Chapter 2 - Brother Why?

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Mike's eyes crack open at the sound of what seems to be... a toothbrush?

"Why's Vic been brushing his teeth for so long?" he wonders, "and at 4 AM?"

He hears a soft gasp, a whispered name.

"What... what? Jaime? Jaime what?" Mike mutters quietly.

"Oh, f-fuck— Jaime," Vic moans, soft and muffled from the bunk above.

Mike's face drops at the sound.

"Kill me," Mike groans, and stuffs his head under his round Jack Skellington pillow, trying to drown out the sound of his gay ass brother getting his rocks off.

— — —

"Hey, where's all my stuff?" Tony asks the next night, "and why are you laying in my bunk?"

Mike silently nods his head towards the bunk across from Tony's, his ears plugged with earphones.


Mike sighs, pausing the song on his Ipod.

"That's your new bunk now."

Tony turns around, seeing all his pillows and blankets strewn about in Mike's former bunk.

"But why? Not that I have a problem, just curious."

"You'll see."

— — —

"TAKE IT BACK," Tony whispers angrily through gritted teeth, shaking Mike awake.

"W-wha?" Mike asks blearily, his eyes still shut. He glances at his phone, and it's around 4 AM again.

"GO BACK TO YOUR BUNK I HATE IT THERE," Tony whisper-yells. He looks haggard, the dark circles around his big round eyes more pronounced than usual, his long dark hair in tangles.

"Fuck no," Mike groans, turning around, away from the distraught Tony. "YOU go back."

"If it were that easy, why didn't you do it before evicting me?" Tony hisses, shoving Mike towards the wall and swinging a leg into the bunk.

"Hey! What the fuck—" Mike complains, pushing back against Tony, but Tony's squeezing into in his bunk, squishing him against the wall.

"I'll switch with you, Tones," Jaime says cheerily, poking his half-curly half-spiky head out from above Mike's (formerly Tony's) bunk.

"You're awake?!" Mike exclaims.

The electric buzzing from Vic's bunk abruptly stops.

"Yeah, cause Tony's screaming, and he never screams."

Tony glances at Mike, and Mike returns his look, the same question running through their minds.

"Should we let him?"

It's completely silent for a moment, and then Tony makes his decision, crawling out, retreating to his new bunk.

"You owe me one, Fuenteses," Tony seethes, "or FUENTI. I know you're awake," he says, kicking the bunk above his.

Mike laughs once, triumphantly, and goes to sleep peacefully.

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