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WE ENTERED the building, "I'm gonna go put my bag in my locker." I told her, and she nodded, going her separate way. I strode down the hall, opened my locker and took out my textbooks, shoving them inside my bag. There was an assembly this morning for the new school president, so we'd be missing the first period.

"Winona!" I heard Eliza's voice shout from down the corridor. I turned my head, slamming the door closed.

"Hey, Liza. What's up?" I asked, quirking a brow.

"Can you believe the anti-monster laws are back?" She scoffed and I sighed.

"I know, I talked to Mom yesterday, but she said it was what's safest until whatever." I rolled my eyes, walking with her.

"It's so unfair! They see one werewolf, and we can't go to Prawn." Eliza groaned, making a few people glance our way.

"You'll figure something out, you always do. Or, you know, break the rules." I shrugged, running a hand through my hair.

"True." She smirked with her green hair in a high ponytail. We went to go find Zed and Addie before the assembly. We found her arguing perfectly with her boyfriend.

"If you can't go, I'm not going." My sister shook her head from side to side.

"Well, I like you too much to not let you go." He stared at her.

"Well, I like you too much to leave you behind! I am so not going." She stated.

"Ew, you guys even fight like the perfect couple." I groaned, rolling my eyes and the Zombies chuckled.

"How's it going, Eliza?"

"You know, fighting injustice is keeping me busy." She shrugged her shoulders.

"And looking good doing it, Zom-bae." The white-haired girl jokes, fluttering their fingers together.

"Can you believe Bucky's running for president?" Liza sighed, holding her Chemistry book.

"Winona! Time to officially nominate me as president." Bucky suddenly yelled at me from the other bridge.

"Yeah, I can." I exhaled, referring to her question.

"Cheer could be so much more than just pom-poming for Bucky." Addie looked at us tiredly.

"Uh, girls?" Lacey called from behind her with Stacey. "Once we're cheer captain, you are so off the team."

"And when I'm cheer captain, you'll be welcome to stay, because I'll be making cheer about bringing people together."

"That was awful trash talk." Stacey scoffed as the other girl laughed.

"I know, right? You'll never be cheer captain, freak." Her lips twitched into a smile, and she followed them.

"See ya," I said to the Zombies.

─── ⊹⊱☆⊰⊹ ───

Zed was pushed down the stair-like bleachers onto the stage where Bucky was, announcing that he was running for president.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Zed, and I am running for president." He introduced himself.

"Did you know about this, Addie?" I asked my sister as we shook our pompoms, cheering him on.

"I swear I totally did not!" She giggled.

"Zed can't steal my spotlight. What about the whole anti-monster thingy?" Our cousin whined with a frown on his face.

"Anyone can run for president, Bucky." My sister shouted.

"She actually has a point, Mr. Bucky." Our principal pointed out, walking off-stage.

"What!?" He followed her.


"A Zombie president?" Lacey shrieked.

"Ew!" The Aceys exclaimed with a gross expression while everyone else cheered loudly.

"Okay! If you vote for me, I will bring you prosperity and awesomeness!" He yelled once we when silent but once again clapped for him and chanted.

"Whoo! Zed! Zed! Zed! Zed!"

"As your president, I will make Seabrook a place that embraces Zombies and-"

"Werewolves?" Bree interrupted fearfully pointing at the exit doors.

"Um, no. Why would we want- Werewolves!" She screamed, pointing in the same direction.

The doors opened and a dozen - probably more - werewolves piled in, making everyone run around. I stood beside my sister in front of the podium Zed stood behind.

"Football team! Defence, Z-24!" Zed ordered, and the football team ran, protecting us from the wolves.

"Where's the moonstone, Whitehair?" One of the female ones asked, who seemed to be the Alpha.

"I think you've got the wrong person." My sister said, scared. I looked at the wolf beside her, he seemed familiar... Oh, my god. He's the construction worker from yesterday - well, fake construction worker - Wyatt.

"Our razor-sharp claws will gut 'em and splatter their blood!" A shorter girl growled and the school whimpered in fear. "Too much?"

"Wolves! On my command!" The Alpha ordered them. They bared their fangs, eyes turning golden. That's when I decided to interrupt them.

"Werewolves! If you want something from us, I don't suggest you go to war with our whole town." I advised, and the room was silent for a second.

Using my wolf hearing, Wyatt whispered to her. "She's right, Willa. We'll never find the moonstone if they're on high alert."

"I hate it when you're right." She mumbled. "Wolves, stand down."

I guess I know exactly why they're here now.

"Sorry, we werewolves so admire your town, and we just came here to... join your school." She smiled fakely and everyone argued in confusion.

"What? They can't join our school!" Bucky scoffed, pushing the Aceys out of his way.

"Technically the Forbidden Forest is within the school district." The coach defended them.

"So, welcome to Seabrook!" Addison smiled, stepping forward as the football team stood up straight.

"She is way too nice for her own good." I sighed to Eliza and Zed.

𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐖𝐒 - wyatt lykensen ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now