Chapter 6 - The Return Of The Toothbrush

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It's been 2 months, and Vic's happier than he's ever been. He's cuddling Jaime, his amazing boyfriend, in his bunk, talking about small things, big things, stupid things.

"Agh, what's this under my head?" Jaime complains, trying to shift away from the lump in the mattress.

"Just put the pillow over it," Vic answers, his eyes closed, his head and hand on Jaime's chest.

"Gimme a sec," Jaime says, and Vic feels him shifting around.

Jaime lifts up the corner of Vic's mattress, and aha! There's the offending... electric toothbrush?

"What's this?" Jaime asks, holding out the toothbrush.

Oh fuck, Vic totally forgot about that since he got with his amazing boyfriend.

Vic's face goes red instantly, and he stuffs it back under the corner.

"That's a story for another time."



hey guys! hope you enjoyed this story or found it funny. it's a pretty short one, hope you liked it nonetheless.

ant out

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