4th nine weeks of high school chapter 4

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The first day of the 4th last nine weeks and its also your last nine weeks at school and you only have 8 more weeks left and you go back to school since spring break is over and since you had hated your bring break because you were missing Luke the whole time and then on Monday during your 1st class you go upstairs to see Luke  because you miss him and you have not seen him in 9 days and you were missing him the whole time and then you had went upstairs and seen him and before you had walked out the gym the teacher asked you where you were going and you didn't tell him that you were going upstairs and see Luke and that you had just made an excuse and just said that you were going to the bathroom even though that you weren't and you had went upstairs and you had seen him and you were so happy that you had gotten see him because that's all you have been wanting is to see Luke and then after that class was over you had went to your next class and that you knew that he was behind you but you didn't turned around and you had just went to your next class and then after that class was over then you had lunch and when he was getting his lunch you were looking and staring at him and he had seen you and he was staring at you as well and then you had started smiling and then when you were waiting for your teacher to unlock the door so you can go in and then you see him and he sees you and you smile and your happy and your friend is talking about him and Luke is behind him and when you  tell your friend that Luke is behind him and then you look back at Luke and that you always do when he always walks past by you and then you had kicked your friend because of it and then you had started laughing because of it and then after that class was over you had went to your next class and you had waited for him like you had used to because you had quit doing that for some reason but now your back at it because you haven't seen him in a week and that you miss him and then after that class was over and then after that class was over you had advisory and you didn't go advisory yet because you had waited for Luke and you had went to advisory when he had went and when you had seen him you had gotten behind him you had started to smile and you were about to text your sister or your friend and that you were also about to drop your phone as well and that he had also knew that you were behind him as well because he was looking back and he knew that it was you and then you were smiling the whole time and the rest of the time in advisory and then when you had gotten to advisory you had texted your sister and had told her and then after advisory when the bell had rang when he was coming out of his advisory since his and yours advisory is right across from each other and he was the first person to leave his advisory and when you had seen him then you had started smiling and you were just so happy and that you are just so in love with him you were so happy that you had seen him and that after you had seen him you were smiling and that you were also freaking out as well and that you were smiling for the rest of the day as well because you were so happy that you had went back to school and that you had finally gotten to see Luke and then on Wednesday you had gym class but you thought that you were gonna have a  sub but you didn't and then when you had gotten to the gym you had found out the you had to go to the rotc room and that you didn't get to take a nap or finished reading your book or get to go upstairs  to go see Luke and you were mad because of it because you didn't get to see him and then after that class you had another class and then after that class was over and when you were going to lunch and then you had seen Luke and then you had started smiling and then after he had gotten his lunch and he had went near you and you had smiled again and then during lunch after lunch or during lunch and kind of  both and when the bell had rang and you had forgotten your lanyard in the class Luke had next after lunch because you were distracted because of him and then you had went back in the class and you went and get your lanyard and the minute you went in there and the minute you had seen him your face had went red and that you had started smiling and then after you had gotten your lanyard you were out there lest then minute and then you had went to your class and wait till your teacher comes and unlocks the door and then when you had when the class you had put your hair up because of how hot you were because you were Buring up because your face is red because you had seen Luke in there when you had went and get your lanyard in the class and then you have decided that you were hiding and avoiding him for the rest of the day and then on Thursday morning in your class both of your friends are talking about Luke and that their making your face red and your face is really red when they are talking about him or anything else even when they bring him up as well and then your face was red and then for some reason someone look at you and you seen him looking at you for some reason and then you had seen Luke during breakfast and then when you were going to get breakfast and your friend had left you there and so you had go to in there by yourself with him in there and that you were also freaking out because he's in there and then after you had gotten your breakfast then you had ran when he was in there because you can't be there by yourself with him because you can't control yourself even when it comes to him and then and then you had seen him during Lunch when he was coming to his class and you were going to your next class and then you had started smiling and then when he was fighting someone and then when he had seen that you were watching then he had quit and then he didn't do it anymore when he had seen that you were watching and that he had just gone in his class and then after your class you had waited for him till you had seen him and then you had started smiling and then after that class and then you had waited till you had seen him and then you were mad because you didn't get to see him because he had already went to his advisory and then during advisory his advisory had let them get out early and you didn't get to see him either after words either and you were in a bad mood because of that as well and then on Friday you were so not ready because of it all because you had an event today at school and then half of the classes you were helping the teacher with the food and everything and then during lunch one of your friend had told you that they had wanted to show you something but you would not go in the hallway but then your friend had told you that Luke was in the hallway and once you had heard that Luke was in the hallway you jumped up and gotten down because you were so happy because you haven't seen him all day and then when you have seen him your face had went red and then you had went back in the class and then you had moved your stuff from his seat because you were afraid that he would see and so you had moved it because you sit in his seat the seat that he sits for 5th after lunch every day and so you had moved it after you had seen that he was in the hallway because you were afraid that he was in the hallway because he had found out that you sit in his seat and then you were freaking out and then you were smiling in your next class and then after your next class and since that class was dispersed and you were waiting for Luke because you always wait for him when you are in that class and when you had gotten your stuff from that class and once you had seen Luke and you had told your friend to go and you and her both go and you and her both get behind him and his friend and then she says I hate you and then you end up laughing and smiling because of it and then you had wanted to go see him in there because you were bord and that you were wanting to go see him but you can't because of who the sub is and that the sub is mean and that you don't like him and so you didn't go in there to see him because of it and then after that class you are already in that class for your next class and then after that class was over and then you had to go to your last class of the day and then when you were going to your last class and you had seen Luke and then  you had started smiling and you were smiling and then on the next week on school on Monday and then on Monday morning in gym you had went upstairs because you had wanted to go and see Luke and then after a couple of minutes you had come from upstairs and then you were doing teams and then your team had to play and then you know who had ended up coming there and Luke had come in there when your team was up and you didn't know what to do about it and that it was also after you had come from upstairs as well and then you were freaking out when you had seen him and then you had to put your hair up because of it and that he was in there and that your face is red because of it as well and that you were freaking out because of it and then you were also staring at him the whole time he was in there and then when he was leaving and he was looking at you and you were looking at him and you were both staring at each other and that you had forgotten that everybody else was in the room but Luke because you were distracted because he had come in there and that you did not know what to do and that you were freaking out because of it and then after your team was over then you had tried to go find Luke and see if he was still there or if he was in the hallway and then after you had gotten back in you had started smiling because you were smiling the whole time because of it and then later on your team had went up again and then after your team wasn't up you went back upstairs and then your team went up again when you had come back from upstairs and then the class was over and then after that the class was over you were smiling the rest of the day and the class because of it and then in your next class you were smiling the whole time when you were in your next class and then after that class it was lunch and then you and him were both looking at each other again across the room and then after you had gotten your lunch and he had gotten his lunch and then you had went to where you eat your lunch and he had went to where he eats and then after the lunch was over you had seen him and then you had started smiling again because of it and then after that class you had went to your next class and you had waited till you had seen Luke and then you had went in your class and then you had went in Luke's class and went and see him because he had come into your gym class and also because you had wanted to see him play and that you were watching him and that you had also lost track of time and that you almost stayed there till class was over and then you had realized what time it was and then you had went back to class because you were watching him play and were distracted by him and then after that class you had advisory and then you had seen him because you go to advisory when he had come to advisory and then after advisory you had seen him and once you had seen him and you had almost dropped something and that you were distracted because of it and that you were also smiling for the rest of the day and then on the next day on Tuesday your first class was disprissed  so you had to go to a different class and then after that class you had to go to your next class and then you had went and get breakfast then you went to your class and then when you were going to lunch and since your teacher lets you go to your class early and  you always look at Luke and look at Luke's class that's across from you when you are going to lunch early and when you were and you knew that he was looking at you as well and that he was looking for you as well because he didn't see you at breakfast and then when the bell had rang and then you had went in the class that you and your friend always eat in and then when you had seen him you had moved because you knew that and then after the bell had rang and then when you were going to your class and he was going to his and you had seen him and he had seen you and you didn't know what to do because you were freaking out because of it and then you were looking back at him because you are always looking back at him when he is in the hallway till he Gose to his class and then you had went in your class and then after that class was over you had your next class and you had waited till you had seen him before you went in your class and after you had seen him you went in your class and after that class was over and you had waited till you had seen Luke and then you had went to advisory when he dose because you go to advisory when he dose and then you had gotten behind him when you both were going to advisory and then after you had seen him and then after advisory was over had had gotten behind you and you had knew that he was behind you but you didn't turned around and then you had went in your class and then the next day on Wednesday and then on that morning and you had went upstairs and see Luke because you haven't went upstairs and seen him yet and then you have because you were missing him the whole time and then after the class was over and then you had seen him but he didn't see you at least you didn't think he did and once you had seen him and you had started smiling you had hurry up and gotten behind him but you had let someone else get between you but you don't want to get too close to him because of your feelings for him because you know if you do then you'll probably will end up running to him and that you did almost did that once but you did that but you can't take the chance on doing anything even in front of anyone and so you had put someone between you and him when you were behind him and when you were then you were so happy when you had seen him and you were smiling because of it and that your face was also red because of it and that you were happy and that you were behind him and then during lunch when the bell had rang you had seen him and he had seen you and then someone had gotten between you and him and he was behind you as well during lunch but then since the line was too long and he didn't want to wait and he had switched to the other line because the other line was shorter and you didn't have to wait long and then after you had gotten your lunch then you were smiling the whole time and then after the lunch was over and you were also smiling when you had seen him and then after the class was over then you had to go to your next class and you had waited till you had seen him like you always do and then after that class was over and you had also waited till you had seen him and then you had gotten behind him and that you were smiling about that when you were going to advisory and then after school was over and once you had gotten on the bus and once you had gotten in your seat and you were looking for Luke and then you had seen him and he had seen you and then when you  had seen him you had duck because of it and then he had still he seen you and you had seen him and then that you were smiling the whole time and for the rest of the day because of it and then the next day on Thursday during breakfast you see Luke and you are happy and after the class is over and then during lunch and when the bell had rang you had gotten so happy to see him and then when you were passing the class that he eats in you were looking over and you had seen him and you think he had seen you but your not sure but you think that he had and then after the bell had rang and that lunch was over and you had waited till you had seen him and that you had seen him and when you had seen him and you had started smiling and that you have been doing that now and that every time you see him you start smiling and that you always have to look away when you see him because you are smiling because of it and then after that class was over and you had waited till you had seen him and then during advisory you had waited till you had seen him and you had gotten behind him and that it was him and his friend and that his friend is telling him and that you are behind him and then you both to go advisory and then once the bell had rang you had seen him and he had seen you and then you had started smiling and then you and your friend were both talking and you both were behind him and him and his friend were both talking and they were both Infront of  you and your friend and that you know that you need to talk to Luke soon because you know that your still in love with him soon and about your feelings for him before next year and before summer and that you also think that for some reason that there is a connection between you and him and that it's something special and that you need to talk to him about it and then on Friday morning after your 1st class you were so excited to see Luke and that you were the first person to be out of your class and that you didn't see him when you were going to your 2nd class and you didn't see him either when you were going to your 3rd class but when you were going to your 4th class you did see him and he had seen you and you and him were both staring at each other and then you had went in your class and that you were smiling because of it and then when you were going to lunch you had seen him but he didn't see you but you had seen him and then after lunch was over you didn't see him and you didn't see him for the rest of the day and you had realized that he had left during lunch and that when you had found out that he had left and that you were upset and sad the rest of the day because of it and that he wasn't their and then the next week on Monday and it's your birthday and you had went upstairs Monday morning and you didn't see Luke and at first you had thought that he wasn't gonna be late but then when you had went upstairs again the 2nd time you  didn't see him and that he wasn't there and that you just keep hoping that he would end up coming to school because it's your birthday and that if he's not their then you knew that you would be upset again and that you really wanted to see him because he had left last Friday and then during your class you get flowers  and you don't see who they are from because you are afraid that their going to say Luke but when you see who they are from and you see that they are from your mom and your stepdad and that it says sweet 16 happy birthday from mom and mick and then you had gotten called down and that you had also gotten accepted into ben franklin as well and then during lunch you had seen that he wasn't there because you had tried looking for him but you didn't see him and then you had gotten your lunch and went in the class you eat in and then after that you had kept hoping that he would show up but he did not and then after school at the end of the day and when you were leaving the high school and you had seen him and that you were happy and that either he was there and that you just didn't see him or he had came in late where he knew that you didn't see him or he came after school when school was out and over and that he wasn't there at all and that since football will be starting soon again and that he probably has football practice or something else or something that has to do with football but you are happy that you had gotten to see him even on your birthday and that when you had seen him when you were on the bus you had seen him and you think that he had seen you as well but your not sure but you think that he did and that you were staring at him the rest of the whole time and then the next day on Tuesday and when you had got to school and that you had been hoping that Luke would be there but then after your class and when you get your breakfast and that you don't see him and that you are worried and that you don't know because he has never missed more than one day of school and that he is either sick or something else but thing you still don't see him during lunch but then after lunch is over and the class that you eat in is the teacher who he has for 5th and he has him every single day and the teacher has told you that he has ALC and that you were surprised and that you were also shocked and that when you had found out you were so shocked that you didn't focused because you were wondering why he had gotten in trouble and that you know that tomorrow morning during your gym class and since the classes are really short and if you have time you're gonna have to find out where the ALC class is at and go and sneak out and see Luke because you know that since you have not seen him in a while you know that you will go crazy and that if you don't see him on wensday or Thursday then you would be next to get ALC because you would be skipping the rest of your classes on Thursday and all of them next Tuesday because you were wanting to see him because you can not go days without seeing him and that you were wanting to text him on Instagram and asked him why or how did he get ALC but you didn't but you have and are still thinking about it and that you also just want to text and tell him how much you miss him and love him because of how much you want to see him because you can't go day's without seeing him and that you're gonna have to find out why he had gotten ALC and that your gonna have your friend listen and find out since she is in his advisory and since some of your friends are friends with his friends and you can asked them to find out and they can tell you or you can also asked that sopmore who has feelings for you the one who you had used to make Luke jealous back in the 1st nine weeks and that it had worked and that if you had asked him to do it and asked him to do something and get ALC and have him asked Luke how and why he had gotten it then maybe you can find out and you can find out and he can tell you when he gets on the bus but then again you know that would also be a bad idea because you know that if him and Luke would be in the same room together that them two would be fighting each other and that you could not risk that because you don't want to hurt Luke and that you don't want him to get in trouble or anything else and that you're trying to protect him from the both of them both fighting each other over the same girl and then the next day on wensday and during gym class you run out and you go and see Luke but first you have to try to find out where the ALC room is at but since you don't know where it was and then when you were going out in the hallway and you had seen your friend and you asked your friend if he knew where the ALC room was and he did and he had showed you where it was so that you could go see Luke and that when you had went in see him and that he was the only one in there and that no one is in there but him and that you could still see him even when the window is blocked off and that you can easily see him and then you were so happy that you could finally see him because you have not see him in days and that you can't go days without seeing him because someone will have to control you because of it where you haven't seen him in days and that when you had finally gotten to see him you were so so happy that you got to see him and that you were happy and that you were smiling and then after the 1st class was over after gym when the bell had rang and that you were the 1st one out of the gym class and he had looked that way and you were coming out and when you had seen him you were started  to smile and then he had went on one side of the stairs and then you went on the other side of the stairs because you didn't want to get behind him because you knew that you would be smiling and so instead of that you were beside him and you were both smiling and you could tell that he was and he could tell that you were smiling as well and then you were smiling the whole time for the rest of the day and then he had went upstairs because he had given an assignment to his teacher and then you were hoping that you could see him during the day at the end but you didn't get to so that you were upset that you didn't get to see him at the end of the day and then you did end up seeing him after school and you were smiling and you couldn't stop smiling because of it and that you also had to be careful so that he wound't see you on the bus and that you think that he did and that you would duck every time he looks that way towards you and then the next day on Thursday and you had FFA picture's and so you had to wear the official dress to school and you had to go and get the picture's and  then you had to changed and then you went back to class and since some of the other people in it were late or didn't come or other things then we had to redo the picture's so that means that i had to get the official dress back on and you had to get help on to getting ready because you had to hurry up and that you were also in a rush as well and then they had announce you all down to get pictures and then when you had to redo your pictures you had seen Luke there and that you had seen him but he didn't have his phone even though that's also how he had gotten but he had his iPad and his air pods and that the air pods he has had looked familiar and you knew because either the 1st nine weeks or the 2nd nine weeks you don't know but you had to go to the autorm and you had to take your stuff and your air pods had fell out and that you didn't know that they were yours but they actually were and that you had also knew that he had him and that you were right that he did have them and then when you all were going to sit on the bleachers then you had looked at Luke and he had seen you and then you all had went and sit all on the bleachers and you all had sit in position and you all were waiting on someone but since they haven't showed up yet so you were staring at Luke the whole time and then he had seen you starring at him and then once he had noticed you staring at him you had looked away and you had started to smile when you had looked away you knew that he had saw and that after the pictures were taken then you were in a rushed to leave and that you had almost went back to see him but you didn't and then afterwards you were thinking about him for the rest of the time and you were smiling as well because of it and that you don't know what you're going to do about it since you don't have school on Friday or next Monday and that you know that someone is going to have to control you when we get back next Tuesday because your going to hate it because you won't be able to see Luke and that you know that you can't go days without seeing him and that someone will have to control you because of it and the next week on Tuesday and you're so happy because you finally get to see Luke but then you find out that it's a Friday schedule because you didn't have school last Friday and since Luke was in ALC all last week and since they don't do ALC on Fridays and since Tuesday is a Friday schedule and then you had gotten to get to see Luke and that you were so happy and that you were the 1st one out of your 1st and 2nd and your 3rd class and so that you could see Luke but you haven't seen him yet until you have seen him when you were going to your 4th class and that when you had finally gotten to see him you were so happy and that you were jumping up and down and that you could not control yourself because of how happy you were because of it and in 4th class you were making sure that the teacher that had given him ALC and that she would not get him in trouble again and that you were keeping an eye on that and then during lunch you and him were starring at each other and when he was going to mr hill and you were going to mr bailey and then you both were starring at each other and then after your 5th class and your next class before you had went in you had waited for him and that you were so happy and that you could also tell that he was happy to see you as well because neither one of you had seen each other in days and that you both were happy to see each other and then you had seen him again when you were going to your 8th class and that you knew that after school and the second the school was over you were missing Luke and then the next day on wensday you were really wanting to see Luke but you couldn't because the juniors were testing upstairs and that they had all the upstairs classes downstairs and so you didn't know where Luke had his class at and so you really wanted to see him but you didn't get to because of the testing and that you were keeping an eye on the door the whole time and that you had kept looking the whole time that you were in the gym class and then during lunch and that you were looking for him but then you didn't find him but you were being followed by two people because you were looking for Luke and that you just wanted to see Luke for some reason and then you didn't see him for the rest of the day for some reason and that you were upset and then the next day on Thursday morning and you had gotten called down to the office and you had though that you were getting in trouble but you weren't but then when you had came back from the office everyone had looked at you and gave you a look for some reason but when your friend Kelly and Jacob had told you that Luke has feelings for you and that his girlfriend had broken up with you and then you had found out that someone in your class is in his class and that he has been talking about you a lot and then she had probably told Kelly and Jacob while you were gone in the office and that when you had heard it and that everything in your insides were upside down and that you were so happy and that it was also because where him and his girlfriend had broken up and that you were so happy because of it and then you and him were not getting called boyfriend and girlfriend now but then when you had told them that he wasn't your boyfriend and then your friend had said that not yet and then you just shut up and that you didn't say anything else and that you were smiling and that you were so happy because he dose have feelings for you and that you were in a good mood for the rest of the day because of it and that it had made you so happy because of it and then that in your 4th class you and your friend were talking about how you had a dream about him and that you had a weird note and that you had woken up and that you had write it down and type it on your phone and that the note had said that I think about you even when I don't want to think about you and it's what the note had said and that you're friend said that she knew what it meant because you didn't know what it had meant and she had said that she knew what it mean and that it had something to do with Luke but you don't know what what it had to do with him and it had made you more curious about it and that you still need to find out what it means still and how and what it has to do with him and that also all the weekend long you had kept seeing his name all over the place and she had said that it was a sign that you both are soulmates and you didn't know what to say and then that was in your head for the rest of the day because of it and that you were smiling as well and then during lunch when you had went to the class you eat in and you had seen Luke and he had seen you and you both had both looked at each other and you had forgotten something when you had looked at each other because of what you were talking about in 4th class and also what you had found out in your class in the morning when you had came back from the office and that you both had looked at each other and that you had also kept bumping into each other as well and then when you were waiting for him before you had gotten to your next class and you had seen him and he had seen you and then you had went in your class and that you had kept thinking about him for the rest of the day as well and then the next day on Friday morning and you had your 1st and your 2nd and 3rd class and when you were going to your 4th class and then you had seen Luke and then you had went and get something to drink and went and get a pop and when you had seen him and he had seen you and then when you had gotten to go to lunch early and you had looked in Luke's class and he had knew that you all were coming and then had knew that you were gonna look that way and when you had looked that way at him and you had seen him and he had seen you and then you both had looked at each other and then you were smiling and that you were thinking about it and that you know that he knows that you know that he dose have feelings for you because of who he was talking to about you and that she's in yours and he's class and that she had told you and that you can tell that he knows that you know because you can tell even by the way he looks at you you can tell that he knows that you know that he has feelings for you and that he probably also knows that your gonna talk to him soon as well soon about it and then during lunch you and him you both had looked at each other again and then you had seen him and then after your class was over and during your class and that you had went and see him during your 6th class to see him and that it would also be the 3rd time that you would have see him during your 6th class and then you had went back to your class and after you had waited till you had seen him and then you went to your next class and then after that class was over and you had gotten to see Luke and when you had waited for him and he had looked over and you had looked over and you both had looked at each other and that both of you were looking at each other all day long and that you were also thinking about that and you were smiling the whole day because of it and that you both know that there's something between the two of you and that you know that you and him have some kind of special connection and that you know that you have to talk to him especially since you had found out that he dose actually have feelings for you on Thursday and that you and him had kept looking at each other all day on Friday because of it and the next week on Monday and Monday morning and you have gym and that you are so tired because of it and it's so early in the morning as well and then you had went upstairs and that you had also knew that he was coming in there and then you had looked up and you see him and then once you had seen him you had ran out of gym class and that you were freaking out and then you had went to the bathroom and put your hair up because you were burning up and that your face was red and that you were hot as well because of it and then when you had came out of the bathroom and you had seen him and then you were freaking out and that you were still burning up and that your face was red still and that you were distracted the whole time and then during lunch you had seen him and he was running the halls and you had asked his friend and he won't tell you and you keep asked him but he still won't tell you and then you see Luke and he gose to his class and then you turned around and then you just stare at him the whole time and then you see him after your class before you go in your next class and then during advisory you see him and he sees you and then when the bell had rang you had seen him and he sees you and you both had looked at each other and then you were talking to your friend and then you had seen him when all the football players had went down to the comments who wanted to be football players next year and that you had knew that he would be going down and you had seen him and he had seen you and then when your  teacher had let you leave early you had seen him in the comments and talking to his friends and that when you had seen him you were staring at him the whole time and that when you were starring at him and you had lost track of the time because you were distracted and too busy starring at Luke and then you were thinking about that for the rest of the day and then the next day on Tuesday and that your getting new iPad and then you were going with your friends to see him but you can't and then when you're friends had came back and that you had asked the both of them if he was in there and that they had both said that he wasn't in there and then when you had went and then you had to go get a new iPad and that he didn't go because he had wanted to go when you had went because he had wanted to see you and that when you and your friend were getting your breakfast and that both of you had looked at each other and then after that class was over and when you had went to lunch early and you had looked at him but he didn't looked at you because of the teacher and then after you and your friend had both gotten your lunch since you all get to go to lunch early and then Luke's teacher had let them out early even when the bell hasn't rang yet and when you had seen him and that you were freaking out because of it and that you were starring at him and that you were smiling at him as well and then after the bell had rang you had to go to the class that you eat in and then during lunch you asked Luke's friend again why he was rooming the halls and what he had meant that when he had said that he'll tell you but his friend still won't tell you and then your friend tells him something and that you don't know what she had said and then his friend gose to the heath class and he gose and tell Luke but then when his friend comes in Luke comes in there and then as soon he had comes in there and then you run out and then you freak out because of it and then your other friend tries to says that he's not in there and that their just saying that just to get you back in there because you were freaking out and then when he had came out and he had looked back at you and you had seen him but then you had went back in there and then you had knew and could tell that both of them are up to something and that it has to do with you and him and that you just can't figure it out and that it is irraiting you because you can't figure something out and that you don't know what it is and that you also don't know what it would be and then you try and go find him during lunch and you find Luke during lunch but you couldn't find him and when you realize that when the bell had rang you had seen that him and his friend had both came from the cafeteria and that they were either talking in the cafeteria or they were talking outside and then when he was going to his class and you had turned around and he had looked back at you and then you had started smiling and then after your class was over and before you had went back in your next class you had waited till you had seen him and then you had went in your class and then during your 6th class you go and you see Luke during his class and you go in the gym to see him and then you think that he had seen you and then you had went back into class and then during advisory and since you go advisory when he gose to advisory and then when you had seen him and then you had ended up getting behind him and then he had knew that you were behind him and that he knows that you come to advisory whenever he comes to advisory and then it was you behind him and then you beside him and then he had looked at you and you had looked at him and that you were smiling and thinking about it the rest of the whole day because of it and that you know that their is something between you and him and that you are planning on talking to him tomorrow because their is an event tomorrow during school and he is in it and you don't know how long it is and if it's not over by 3.25 then you won't be able to talk to him because you know that their is something between you and him and that you will have to talk to him before the year is over with and that you both have something that's special and something between you and him and you need to talk to him about it and then wensday since it's the day of the outsiders play and the schedule is different and then you go upstairs and you go and see Luke but then you realize that he wasn't in there and then during 5th class when you were waiting for your teacher to come and unlock the door since the door was locked and then you had seen Luke and he had seen you and that you were starring at him and that he was starring at you and that the both of you were both starring at each other the whole time and then when he had wanted to go into the heath class the teacher won't let him go in there because he had to get ready for the play and that he was starring at you while he was talking to the teacher and while the teacher was talking to him and he had looked over at you and you were starring at him and then the teacher had notice and looked over and seen that me and him were both starring at each other and probably know about you and him but you don't know for sure if he knows and then after that class was over you had gotten to see him during lunch and you had seen that he was in the heath class and you had looked and pass the class so many times and then when you had looked over there and then you had notice and that he had looked upset and that you had wondering what was wrong and that you were really wanting to go in there and asked him what was wrong but you didn't and then you were also kind of upset as well because you didn't know what it was or that was upsetting him and that you were wanting to know what it was but you just didn't know what it was and then when his friends were in the hallway and that they were trying to bring him out of the heath class and that he didn't come out for some reason and that his friend had kept looking at you so you knew that he was probably trying to get him to talk to you or something else and that you were almost about to go in there and asked him yourself and then after that class was over and you had your next class and before you had went into your next class you had waited till you had seen Luke and then you did and then you had your class last of the day because of how short the schedule was and after that you had the outsiders play and you went to that and that the play was supposed to be 2 hours long but it had ended early before it was supposed to and since it had ended early and that you were planning on talking to him after the play but you didn't because they had let all the students hangout in the comments and you did and that you didn't want to talk to him there even in front of everyone and that when they were announcing all of the cast and the other people that were in the outsiders play and the people who were carrying the things on and off stage and they had announcing all of their names and that you had thought that Luke was in the play but he wasn't and that he was actually helping carrying the stuff on and off the stage and when the teacher had announce his name and when he had said and when you had seen him you had started smiling and he had seen you and he was standing there starring at you and you were siting there starring at him the whole time and you were still smiling and that you both were starring at each other and that neither one of you could keep your eyes of off one of another and that you were both starring at each other and then after the play was over and when you all went in the comments and the both of you were still starring at each other neither one of you could stop starring at each other and then the next day on Thursday after your class is over and you get breakfast and then the minute you see Luke and that you had started smiling again and then during lunch when you had asked one of your friends who are friends with Luke and you keep asked him what him and Luke are both up to because they are both up to something and that his friend won't tell you because he is covering up for Luke and that he's not the only one and that knows about it what he is up to and some of Luke's other friends knows about it and that Luke's friend keep saying that he'll tell you and that you don't know what it means and that it either means that he will tell you or that he will talk to you about it or asked you something and that you don't even know when he will do it if he dose and that morning and you had found out that he had changed his Instagram cover and it has a photo of him and him shushing and you asked his friend and you know that he knows what it means and that he just won't tell you because he is covering up for Luke and that he just keeps saying that he will tell you and then during lunch after the bell had rang you had looked at him and he had looked at you and then after that class was over and before you had went into your next class and you had waited till you had seen him and during the class you had went and see Luke during that class because you wanted to go see him and then you didn't see him during advisory and neither during your 8th class and then you did see him after school and for some reason he was there because he normally leaves early during 8th class on Tuesday's and Thursday's and Friday's but for some reason he didn't and that you were so happy that he didn't leave and that you had gotten to see him and then the next day on Friday and that you didn't see him till your 4th class and then that was the only time that you had gotten to see him because you didn't really get to see him when you were going to your 1st,2nd,and 3rd,classes and that you had only gotten to see him when you were in your 4th class and then you had also gotten to see him during lunch but you also hardly even seen him as well because of it and then after lunch you realized that since he hadn't walk past by your class yet and you asked your friend if he would text Luke and asked him where he is at and Luke tells him that he is skipping and that he is skipping the rest of the classes and then you find out that he had left and that you know that you are gonna be upset now since he had left because when you don't see him or when he leaves you are upset because you don't see him and then the next week on Monday and when you are in the middle of the gym class and then you see Luke and when you see him you had start smiling and then this thing that you were doing in gym and that your shirt was stuck in the rolling thing and that you had to get your shirt out of the rolling thing and then once you had gotten your shirt out stuck out of the rolling thing you were able to get out of there and that you were burning up and hot as well and then you didn't have your phone and so you had realize that you had to go back inside and get your phone so that you could text your sister and then a couple minutes later you had went back inside and then you had went back inside and had sat there for a couple of minutes and then when you had seen that Luke was leaving you had went after him and then when you had came back in someone had given you a look and that they had seemed a bit jealous of some kind of reason and that you don't know why that they were jealous for when you had went after Luke when he was leaving and that you could tell when you had came back in the gym class and then after that class and when that class is over and when the bell rings and you all had to go to your next class and you had looked at him and he had looked at you and that both of you were both starring at each other and that neither one of you had wanted to move because you were just starring at each other and that you didn't want to move and that you could also tell that he didn't want to move either because you both were just to busy starring at each other and that the fact that neither one of you can keep your eyes off of each other because of your feelings for each other and the connection between the both of you and then you do realize that you do have to move so you just move and he is behind you and that you also have to go ahead and go to class and then you go to class but before you go to class and then you looked over and you looked over at him and he looked over at you and you both looks at each other and then you just go to your class and then your next day on Tuesday and then after your class is over and you go and get breakfast but you don't the food is out but then you see that someone dose and then you go back to get the food and you see Luke and he sees you and that the both of you both stare at each other and lock eyes and then you go back to class and then you tell your friend about yesterday morning about how he was in your gym class and how you had went after him and then that you had told your friend that when he had gotten another follow on Instagram and then when he had seen that and that he had removed them  because he had wanted you to be the last one to be following him and then during lunch and you and your friends have to eat in the hallway because you can't eat in the classroom anymore because the teacher won't allow food anymore and that you were waiting for Luke and that you were waiting till you had seen him and he had seen you and then after you had throw your food away and when you were coming out of the cafeteria and he was coming out of the room he eats in and that you had seen him and you had started smiling and then you had turned around and looked at him and he had looked at you and then after and couple of minutes and you and him had bumped into each other again and you were on one side of the hallway and he was on one side of the hallway and that you were freaking out because of it and that you were also smiling because of it as well and then after lunch was over and when you were going to your next class and you had seen Luke and he had seen you and then when he was going to his class and you had looked at him and then he had looked at you and then you had looked back at him and then you had started smiling and then you had seen him again when you were going to your next class and then you had went to go and see him during your 6th class because he had gym class for 6th and you went and see him like you always do and then you had waited till you had seen him during advisory because you don't go to advisory till he dose and when you see him you go to advisory and that after school you see him even though he normally leaves but he doesn't and that you were so happy that you had gotten to see him and then the next day on wensday and you had your gym class and then almost at the end of the class and then Luke had came in there but he couldn't stay there because their wasn't enough class time left and then when he had came in there and then you had went in the hallway and then he was leaving and he was going with some of the other boys to the boys locker room but you had seen where he was going before you had went back into your class and when you had seen the boys had came back to class and then you had went in the hallway and see if Luke was gonna come back or in the hallway but he wasn't because he had to go back to class as well because of the time of the class had left and then after that class was over and you had your next class and then after that class was over and you had lunch and you had gotten your lunch and then you had seen Luke and that you were starring at him and that you can't keep your eyes off of him and then after lunch was over and when the bell had rang and when you were going to your class and he was going to his class you were starring at him and you were still in the hallway because you were starring at him and the other people were in the class but you because you were starring at Luke in the hallway and that you can't keep your eyes off of him because of it and then you go in the class and then after that class was over you had went in your next class and then when you were going to advisory till you had waited till you had seen him but since his advisory teacher wasn't here he had to go to a different class for advisory and you didn't see him and that you didn't see him for the rest of the day until after school and that was when you had seen him and then the next day on Thursday and after your class was over and when you had left your class you had seen Luke and he was there and that you kept looking back and that you were smiling because of it and that you didn't even expect it and that you didn't think that he was even gonna be there when you were gonna leave and that you were freaking out in your next class and that you're face red and that you were looking back the whole time and that you were starring at him and he was starring at you and that the both of you were both starring at each other and then after your next class and then during lunch and you were looking for him and he had seen you and you had seen him and then you had started smiling and then you were starring at him again and then after lunch was over and then you were in the hallway again and you didn't go in the class  yet because you were starring at Luke and then you had waited till you had seen him before you had went in your next class and then during advisory and  since you wait till he gose to advisory and that you don't see him and you still don't see him after advisory and that you had found out that he had left during his 6th class and that you were upset for the rest of the day and then the next day on Friday and when you are going to your gym class you see Luke and that you had forgotten where you were going and that you didn't see that someone was behind you and that you had almost bumped into something and someone because you were distracted because where you had seen him and then you had seen him when you were going to your 4th class after your 1st and 2nd and 3rd class and you had seen him when you were going to your 4th class and then after that class was over you had seen him and he had seen you when you had looked in the class when you were going to lunch and then when lunch was over and when you were leaving the class that he had next the class you eat in and when you were leaving and he was coming in there and that you know that if you were still in there then he would still see you at his desk even though he dose know that you sit at his desk during lunch and in the mornings because he had came in there once during lunch and he had seen you and that he was coming in there when you were leaving there and  then when you had seen him and that you had started smiling and that you could tell that when he had seen you that he was happy to see you as well and then after that class and when you were going to your next class and before you had went in your next class you had waited till you had seen Luke and after that class you had also waited till you had seen him before you went to your next class and then when you were going to your last class and you had seen Luke but he had seen you first before you had seen him because you were talking that's why you didn't see him first and that when he had looked over and then when you had looked over and then you seen him and that he had seen you and that he had seen you before you had seen him and then you had seen him when you had looked over and that neither one if you can keep your eyes off of each other because of your feelings for one of another and the connection between you and him and that you also have to talk to him about it soon about you and him and about what it going on between you and him and that you know that their is something going on between the both of you and that you can tell that he knows about it as well and that both of you know about the connection between you and him and that your gonna have to talk to him about it soon and about what's going on between you and him and about the connection and everything else and then on the next week on Monday and on Monday morning in gym class and you see Luke and you know that he's gonna be coming in there because he now comes in there every Monday's now because every since you had gotten told by your friends that Luke has feelings for you and then the person who had told you and then she had told him that day as well but when she was in his last class and then you could tell that the next day that you knew that he knew and that he had also knew that you knew that you knew that you knew that he had feelings for you and that every since that he had found out that you knew that he had feelings for you and that he comes in there every Monday's because of it and that this morning you had seen him and once you had seen him and you had went in the hallway and then you had went back inside because you were afraid that he wouldn't be in there for long and so you had went back in there and then you were starring at him the whole time and that you couldn't keep your eyes off of him and he couldn't either and then you had to play while he was in there and that you could not focused and that you were distracted because you can't play while he is in there because it gets you off guard and distracted and that you had one of your friends if you could go get a drink and then you had waited till it was over till you had came back inside because you knew that if you had came back inside you would have to play while he was in there and you just waited till it was over and then while he was going back to his class and then you had went in the hallway and then you seen that he and his friend was still in the hallway so you had to hide where he wouldn't see you but you think that he did because they both had started to get real quiet and then you had went and see if he was still in the hallway but he wasn't and that he had already went back to class and then during lunch and since you had already gotten your lunch and then after he had gotten his lunch and he was going to the class that he eats in and then the both of you both looked at each other and then after lunch was over and then when he was going to his next class and then he had looked back at you and then you had looked back and that both of you had looked back at each other and that you were starring at each other and then during advisory and since you go to advisory when he dose and you see him and then you get behind him and then your friends are behind you as well for some reason and then you had seen him after advisory was over and then the next day on Tuesday after your class you and your friend and that you both go to breakfast and that when you are going to breakfast and that the teacher that you always eat in is giving you a look and that he probably knows something about you and Luke or just Luke but you don't know but then when you were getting your breakfast and that you had seen Luke and that when you had seen him and that you were starring at him and that you had almost forgotten what you were saying and doing because of it and then when you were getting something and that you had seen him and that you were starring at him and that you had completely loss track of what you were doing and that you had forgotten that you're friend was there and then you both had ran off and had already and go to class and then during lunch and that you see him and then after lunch you had seen him and then he had seen you and then you had looked at him and then he had looked at you and then you both had already went into class and then you had your next class and before you had went in your class you had waited till you had seen Luke and then you had waited till you had seen Luke and then after that class was over you had advisory but since you don't go to advisory till Luke dose and that you had waited till you had seen him and then when you had seen him you had felt better because of what had happened in your class and that when you had seen Luke and that you had felt better because he always puts you in a better mood and he always makes you feel much better if something bad always happens just by seeing him and that he had seen you and that you had seen him and that you both had went to advisory and then during advisory he had heard what had happened in the class how one of your friend had asked you to kiss him and that you had said no and that would never happen and then your friends are in his advisory and that your friend had told your other friend and then he had heard her when she was telling your friend and that he had looked mad about it and then the next day on wensday and that you are not talking to your friend because of it and because of what he had said and that you also know that Luke is mad as well at him and that you don't want to make him mad either even though that he isn't mad at you he is mad at your friend because of what he had said yesterday in the class and that you are hoping that Luke comes in the gym class and confronts him but he didn't even though that you could tell that he is mad at him and that it probably would make him feel better about it and just get it off of his back but he probably won't because of you because he doesn't want to lose you and that's why he may not do it and then during lunch and that you see him and that he sees you and that you and him both looked at each other and that he knows that your upset about it and that he knows that you know that he knows and that you both had looked at each other when you had both seen each other then when he was going somewhere and then he had looked back at you and  that he had knew that you were still starring at him and then you both were still starring at each other when you had seen each other and then after lunch was over you had seen him when you were going to your class and he had seen you and you were auguring with your friend because of what he had said and then after that class was over and  you had your next class and you had waited till you had seen Luke and you had seen him and then you had went in your class and then a couple of minutes late at 1.15 you asked the teacher if you could go to the bathroom and that you do but your also sneaking out so that you could go and see Luke but when you had went and that you didn't see him so you just decided to stay a couple of minutes and then you do go back to class and then you still haven't seen him and then after that class was over and you had to go to advisory and you had waited till you had seen Luke and you had seen him and that you were behind him and since your advisory teacher was dispersed and then you had went and see the teacher who you were dispersed to and you didn't know who the teacher was so you had just went to a different teacher and then you had went to see who Luke was gonna be dispersed to because Luke had him for 7th the teacher you had for advisory and you had went and see who he was dispersed to and then during 7th you had went to  the vending machine to get something to eat because you didn't eat lunch and after you had gotten something from the vending machine and that you were going upstairs and then you had seen Luke and then he had said your name but you don't know why he had said your name and that he had either said it because he was beside his friend because he had his friend with him or because he was walking past you or that he had wanted to talk to you but you don't know why he had said your name and that has been stuck in your mind since and that you have not been able to think straight because you are trying to find out why he had said your name and  then afterword's you had went back to your 7th class and then you had just left the chips there open and then you had went to the gym because you had knew that he was in there and then you were just in the hallway and then you had turn around and that it was your friend and that your friend had scared you and since she's going your going in and when you both are Infront of the stairs and you see him and he sees you and he knows why you are coming in there and before you and your friend had went inside you and him had looked back at each other and then you and your friend had both went in the gym and that you were freaking out in the gym and that you were thinking about him the whole time and for the rest of the day and then after you had left the gym and you had went back to your class and you had started to eat your chips and then you had your head back because you were thinking about it and that you were thing about him and daydreaming about it all and why he had said your name and then the next day on Thursday and after your class and you had seen him after you had gotten your breakfast and when you had turned around and that you had seen him and he had seen you and that you had kept looking back and that the both of you were just looking at each other and then you had went in your class and then during lunch and you had seen him and he had seen you and then when you were talking to your friends and that he had came and throw his tray away and then after that you had looked at him and he had seen you and then he had passed you and your friends and then when he had passed you and then you had gotten up and then you  would have followed because you had wondering where he was going but you had stopped because he had seen you because he had turned around and he had looked and turned around and he had seen you and you had seen him and you both had looked at each other and that he had somehow knew that you would be coming and that's why you had to stop walking when he had turned around and then after you both had  looked at each other and then he had looked away and then you had looked behind you and then you seen that someone was behind you but you didn't know that because you were distracted and that when you had seen him and that you had forgotten about everything and then when he was coming back and that the both of you had looked at each other again and then he was talking to his friend and that you were starring at him when he was talking to his friend and that he had looked at you as well when you weren't looking and that he had stand to where he would see you when he was talking to his friend while he was in the hallway because he had knew  that you were starring at him as well at that neither one of you could keep your eyes off of each other and then after lunch and when lunch was over and you had seen him and he had seen you and that you both had looked at each other and that you had looked at him while you were going to your class and then after that class was over you had seen him and then you didn't seen him during advisory and that you didn't see him after advisory and that he had must have left and then the next day on Friday and that you haven't seen Luke and  that you didn't see him until you were going to your 4th class and he had seen you and then during lunch you and him had both looked at each other and then after lunch was over and when you and him were passing each other and when you were going to your class and he was going to his and then you had seen him and he had seen you and you had both looked at each other and then you had your next class and then you didn't get to see him until you were in the class you were dispersed to because your teacher wasn't there and that you had seen him in there and that you think that he had seen you but you don't know if he did but you think that he did see you and then you and your friend had both went to a different class because of your friend who you used to be friends with because of what happened you and your friend had both went in a different class and that you had almost gotten sick with him in there and then you had went in to a different class and then you had went in the gym to see Luke because that had made you much better and it had made you feel better and put you in a good mood when you had seen him and that you had felt so much better when you had seen him but you don't know if he had seen you you think he had seen you but you don't know if he did or not and then you had went back to class and then after that class you had your next class and then you had seen him when you were going to your next class and he had seen you and that you think that he did see you because of the way he had looked at you when you had seen him and he had seen you when you were going to your class and then you had seen him when you were going to your last class but he didn't see you and that you had seen him  but he did seem like he did see you and  that you are planning on talking to him because you still can't stop thinking about what happened and that you can't think straight and that you keep thing about it and that is all you think about and that you are also wondering why he had said your name and that has you going crazy and that what wanting you to talking to him because of it and that he has been in your head since then and that you haven't been able to stop thinking about it at all and that is why you are planning on talking to him and then the next week on Monday and since you knew that you weren't going to school yet and that you were going to be going in school late because you had a doctor's appointment at 9.15 and so you had to stay home and since you had knew that Luke was gonna come to your gym class because he comes in there every Mondays and that you knew that he was gonna come in there and that you were also planning on talking to him that  Monday morning when he had came to your gym class but since you had a doctor's appointment and that you didn't go back to school until late and that it was about 10.15 when you had went to school and that you were in your 3rd class and that your 1st class was already over and that you were really hoping that you could get there during 1st because you could go upstairs and see Luke but you didn't and then after you had your doctor's appointment and then you had went to school and you had went to the class you are in and then after that class was over and then you could not wait till that class was over so that you could see Luke because you have not see him all day and then during lunch and when you are in the lunch line and then you see him and then he sees you and then he is talking to his friends and that you knew that when he had seen you that he had started smiling and that he was happy to see you and that he was talking to his friends and that when you had seen him and that you had started smiling as well and then you had ate your lunch and then for some reason that one of your friends had told you to stay in the hallway and that you told him that you weren't but you didn't because you had thought that had to do with your other friend but until you had realized that had to do with Luke and then you had asked one of your friends and you could tell because of the looks of his face when you had asked and then you had went and look for Luke and then you had seen that he wasn't in there the room that he always eats in and then you had asked your friend because your friend knows what's going on and what their up to and that it has to do what they are plaining but you don't know what it is and then you asked your friend where he is because he wasn't in there and that you are about to go looking for him and that it is driving you crazy not knowing what it is and then when you see him and then he sees you and then you are walking and then you are almost to the room to where he eats in there and he had went back in there and then your friend had stopped you and told you to turn around because you were gonna go in there and that you were gonna go and asked Luke what was going on and that you know that he would tell you as well and that your friend had stopped you from going in there because he knew that you were gonna go in there and asked him and then after lunch you had seen him and then he had seen you when he was going to his class and then after that class and then your next  class you had waited till you had seen Luke and then you had went in your class and then after that class you had waited till you go to advisory because you don't go to advisory till Luke dose and then you had gotten behind him and that you were freaking out the hell out because you really don't like being behind him because it freaks you out and that your face goes red and that you get really hot and burning up and then after that class and then you see him after school because you had seen him when you were on the bus and then the next day on Tuesday and then you see him during breakfast and then you see him during your 4th class and then during lunch and then you both had both looked at each other during lunch and then you had freaked out about that and then when you were going to your class and he was going to his he was almost there when you were leaving the class he has for 5th because he has that class everyday and that he had almost seen you in he's seat when he had came in there because of how close he was and then after that class was over and you had your next class and then you had waited till you had seen him before you had went in your next class and then you had went to advisory when he had went to advisory and then after that you see that he didn't actually go to advisory because he had thought that he advisory teacher wasn't there but then you had seen him when he was going to his 8th class because for some reason his 8th class was close to you and then when the bell had rang you and him had both seen each other and then when you had seen him and that you were in the rush to get out of the door and that you were also so excited to see him and that he didn't leave and that his 8th class was close to you and then you had gotten behind him and then he had turned around and he had looked because he knew that you were behind him and then he had turned around and then he had gotten behind you and that you knew that he was behind you as well but you didn't turned around because you didn't want to make your face red because you knew that if you did your face would go red and that you had almost had to put your hair up when he was behind you and that you didn't and that you were freaking out when you were on the bus and when you had gotten home and then the next day on Wednesday and then before class had started Luke comes in there and that you knew that he was gonna come in there because you were in there Monday morning but you knew that he was gonna come in there Wednesday morning to see you since you weren't there Monday morning and then the gym teacher had told him to go to class and he had said why and that's why you  know that he would rather be in there with you and that he would like to stay there with you and see you and that he had no other choice but to leave but then you had ran after him and you think that the teacher probably knows about you and Luke since the teacher had seen you ran after him and then after a couple of minutes after he had went back upstairs to his class and then you had went upstairs and see him and then about 9.15 or around that you had went upstairs again and you had went and see him and then you seen him get up and then once you had seen him get up you had ran off and left and that you were in a rush to leave and that you were in a rush to leave and that you had ran off once he had gotten up because you were afraid that he would see you and that you were on the stairs and that you think that he was behind you when you were on the stairs and that he had knew that you were in the hallway and that's the reason that he probably came downstairs or that one of his friends had seen you and then they had told him and then he had decided to come downstairs and then when you had gotten downstairs and you had waited because you knew that it was him coming downstairs and then when he had gotten downstairs he had seen you the minute he had  gotten downstairs so you know for sure that he knew that you were upstairs and that he probably had seen you and then you had seen him and then you had went back in your gym class and that you both had looked at each other and then you had went back in your gym class and that you went back in your gym class because he probably had seen you and that he knew that you were upstairs and that's why you had ran off once you had seen him and once he had seen you and after you both had looked at each other and that you thought that he would come back in there but he didn't because where the gym teacher had told him to go to class and then during lunch you and him both looked at each other when you had passed the class he eats in and then after lunch was over and when you were leaving and he was coming in there and you and him had passed each other when he was coming in the class that you eat in because he has him next after lunch for 5th and then after that class you had waited till you had seen him and then you had went in your class and then during advisory you had gotten behind him during advisory and that you keep getting behind him during advisory and then you didn't see him after advisory and that you didn't see him till after school because you had seen him when you were on the bus and then the next day on Thursday and after your class and you go to breakfast and that he had skipped the line and that he had gotten behind you and that you had looked at him and that he had looked at you and then during lunch you and him had both looked at each other again and when he was leaving the cafeteria he had looked over and he had seen you and then he had went back to the cafeteria and then he had looked back at you and you had looked back at him and that the both of you had looked at each other and that you think that the reason that he had went in the cafeteria was just so that he could see you and be near you and then when he was going back into the room that he eats in and that you had looked over and you were eating and that you had choked because you had seen him and that you had gotten distracted and that you were close on having to get something to drink because you had choked on your food and that you had already drank all of your milk and then when you were going somewhere and you had looked over and you had passed the class he eats and you had looked at him and he had looked at you and that the both of you had looked at each other and then after lunch you see him before your 6th class and then during your 6th you had went to the gym to see him but you didn't see him and that he wasn't there and then you didn't see him during advisory and that you also didn't see him after advisory and that he probably had left and then the next day  on Friday and that day you had to go to your gym class and your class was not the normal class schedule because of the seniors finale's and then you had to go to your gym class and then you had to go to the office and then when you had came back from the office everyone had went outside and that you didn't know where that they were a that it was the best thing because you were all by yourself because you had went upstairs 3 or 4 times to go and see Luke and that both of the teachers weren't there and that it was fun without them but then you had to go back to the office again when they had came back in and then when you had came back from the office again and then you were talking to your friend about Luke and that you were talking about how many times you had went upstairs to see him but then you had looked around and seen that he was in there and then you had ran out in the hallway and then you had seen him and he had seen you in the hallway while you were looking in the gym and then you had went back in the gym and that you had both looked at each other and then when he was leaving and when he was going back to his class and that you were going after him and then one of your friends who is friends with your friends and then she had said his name and then he had looked back and then he had seen you and that you were coming and that he had knew that you were coming and then you had went back in the class and then during lunch you were hiding and avoiding him because of it and then he was going to his class but you didn't see him and that he had seen you and then you had seen him when he had walked past by you and then after that class was over and  then you had seen him when you were going to advisory but he didn't go to his advisory because the advisory  teacher that he has he had him for 5th and we had him before advisory and that was what we had after that class and then after advisory and that you had your 7th class and then in the middle of it all he gets called down to the office and that when he had gotten called down to the office and that you were standing in the hallway waiting for him and that you didn't see him for the rest of the day and that you were going crazy and that you had knew that it was because he was skipping and then the next week on Monday and on Monday you didn't see him until you were going to lunch and that when you had seen him and that you had to hurry up and had ran off to the cafeteria because you had seen him and that you didn't see him for the rest of the day because he has been in ALC because where he was skipping last Friday and then the next day on Tuesday and that you still haven't seen Luke and that during your 1st class and that you go and see him during that class and that you don't get to see him for the rest of the day and that you are hoping that you would see him again during lunch like you did yesterday but you didn't and then during lunch and that you had looked over and that you see him and that he sees you and that he is giving an assignment to an teacher and that you both had looked at each other and then he had to leave and then go back to the ALC room and that you didn't see him at all that day and then the next day on Wednesday and that morning and when you were going to class and that you had seen Luke and that you and your friend were running off on the stairs because of it and then you had spilled your water on your shirt because of it and  then you had an assembly thing and that you had seen him and that you were starring at him the whole entire time and then after it was over and then you had seen him and that he had seen you and that you were in a rust to  hurry up and get to  him and then you had gotten beside him and then he was behind you and then when you had gotten to your gym class and then you had went to take a nap because you had an hour of class left and then you had taken a nap and had fallen asleep and then while you were asleep and that Luke had came in there while you were asleep and then one of your friends had woken you up and had told you and then it had woken you up and then you would have ran in the hallway but then you had talked to them and then one of them had tried to get Luke to come over their and then when he did and once you had seen him get up and that you had ran off and that you had ran off to the girls bathroom and then when you had went back in there for some reason and that they had kept calling you his girlfriend and him your boyfriend and that you didn't know why and that you always will love him no matter what and what happens and that you will always love him and that you know its true love and that you'll love him no matter what happens and that you will always love him because you know that no matter where you are you will love him.

The end.

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