Chapter 1 - The Electric Toothbrush

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hey guys, ant here. i tried writing out of my comfort zone, cuz i usually write from the top's perspective. if you see in the first one i wrote it's from jaime's pov.

hope you enjoy!

- nsfw warning -


His bunk curtains are closed, and inside, he's pushing his fingers in and out of himself slowly, his knees bent up to his chest.

"Jaime," Vic moans, but slaps a hand over his mouth quickly, squeezing his eyes shut, afraid to wake Mike in the bunk below.

He increases his pace, and he starts to let out more little noises involuntarily.

It feels dirty, knowing Jaime's sleeping soundly in the bunk across from his, but Vic can't resist it anymore. Having their sexy bassist so near to him and touching him all the time is making his brain all sorts of wack, and he needs to relieve it somehow.

"F-fuck," Vic mutters, "here it goes," and he feels stupid, feeling around for the electric toothbrush he bought at the last pit stop.

"Whaddya need that for?" Jaime had asked curiously, innocently, looking over Vic's shoulder at the register.

"I lost my other one," Vic lied.

"Qué pérdida," Jaime said, casting a sympathetic look.

Oh if only he knew.

He turns on the toothbrush, hearing the low hum, feeling it vibrating in his hand, coats it with his slick fingers, and presses the smooth handle of it against his hole, feeling it vibrate against his entrance. He takes a deep breath, and starts pushing it in slowly. He tilts his head back into his pillow, as the toothbrush sinks deeper and deeper, as the handle gets thicker and thicker towards the middle, vibrating steadily inside him.

Vic bites his lip, imagining Jaime holding himself up above him, staring deep into his eyes with a serious, furrowed brow, his sharp jaw set as he sinks his cock in and out of Vic, his hair curly after a show with sweat. Mm, if only he would leave it that way more often, Vic thinks.

If funny Jaime's already hot, then serious Jaime is in a completely different ballpark. He's barely ever serious, never serious, which is what fuels Vic's imagination even more.

Vic imagines how thick Jaime's dick would be, filling him up, much more than this stupid toothbrush, and how Jaime would want him, would need to keep thrusting, like being inside of Vic is the only place he'd ever want to be. He imagines running his hand over Jaime's abs, feeling the way they flex and tense with each buck of his hips against his. Vic's been wanting him so bad, and the way Jaime sometimes walks around half naked on the bus doesn't help. Stupid, stupid sexy Hime-Time. Vic's not blind; he can see that Jaime's been putting in the work. His arms look amazing, and it almost makes Vic want to give up on even trying to work out.

Oh, and Vic would do anything to be held down by those hands, to be between those strong arms. Anything.

Vic starts to fuck himself with the toothbrush faster, relaxing fully into the sheets and allowing himself to enjoy it, to melt into his imagination, a few soft sighs escaping his lips.

His spine is arched, his thighs trembling, and his mouth is parted in an "O," the sweat cooling on the small of his back.

The constant rhythm of the toothbrush pushing inside of him is bringing him nearer and nearer to his peak, and his head is rolling side to side on his pillow as he tries to control himself from making tiny noises, and he's biting his lip to shut himself up.

He presses it to his prostate and his eyes roll up, and he's gasping, because oh fuck yes, that's it, his lower abs tensing, and he comes on himself, sighing the bassist's name softly.

Vic tries to focus on taking deep breaths as he brings himself back to Earth.

Yep, buying an electric toothbrush was definitely worth it.

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