Hog Tied

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I began to tremble as the realization hit me.

He knew where we were, which meant he was probably out to kill me... and maybe Carter.

As my mind made links for all the possible scenarios, Carter had moved from being by my side to crouching down beside the coffee table to examine Jace's body. I didn't pay much attention to him though, the problems I faced were too real, too confronting to leave.

The question was what were we going to do with him? He obviously couldn't just stay lying on our couch passed out drunk, but we couldn't just kill him either, without knowing for sure that he was going to kill us. That only really left us with one option.

The evil, sadistic part of my brain came through now. What could we do to him to prevent him from coming after us again? Well... I chuckled quietly to myself which left Carter looking at me like I was deranged or something.

"Carter, get some rope. And some duct tape... and a knife," I said evilly as my mind began making horrifying scenarios up.

"Are you sure Thorn? I mean, are you sure you want anything to do with this psycho?" He said, his voice laced with worry and concern.

"Oh, Carter. When you see what I have in store for him, you'll be wishing you thought of it first," I smirked.

"Okay, I'll trust you then," Carter said, grinning as he jumped up to get the items I required.

*Half an hour later*

"Done." I stepped back from my masterpiece, grinning. This was the perfect act of revenge.

Jace was hogtied, yes, hogtied. He hung, suspended from the roof of our mini-gym which had little hooks in the ceiling for gym equipment. Underneath him, pointing upwards at his crotch, was a large butchers knife which we had tied to a brick to ensure its stability. I'd also taken special care to get a clean piece of ripped cloth to gag him and I'd tied his hands together. His feet were spread eagled, one foot tied with a short rope to a piece of gym equipment and the other attached to a pile of weights that he couldn't think about moving. On top of all of this, he was being held up from his back by two ropes, but his lower back was being supported by one rope which threaded through a loop in the roof. That very same rope was adjustable so if we couldn't get him to talk, we could simply lower his rear end just a little, tiny bit... getting just a tiny bit closer to the blade of the knife underneath him.

I called Carter in so he could admire my handy work.

Instantly I heard him burst into laughter and allowed myself a small congratulatory smile.

"Holy shit! This is just too good!!" He practically screamed with laughter, holding his stomach and on the verge of tears.

"I made it adjustable..." I trailed off and let him follow my eyes.

"Holy... shit. That looks bloody painful, you know that? Look, I know we hate the guy but... I can't be in the room if that happens... I know the pain all too well..." Carter trailed off, probably reminiscing about some time that he got kicked in the balls by some thug wanting to fight dirty.

I stood, smiling at my handiwork for a while longer before ushering Carter into the next room, the lounge.

"How will we know if he wakes up?" Carter said, glancing back through the open door way into the gym.

"Oh, I think we'll know... by his girly scream." I laughed, sort of manically really.

Now, all we had to do was wait until Jace woke up, which was probably going to be a while. We sat back watching god-awful reruns of low-budget tv-series to pass the time. At about 4am, we heard the first sign that Jace was still alive. A groan and then silence, and then the most high-pitched noise I have ever heard come out of a guys mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2015 ⏰

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