The chair

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"Hey Eteled!" Sam said I watched from behind secretly analyzing Eteled to see if he was a bit weaker today "he is weaker today that's it's good for it's good for you not me..oh come on it's not like he would remember it right..I guess your right but still I'm not hurting him..but I you're not I won't allow can't control me but I can control you" I said muttering laughing slightly at my own stupidity of course I wanted to hurt my murderer "DON'T HURT HIM" I yelled I don't want to hurt him sure he killed me but Henry admitted he was barley sane back then when the wii got unplugged I lost it "fuck it we are making him forget everything" I said running to the chair and hitting Eteled in the head long enough to put him in the electrical chair I taped his mouth shut while he woke up "I told to not hurt him..oh well boo hoo deal with it" I said the wii got plugged in and Eteled woke up a bit before it did get plugged in  I saw Sam "YOU LET HIM GO" Sam yelled at me but I didn't care I turned the dial up and watched Eteled get shocked his screams muffled by the tape "STOP THATS TOTURE!" Sam yelled again "I KNOW IT's actually called electric shock therapy it can make people forget things" I yelled back Sam now noticing two sides of me I turned the dial up again  and Kyle walked into the room "Oh ho what a surprise Kyle coming to delete Eteled?" I said sarcastically said but Kyle responded "I DONT WANT ETELED TO CREATE MORE HARM" Sam pretty much kicked him out and gave him a broken rib I think but then her attention went back to the screen i turned the dial even more as more shocks went heating the wii up and once I was done "you bitch.." I said quietly "the wii will melt in 30 minutes" i said unlocking Eteled and putting the chair back "Now we wait i guess..why did you hurt him when I told you I forgave him?" I said questioning myself "I'll ask again why did you hurt Henry..can't tell you.." i said "SHUT UP" I yelled at myself Eteled came into the hallway for a minute "Sam and I can both hear you yelling are you okay Austin?" He said "haven't heard that name for a minute..our name is now CM you ass shut up let me talk for once" I said "Okay leaving you alone then" Eteled said walking out into the mii channel I coded a pop up that said 'PUT WII IN FREEZER TRUST US -CM' hopefully that message reached Sam cause it's getting blurry in here.

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