Chapter 1-Finding Hope

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Angel POV

I groan as I took a punch to my face. I tried to sock the guy in the stomach, but missed. He took another blow into my abdomen and I lean over, gasping for air. I hate this guy. This has been happening for 12 years, ever since I was 7.

Why is it always me in the fights? Why is it always me the one getting bullied? Why do I have to suffer? I have done nothing wrong.

Hope came to me when a girl about a year younger than me walked through the door. Everything stops. The last thing I see before I black out is the girl running over to me.

Hope POV

I jumped through the window into my room and started breathing heavily. I could hear someone groan and sounds of gasping. I wonder what's happening.

As I walk through the door, everything stops. There were two people in there. Even someone's breathing. I run over to a guy about a year older than me. I check his heartbeat. Good. Still Alive. I go to check if anything is broken. Nope. I lift his shirt and I see a big yellow bruise covering his stomach. Oh no. What happened?

As if in response, the other person in the room let out a laugh.

"Why did you do this?" I ask him."What did he ever do to you?"

I mean... I barely knew the boy I was holding in my arms, yet here I am, defending him.

"He existed. That's his problem."

Oh. So that's his problem. Well, too bad.

"He didn't exist for you to torture him."

Really, Hope?

"Then why is he here? He has no purpose!"

"EVERYONE HAS A PURPOSE!" I scream at the guy.

"As if."

I get up and struggle to hold the boy who was in my arms.He wasn't that heavy, maybe like, average. I then carry him out of the building.

How dare that other guy do this to him! Does this happen constantly? I think as I put the guy into the backseat of my car.


I am halfway to the hospital as I hear a grunt from the backseat and I pull over.

"Who are you?" The boy asks as I turn to look at him.

"I am Hope," I say to him. "Who are you?"

"I'm Angel." He says as he takes off his shirt to examine his bruise.

OMG his muscles. HE'S SO STRONG. I smile big.

My world shakes as if it is in heaven. My world turns white.

Angel POV

The colors of the world came back and I grunted. Whoever was driving heard me and pulled over.

"Who are you?" I ask as her face comes to view.

"I am Hope," She said to me. "Who are you?"

"I'm Angel."I say as I take off my shirt and examine the bruise. It was already healing, as it didn't hurt much.

She starts smiling weirdly as I shake her shoulders. I wince because of my bruises as I pick her up.

I put her in the backseat, get over to the other end of the car, and drive to the hospital.

Author's Note- So... There is a lot of blank-outs and fainting, but is it good, otherwise? Pls Vote and Comment! I fan girl every time I see someone looked at my story. I am so happy!

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