Chapter 2- Finding the Angel

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Angel POV

No one better touch her while she's sleeping. Or look at her. I'm standing guard over her dreaming body while we were in the hospital waiting room. I might be getting too protective...

She needs medical attention! I'm really glad I'm not mute.

"Hey, Doctor!" I say as a doctor comes through the door. "She needs help!"

"Geez. Ok I'm coming!" The doctor says.

When is she going to wake up? What if she is in a coma?

I won't let anything happen to her.  I really like her and I hope she accepts me.

The doctor comes over.

"Pick up your girlfriend and follow me," He says.

She isn't my girlfriend... yet. Not like I'm going to tell the doctor that. I hope she will be one day.

I pick up Hope and follow the doctor to a room with a bed in the middle. The doctor gestures to put her there.


Hope POV

I try to open my eyes, but I can't. What happened? I thought to myself. I only remember somethings... Angel with strong arms... having a weird smile... going to the hospital to make sure Angel is ok... Wait. Hospital? I unsuccessfully wiggle my toes.

I try to get up, but I can't. I can't move my arms. I can't even feel them. I take a deep breath (which I can do, by the way) and I hear something. Sobbing.

I urge my toes to wiggle, and they finally do. I get my eyes to open, but I immediately close them due to the bright white light. Who is sobbing? I wonder. And why?

Finally, my eyes open without being completely blinded and I see Angel holding his face, sitting in a chair beside the bed I was in.

"Why are you crying?" I asked him.

"You could have gone into a coma," He said, or whispered, as I had to strain to hear him.

"Well, I'm not in one."

There was a silence because he had stopped crying. I got up from the hospital bed and hugged him. Being in his arms felt wonderful, and I drifted into sleep.

Author's Note- Soooo How do you like it? Its my first book, don't judge me. 

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