first nine weeks of high school chapter 1

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after the summer is all over you start high school and you are avoiding him because you don't want to get hurt again and on the first week of you both keep bumping into each other every day of the week and the second week of school after Friday you go to his football game because he's a football player and you and your sister and your sister friend you all go to the game and you told them that you have to sit somewhere where he won't see you and in the middle of the game you were wanting to stay but you didn't get too and you were upset that you didn't and then when you had gotten home you had posted it on Instagram and on the 3rd week of school you go back to school but on a Tuesday because you didn't have school on Monday and on Tuesday during lunch you go where he is at and he sees you and he's talking to his friends and one of his friends tells him that you were there at the football game and after lunch is over you get your backpack and you both go to class but you don't have the same classes and on the Wednesday of the same week during lunch he does the same thing as you did on Tuesday and that he stays where you are at during lunch and you and your friend are talking and your both in a club and you had to make a poster and you go to the teacher and asked him what he wants to put it and he tells you to put it up on the door and when Ya'll are both walking and you see Luke and you tell your friend that your mad at him because you had seen him talking and playing with a girl and you had gotten jealous because of it and on Wednesday in your last class you had gotten your yearbook and you see him in the yearbook of a photo of him and a girl and you get jealous and after you had seen that you texted your friend and she tells you because she knows how you would react and that she didn't tell you about it  and you asked her if they were dating and your friend responds yes they are dating and you don't respond after that and you start to get upset but you can't cry at school over it and so you wait until you get home and you start to cry and you can't stop crying because you had gotten hurt again and you have to be careful so nobody in your family knows that you are upset again and that you had gotten hurt again and you're really upset and hurt again and you keep going to school and pretend that you're not but you actually are and that nobody in your family knows how hurt and upset you and a couple weeks later the week before the homecoming dress up day the week before and on a Tuesday when you are going to your last class you look and you wait for him until he walks by and when he sees you he tells you that he's not going with you to the homecoming dance  and you get really upset about it and before the day is over with you go into the bathroom and cry and you still feel like you're about to get upset again and when you get home you start to cry and your still upset about it and that you have been for days now and on the week of the homecoming dance you dress up and on Thursday you see him and you go where he is not and that you have made up a lie about you dating a sophomore but you actually didn't you were just saying that to make him jealous and that it had actually work and on the day of the homecoming dance you get ready and when you go into the school Luke sees you but you don't see him and you go where your friends are and that you asked your friends where he is at and you see him there and you stay where he's at and then he sees you and he also stays where you are at and that he sees you and you see him and that you both keep looking at each other and when you are talking to your friend you see him and he is where you are at and he gets jealous of what you are doing and talking about a boy and he hears you and he is listing and starring at you and you noticed and know that he is and on the dance floor you both dance and after you weren't dancing anymore he walks past by you and when you turned back around there he is walking in front of you but you don't know how you knew that he was behind you but for some reason you did and that your confused about how because you don't know if he had his arms around you or not and that your also confused about him and that you don't if he even does or doesn't know if he actually dose have feelings for you and after the week of the homecoming dance and on a Tuesday you were walking by and pass him and he went to his class and you were going to yours and when you had walked pass him you have felt that he was ignoring you and that he doesn't care about anyone besides himself and you had gotten upset over it and on the next day on a Wednesday you go to school and you're still upset about it and after that the week was over and that you won't be at school next week only on Thursday and Friday and on that Thursday that you go back to school you are really excited and that you can't wait to see him and in one of your classes during breakfast you go and get your food and while you're getting your food everyone Gose through your phone and sees your home screen and that it was Luke on it and you get upset and you went and told someone and they had handle it and that you were still crying after you had talked to someone and they let you go in the office and wait and relax and when you are crying and still upset everyone is where you at and even Luke was there but you didn't see him but he had seen you and that he knows that your upset and crying about it and you go in the office and they let you stay there until your next class and you go to your next class after that because you had missed some of your classes because of what happened and the people in your classes they hurt you and when they bring him up you feel like you're about to cry again and you pretend that you won't and on that day when you text your sister about it first and then they had called your mom and when you get home and your sister comes and talk to you about it and  she tells you that you have to move one from Luke and  You know it too because it's been 6 months that you had feelings for him and on the next day on a Friday morning before class had started when he comes in he looks at you and you are still upset and that you have been crying all day because of what happened and on the next week of school you don't want to see him because of what had happened and when you're going to your class you see him and he comes to where you are at to come and check on you to make sure that you're not upset because he's friend had told him that you were crying all day on Friday and he had come and check on you and on the next day of Tuesday when you are leaving one of your class you see him in the hallway and you stare at him for about 20 seconds and then you turn around and you go to your class and your distracted for the whole day and on the next day on a Wednesday when you go throw your lunch away and then he leaves after you do and when he leaves and come in the hallway he looks at you and you see him looking at you and your both walking but he doesn't know that you're behind him because you don't want him to and that you don't want to talk to him either and on the next day it's a Thursday and you have an pep rally that day and when you're walking you see him coming and you are in front of him and he's behind you and you start freaking out because of it and when you are walking you look back and he's still there and looking at you and then you dropped your air pods because you are distracted and when you had gotten there you didn't know that they were yours until you had checked and then you know that they actually were yours and during it you are texting your mom because you are getting singed out for a doctor's appointment and he is reading your texts because he is behind you and when you get singed out he is starring at you and that he gets jealous  and you leave the school and the next day on a Friday during lunch you and your friends eat in a teacher's room and when you are turned around and then when you turned around you see him behind you but you still don't know how you always know when he's behind you and when you see him and you go and hide from him he looks at you and starring at you and you noticed it too and then when he comes back in there again you hide again and when you're walking in the halls you see him coming and you walked pass him and he sees you and that it looks like it that he was smiling but you don't know for sure if he was and then you wait to go back to the room until he had fully walked and then you go in the class room and you stay there until class starts and when you are in the hallway you see him and he sees you and he Gose to his class but you have to wait until the doors open up to go to class and for the rest of the day you are distracted and you leave and go home and since you're going to your dad's house you get ready and you pass the school because there is a football game today and when you and your dad are going to somewhere and you get something to eat and that you also get ice cream after it and that you had really need it because ice cream and candy all makes you feel better because of what happened that day and everything that has to do with Luke and you both get back home and you go to sleep early because you're tired because of what had happened that day and the next day on a Saturday and you wake up and when you do you realize that you were dreaming about him and that he was in it but you weren't because it wasn't you who were actually dreaming and that it was him who was because if you're dreaming it has the both of you in the dream and when the other person is dreaming it just has the person in the dream who is the one is dreaming and that you are so confused you just can't stop smiling because you know that you are still in love with him.

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