Chapter 13. A Fallen Leaf

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A scream shattered the stillness of the night, jolting Theo out of his slumber. He sprang out of bed, his hand instinctively rising in a defensive gesture. Flames erupted from his palms, casting a flickering light across his modest bedroom. His groggy mind registered that both the entrance door and window were securely locked. Beside him, Riley stirred restlessly in his bed, murmuring in distress. Is it another nightmare?

Theo gestured with his hand, causing the candle on the nightstand to ignite. He approached Riley and gently shook his shoulder. Despite sharing a room in the dorms for nearly two months, Theo still found it challenging to understand Riley's Gift. Often, his ability to foresee future events in his dreams was centered around his relatives or close friends. Sometimes, he saw the crimes plaguing Middle Lake city. These visions always left Riley shaken, much like he appeared now.

Gasping for breath, Riley shifted to his side and blinked his eyes open.

Yawning, Theo inquired, "What did you see this time?"

"She died," Riley whispered, his gaze fixed on the vacant space before him. "She was lying there, on the floor, as pale as the moon itself."

"Sounds creepy." Theo blinked, his mind gradually clearing. "You've certainly mastered the art of description. But for the Divine's sake, who is she?"

Riley swallowed hard before answering. "Elisa."

The name struck him like a blow from a sword. Theo jumped across the room and reached for his uniform hanging on the back of a chair. "Get dressed. Now!"

Riley sat up, his expression pained. "It's not something that can be prevented, Theo. I'm truly sorry."

"That's precisely why you have your Gift! To prevent this! Or at least to try," Theo urged, hastily pulling on his pants. With no time to spare, he left his shirt unbuttoned. "If you keep sitting here like a fool, I swear, I'll set this room ablaze!"

His words carried a weighty impact. Riley stood up and began dressing in his uniform, while Theo had already dashed out of the room.

Opening her room proved to be a minor obstacle – like most cadets, Elisa had secured the door with a chain lock. Theo swiftly bypassed it by using his fire magic to melt the metal. With determination, he burst into the room. The sight that greeted him caused him to come to an abrupt halt. Just as Riley had foreseen, Elisa lay motionless on the floor, her eyes shut tight, her delicate hands splayed on the rug. She was clad only in a white nightgown that now mirrored the pallor of her lifeless visage. Theo approached cautiously, his heart pounding with trepidation at the prospect of confirming Riley's prediction. Steeling himself, he extended a trembling hand and felt for a pulse at her neck.

"I'm so sorry," Riley's voice quavered as he stood beside Theo, his jaw clenched in anguish.

Theo met Riley's gaze. "Her pulse is faint, but she's still breathing."

"Really?" Riley exhaled, his hands clutching his head in disbelief.

"Yes. But she urgently requires medical attention."

Riley nodded. "I'll contact someone on duty immediately."

"The sooner, the better," Theo said. "I'll stay here to watch her."

As Riley departed, Theo conjured a ball of Light in his hands and gently placed it on Elisa's chest. Lacking a specific spell for aiding the injured, he left the glowing orb to work its magic, hoping for a positive outcome. The radiant yellow sphere emitted a comforting warmth, prompting Elisa to take slightly deeper breaths.

Rising to his feet, Theo surveyed the cluttered room, pondering what could have triggered her sudden collapse. It was uncharacteristic of Elisa to leave her belongings in such a disarray. There was clearly something amiss with her, a fact that had eluded his notice. The chain of events had commenced in September when Elisa engaged in a brief, two-week faux romance with Riley. Following their split, she withdrew from her circle of friends, citing academic commitments as her excuse for the newfound solitude. Meanwhile, Theo had been preoccupied with cultivating a close bond with Laura. If only he had been more observant!

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