind finishing off the pancakes while I take a shower?" 

"Sure," He said quickly, taking the spatula from my hand and pushing me gently towards the bathroom.

"Are you giving me a hint?" I asked teasingly.

"Yeah, Thorn, you stink!" He laughed, teasing me.

"You seemed pretty fine with that a moment ago," I replied cockily. His grin faded into a small frown, like he was concentrating.

I left him like that. I grabbed my big fluffy white towel that I had salvaged from our old apartment and stepped into the shower. The warm water ran down my body as I massaged shampoo and then conditioner into my hair. 

I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off. I didn't bother putting my clothes on just yet. I wasn't dry enough anyway. I walked into the kitchen holding the towel up. 

"Where's mine?" I asked, fake annoyance in my voice when I noticed Carter eating 4 pancakes laced with maple syrup and cream.

"Over there," He said without looking up, motioning with one hand over to the other side of the bench, beside the stove.

Thorns AssassinWhere stories live. Discover now